Thread Number: 49731
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Post# 718745   12/1/2013 at 21:39 (3,890 days old) by kitty ()        

Does ANYONE have a Maytag twin tub? I'd really like to have one. I would like one close to my area. I saw one in Ohio and the shipping alone would be about $300!

Post# 718748 , Reply# 1   12/1/2013 at 22:45 (3,890 days old) by hippiedoll ( arizona )        
maytag A50 twin tub washer....

hippiedoll's profile picture
hey kitty!!

there's one on ebay right now but it is in illinois. don't know how close that is to you??

here is the ebay link so that you can check it out:

it has one watcher (i wonder if that's you??). if you decide to bid, GOOD LUCK!!!

Post# 718773 , Reply# 2   12/2/2013 at 07:29 (3,889 days old) by kitty ()        

THAT TOP IS UGLY HARVEST GOLD!!! Thanks for posting anyway!

Post# 718947 , Reply# 3   12/3/2013 at 02:02 (3,888 days old) by hippiedoll ( arizona )        
here is another maytag A50

hippiedoll's profile picture
hey kitty!!

here is another maytag A50, maybe closer to you. here is the link:

Post# 718948 , Reply# 4   12/3/2013 at 02:04 (3,888 days old) by hippiedoll ( arizona )        
just a thought here....

hippiedoll's profile picture
hey kitty!!

looking at the picture, i don't know if that 2nd link i just gave you, has the top that is also "harvest gold" or if it is more of an "almond" color. but you can check it out, the starting price is way cheaper on this 2nd one too!!

Post# 720142 , Reply# 5   12/9/2013 at 13:34 (3,882 days old) by kitty ()        

I don't know if I can get the person to ship it for me, and I don't want to drive about 800 miles to get it. Thank you or posting anyway.

Post# 723517 , Reply# 6   12/28/2013 at 09:56 (3,863 days old) by kitty ()        

I recently got one. It is pretty good other than the fact that it has a few parts that are not working. Thank you for your time and help.

Post# 723561 , Reply# 7   12/28/2013 at 17:58 (3,863 days old) by hippiedoll ( arizona )        
ebay listings...

hippiedoll's profile picture

right now, there are maytag A50 parts listed on ebay. maybe you can buy the parts you need that aren't working on your maytag twin tub??? i think the seller is offering "free" shipping??!!??!!

i'll keep my fingers crossed you find what you need for your maytag A50!!!

good luck!!!


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