Thread Number: 49735
Nice Maytag Reverse Rack
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Post# 718767   12/2/2013 at 05:17 (4,088 days old) by chachp (North Little Rock, AR)        

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Here is a nice Maytag with stainless panels.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO chachp's LINK on Shreveport Craigslist

Post# 719518 , Reply# 1   12/5/2013 at 21:41 (4,085 days old) by whirlcool (Just North Of Houston, Texas)        

For a Maytag it looks more like BOL-MOL to me. I would date this as an early 80's machine.

Post# 719523 , Reply# 2   12/5/2013 at 22:59 (4,085 days old) by Kenmore71 (Minneapolis, MN)        

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Yeah, but Maytag RR machines, just like KA machines from the same era, even if one was lower end, they all used the same wash module and basic interior layout.  Yes the higher end machine had more cycle options and perhaps collapsable tines in the racks, but from a performance standpoint they all cleaned the same on the "normal" cycle!


This looks like a WU202 from the late 1980s.

Post# 719525 , Reply# 3   12/5/2013 at 23:20 (4,085 days old) by washer111 ()        

"From a performance standpoint, they all cleaned the same on the "normal" cycle!"


(When your water heater was set north of about 130ºF!).


All jokes aside, these are interesting machines that are very useful for grimy loads with their disposer and 'live' self-cleaning filtration methods. Would be a nice machine for auxiliary usage, I think!

Post# 719526 , Reply# 4   12/5/2013 at 23:22 (4,085 days old) by washer111 ()        
On an Interesting Side Note:

I think this CL poster might deserve a "Bob-Load" certification for the load of dishes that were run through the machine. Seeing that the machine is in such nice condition, they can't be pre-rinsers either!

Post# 719644 , Reply# 5   12/6/2013 at 18:04 (4,084 days old) by washdaddy (Baltimore)        

With that bottom rack loaded like that you would have trouble putting the rack back inside the machine because of the wash tower on the lower wash arm.

Probably loaded up like that for the photo op.

It was a good performer though.

Post# 719663 , Reply# 6   12/6/2013 at 20:21 (4,084 days old) by akronman (Akron/Cleveland Ohio)        

akronman's profile picture
for the record

Post# 719683 , Reply# 7   12/6/2013 at 22:27 (4,084 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
For the other half of the record

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