Thread Number: 49588
kitchen Aid DW 60's
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Post# 717017   11/22/2013 at 08:03 (3,899 days old) by mopar65 (Almont MI)        

mopar65's profile picture
"It came with the house when it was built. But the lady of the house never used it because she didn't believe in them and washed her dishes by hand. So, it has as best as we can tell, never been used."

CLICK HERE TO GO TO mopar65's LINK on Akroncanton Craigslist

Post# 717030 , Reply# 1   11/22/2013 at 08:59 (3,899 days old) by firedome (Binghamton NY & Lake Champlain VT)        
I believe

firedome's profile picture
that is a KDC-15 Custom, you don't see many of them around. As a fan of BOL KAs I'd like to find a really nice clean one someday. It must be some kind of Puritan hair-shirt hangover, I tend to like the BOL cheap version of good quality things, wish I could still buy a stripper Volvo 140 with rubber floor mats, wind up windows, radio and heater like our first car.

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