Thread Number: 49632
1975 KitchenAid KDC-17A Free to good home
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Post# 717470   11/24/2013 at 17:00 (3,997 days old) by tfromoregon ()        

This dishwasher works wonderfully a and is being kicked out of our kitchen due to a remodel. We'd love for it to have a happy second life somewhere. Instruction manual included.

We live outside Portland Oregon.

Any takers?

Post# 717509 , Reply# 1   11/24/2013 at 20:09 (3,997 days old) by firedome (Binghamton NY & Lake Champlain VT)        
would love to have that...

firedome's profile picture
we bought the identical KA new in Dec 1974, in that Coppertone color. We recently acquired one in Harvest Gold, but would love the Coppertone panels and the Manual, should it come to that. It's just too far to ship the whole shebang to NY!

Post# 717857 , Reply# 2   11/26/2013 at 13:55 (3,995 days old) by AmyofEscobar (oregon)        

amyofescobar's profile picture
Oh goodness! We live in Hood River and I've been looking and looking for a vintage dishwasher! I even signed up just to make a post about it!

Could I pleeaase have it? *blush*

Post# 717864 , Reply# 3   11/26/2013 at 14:11 (3,995 days old) by Westie2 ()        

I do hope you can get it. Great DW.

Post# 717867 , Reply# 4   11/26/2013 at 14:28 (3,995 days old) by AmyofEscobar (oregon)        

amyofescobar's profile picture
tfromoregon, do you have an upgraded membership? If so, I'll get one too and then send you contact info.

Post# 717885 , Reply# 5   11/26/2013 at 16:34 (3,995 days old) by washdaddy (Baltimore)        

You can tell if a person is an upgraded member by there post. There will be a green circled star next to their screen name when they post something.

Post# 717889 , Reply# 6   11/26/2013 at 16:44 (3,995 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

Amy, check the "free" listings on craigslist if the subject machine isn't under the appliance heading there.  Too bad the OP didn't provide an e-mail address, which seems counterproductive to me.  There's no way for any of us to make contact so you'll have to hope he or she returns here to see if there's anyone interested. 


By the way, the subject machine has only one wash arm, so you will have to load it carefully so as not to obstruct the spray from reaching the upper rack.  Other than that, KitchenAid referred to this model as "A hurricane in a box" so it will do a great job for you if you manage to get it.

Post# 718071 , Reply# 7   11/27/2013 at 12:21 (3,994 days old) by AmyofEscobar (oregon)        
Black Friday...

amyofescobar's profile picture
Me and the husband were going to PDX for some shopping on Friday. That would be a nice time for a hand-off methinks?

Post# 718566 , Reply# 8   11/30/2013 at 12:19 (3,991 days old) by tfromoregon ()        
Oops - I thought I'd get a notice when someone replied..

Mea culpa, Amy & others. I just upgraded my membership. Call (503)490-6982 if you're still interested.


Post# 718589 , Reply# 9   11/30/2013 at 15:50 (3,991 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

Go get it Amy!

Post# 719420 , Reply# 10   12/5/2013 at 12:43 (3,986 days old) by firedome (Binghamton NY & Lake Champlain VT)        
you'll love it...!

firedome's profile picture
just load the lower rack properly and it'll do as good a job as any KA or other dishwasher for that matter... we love our KDC-17, it's our favorite of the 4 KAs we're now down to.

Post# 723610 , Reply# 11   12/29/2013 at 00:46 (3,962 days old) by tfromoregon ()        
Dishwasher mission accomplished!

Amy & her husband picked up the KitchenAid dishwasher, affectionately known as Hobart, a couple of weeks ago.


Post# 723614 , Reply# 12   12/29/2013 at 01:41 (3,962 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

Another happy re-homing courtesy of!

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