Thread Number: 49544
For sale: Maytag HOH Harvest Gold
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Post# 716447   11/20/2013 at 08:20 (4,031 days old) by everythingold (Grand Rapids, Michigan)        

everythingold's profile picture
All of a sudden Harvest Gold is falling from the skies! Still works, has auto dry. Model HDG407. $100.

Post# 716448 , Reply# 1   11/20/2013 at 08:21 (4,031 days old) by everythingold (Grand Rapids, Michigan)        

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Post# 716449 , Reply# 2   11/20/2013 at 08:21 (4,031 days old) by everythingold (Grand Rapids, Michigan)        

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Post# 716450 , Reply# 3   11/20/2013 at 08:24 (4,031 days old) by everythingold (Grand Rapids, Michigan)        

everythingold's profile picture

Post# 716452 , Reply# 4   11/20/2013 at 08:48 (4,031 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        
I have...

toploader55's profile picture
The same Dryer in Electric for Sale.

Post# 716462 , Reply# 5   11/20/2013 at 09:46 (4,031 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

swestoyz's profile picture
This appears to be a DE407, probably one of the most versatile of the 06 series HOH dryers. I wish the TOL models had this much flexibility. I've always wanted to put this timer control in an 806 dryer.


Post# 716562 , Reply# 6   11/20/2013 at 16:13 (4,030 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture

I just scrapped the matching washer with suds saver.

Post# 716580 , Reply# 7   11/20/2013 at 17:04 (4,030 days old) by rustyspaatz ()        

You must have gold fingers, finding all these golden oldies. I just hope you don't encounter golden showers when picky up.

"I just scrapped the matching washer with suds saver."

Gasp, You did what? And you talk about it like that was OK?
Could you have not at least kept the top and the sides?
sigh. What were you thinking man?

Post# 716644 , Reply# 8   11/20/2013 at 21:20 (4,030 days old) by everythingold (Grand Rapids, Michigan)        

everythingold's profile picture
The reality is if no one is interested, they go to the scrap yard. Obviously I strip the parts first, and I bet goarfarmer did too.

Post# 716647 , Reply# 9   11/20/2013 at 21:35 (4,030 days old) by everythingold (Grand Rapids, Michigan)        

everythingold's profile picture
Goatfarmer, sorry.

Post# 716970 , Reply# 10   11/21/2013 at 23:17 (4,029 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
KDG407 HOH Gas Dryer

combo52's profile picture
There really was not much versatility on this dryer even though this was MTs first ever time-temperature auto dry dryer, it still offered NO temperature control, a VERY limited dryness range that could never dry any thing really heavy on the auto cycles, it also had a pathetic 7 minute cool-down on the Perma-Press cycle with no end of cycle bell.

Then consider the small capacity, inconvenient lint filter and a constant burning pilot light wasting gas and destroying the dryer from the inside out.

Then consider the very poor safety design of having only one gas valve that if it should stick open the burner keep burning full force and would turn the dryer into an incinerator. These dryers also had the terrible design flaw that in they were run with a clogged vent or very full lint filter the machine would NEVER SHUT OFF on the auto dry cycles.

When you compare this dryer to what WP, KM, GE and Frigidaire was building in the 70s I would rank this as one of the worst and most dangerous dryers made in this time period.

Post# 716971 , Reply# 11   11/21/2013 at 23:21 (4,029 days old) by Kenmore71 (Minneapolis, MN)        

kenmore71's profile picture

Well, John, thanks for the downer.  You never disappoint when it comes to a Maytag slam!  Nicely done.

Post# 716975 , Reply# 12   11/21/2013 at 23:34 (4,029 days old) by rustyspaatz ()        

Goatfarmer knows I'm kidding.

Obviously he did what he had to do.

He wouldn't take the chance of bragging about the Junking of a classic machine...
and then have to deal with the wrath that would surely EXPLODE from within this group....
that would lead to his expulsion and most likely the affixing of a bounty on his soul.....!

No, It was no big deal. It was nice of him to share that he had HAD a machine, and I'm sure, if the timing were right, he would have gladly shared it.

