Thread Number: 49537
Anyone need any KDI-17 parts?
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Post# 716325   11/19/2013 at 17:35 (3,902 days old) by johnpfoley ()        

I'm retiring a working KDI-17, it was obsolete when I was selling KDI-18s in 1979... The last straw was a combination of the new detergents (no phosphates) and the tankless hot water heater (does not get the water that hot in the winter) so I'm hanging it up. All the switches and electronics are fine, as is the motor, I do not have the top little sprayer (plastic dried out and fell off years ago) but the main wash arm and racks are servicable, the detergent dispenser works fine (i don't have the rinse agent kit in this one). Possibly of interest to someone is that I have the door panel trim kit (It has formica in it that matches my cabinets).

So before I haul it off to the scrap yard (I think I can get about 20 bucks with all the steel in it) I decided to check if anyone wants any trim or electric parts before I toss it.

The console trim is in good shape as are the buttons and handle.

The only non-functional part is the water supply solenoid (drips).

It is in Washington DC if anyone wants to come pick up parts. Or I can ship them.

you can send an email to

Post# 724288 , Reply# 1   1/1/2014 at 11:17 (3,859 days old) by bwjohn04 ()        
Yes I do!!!

Hope you haven't scrapped it yet! I sent you an e-mail from my yahoo account but I'm following up here also just in case my e-mail gets sent to your spam folder. The motor of my KDI-17 went out just this week so I need that most of all. But also might buy any working small parts that would also fit in the same box. Might as well stock up on all the spare parts I might need.


Post# 724348 , Reply# 2   1/1/2014 at 17:03 (3,859 days old) by bmr6969 (columbus ohio)        
17 parts fit 18???

Would the front panels fit an 18? i am in need of front panels

Post# 724453 , Reply# 3   1/2/2014 at 05:25 (3,858 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

I could use the detergent cup activators.

Post# 724539 , Reply# 4   1/2/2014 at 14:50 (3,858 days old) by firedome (Binghamton NY & Lake Champlain VT)        
17 and 18 series front panels...

firedome's profile picture
don't interchange, sorry about that. I wish they did, because I'd love to put the Coppertone panels from our KDI-18 on the KDC-17 in Harvest Gold that we have.

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