Thread Number: 49589
Nice impeller DW!
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Post# 717018   11/22/2013 at 08:10 (3,899 days old) by mopar65 (Almont MI)        

mopar65's profile picture
Very Good condition dishwasher. Nice inside to!

CLICK HERE TO GO TO mopar65's LINK on Pittsburgh Craigslist

Post# 717264 , Reply# 1   11/23/2013 at 11:38 (3,898 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

That style HP dates from 1940.

Post# 717321 , Reply# 2   11/23/2013 at 20:14 (3,897 days old) by akronman (Akron/Cleveland Ohio)        

akronman's profile picture


Post# 719315 , Reply# 3   12/4/2013 at 22:18 (3,886 days old) by dishwashercrazy (West Peoria, IL)        

dishwashercrazy's profile picture

This seller is impossible to deal with, IN MY OPINION. I was in Jeannette on my way through PA, trying to contact the seller, after he had been in contact with me, but stopped communicating for some reason. I wish someone from our group in the Pittsburgh area would attempt to buy this dishwasher for me, and I will gladly pay you for your efforts.


Post# 719380 , Reply# 4   12/5/2013 at 09:16 (3,886 days old) by mopar65 (Almont MI)        

mopar65's profile picture
This is such a nice dishwasher I can try it get ahold of the guy for you Mike. Mike did you get my email?

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