Post# 716977 , Reply# 13   11/21/2013 at 23:50 (4,029 days old) by rustyspaatz ()        

" of the worst and most dangerous dryers made in this time period"   hmmm...

I'm going to go out on a snarky limb here and say: 


Yeah, but its Harvest Gold.Embarassed and its all shiny and stuff.  And I like the crystal knob.





(Ok, I personally thought the HOH dryers were inconvenient because the filter was at the back, they usually smelled of asbestos and dirty diapers, the capacity was small because they put the fan BEHIND instead of BELOW the drum, and they were scrotum popping  friggin' heavy. but, SHH-hhhh, don't TELL anyone!)




Dryer is PRITTY.   YEP ! Innocent

Post# 717119 , Reply# 14   11/22/2013 at 17:57 (4,028 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

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Can't save 'em all. Limited space and such.


This one needed very little, a set of belts, and it leaked at the air gap. I've offered similar machines on here, and very seldom get a taker. I scrapped the cabinet, saved the console, the transmission is going to fix another one.

Post# 717148 , Reply# 15   11/22/2013 at 20:33 (4,028 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
DG 407 HOH Gas Dryer Correction

combo52's profile picture
I listed the color as avocado K when it was clearly harvest gold so the model should have been HDG407.

Yes sorry for the slightly negative appraisal of this dryer, but remember that I worked for a Maytag Home appliance store in the 70s and we probably sold at least 50 of these dryers I am probably the only one here that has that much first hand experience with this dryer.

Both of my bosses, Bill and Bob were really excited when MT finally offered a simpler auto dry dryer because the HOH Electronic Control dryers were so often a pain in the neck to repairmen to repair and to try to get our customers to accept. And Bill and Bob also liked the constant burning pilot dryers because they were easier to fix. Unfortunately we quickly had lots of problems with the DG-E 407 dryers not ever shutting off or unable to fully dry clothing on the auto cycles.

I am not a MT hater and I have more than 10 pairs of MT laundry appliances in our collection, but I do like to share the good and bad points of the appliances I work with. I am just as quick to point out the faults of WP built appliances and many others. For example WP is currently selling a compact dryer built by Maronie in Italy that makes the MT HOH dryer look like one of the best dryers ever built and if someone came on the site and had found one of these terrible dryers I would share my experiences just as quickly.

John L.

Post# 717458 , Reply# 16   11/24/2013 at 15:41 (4,026 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

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I assume John that you mean Merloni. I don't know where Whirlpool gets that dryer from, but not anymore from Merloni. The company's excistence ended in 2008 due to financial problems.

Post# 717521 , Reply# 17   11/24/2013 at 21:16 (4,026 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
WPs Imported Compact Dryer

combo52's profile picture
It is still made in Italy, Didn't Asko but Merloni ?

Post# 717523 , Reply# 18   11/24/2013 at 21:30 (4,026 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

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No, Merloni owned Asko. Asko is now owned by Gorenje.

Post# 719668 , Reply# 19   12/6/2013 at 20:35 (4,014 days old) by DaveAMKrayoGuy (Oak Park, MI)        
HOH, most dangerous! Asbestos odor--and dirty diapers?

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Were the insulating properties & other workings really that close to the drum area or in its vicinity, and did the smell in there between loads, really resemble Pampers actually HOLDING 40-Actaul Pounds of baby crap?! (Well, I worked in a hospital laundry so the big dryers there, along w/ the gas smell, would easily have that type of odor, and very hard to ever shake off!)

And ASBESTOS? Any likelihood of mesothelioma cases (the latest in lawyers' TV ads!) from this having to be settled in court?!

Most likely the all-porcelain drum & cabinet (or at least top) were what made these machines recommendable (though Charles Klamkin in his book HOW TO BUY MAJOR HOME APPLIAINCES, recommending Maytag as "Best Regardless Of Price" and listed a Norge Electric & Gas model (most likely a Lg. Cap.) probably bought his wife the Norge!

-- Dave

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