Thread Number: 498
Brief report on F&P IWL12
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Post# 49082   11/12/2004 at 17:59 (7,196 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
I've had my Intuitive ECO and SmartLoad for a month now. The dryer I've already mentioned, didn't get any responses. :-( Thought I'd throw out some details on the washer.

Maybe I'm easy to please, but I find it to be "smart" and versatile.

The automatic fabric sensing is quite impressive. After settling on a water level, it uses a different agitation stroke to check the fabric. There's an extra little 'push' at the end of the stroke that's part-and-parcel of the fabric sensing. If the fabric is light-weight, that results in a slight "jerk" of the agitator, as if it's slipping a tooth on a gear (which of course it can't do because there are no gears). The greater the "slippage" the lighter the fabric, and gentler agitation results. Thus far I've seen it come up with at least 12 different agitation patterns, as reported by the display. Mild Wash, Mild+ Wash, Easy, Light, Medium, Active, Active+, Firm, Firm+, Strong, etc.

I've found that how clothing is loaded can have an effect on what agitation is selected. For example, wrapping sheets around the agitator gives more 'drag' during sensing and results in a stronger agitation, compared to dropping them in with less wrapping. I suppose that's similar to loading patterns on vintage Frigidaires causing more or less tangling.

The separate Handwash setting is VERY gentle.

Per conversion of the °C temps stated in the NZ-version user guide, target wash temperatures are --
Cold = tap cold
Cold+ = controlled to ~68°F (the US user guide says above 60°F/20°C)
Warm/Cold = ~95°F (confirmed measured flowing in)
Warm = ~104°F (I've measured 115°F flowing in, but results in about 105°F in the wash basket)
Warm/Hot = ~122°F (measured 125°F flowing in)
Hot = 140°F depending on the water heater setting

Further, there is an option to adjust the temps by +/- 6°F in 2°F increments. Thus Warm/Cold has a potential range of 89°F to 101°F.

The graphics on the display are cute and entertaining. Power-on welcomes the user with a smiley-face that has blinking eyes!

The EcoActive detergent spray seems quite effective.

A complaint with the GWL11 EcoSmart is inability to get a full-fill hot wash without going through additional programming. The IWL12 has a separate option to select a "Traditional" deep wash at the selected temperature.

The LifeCycle selections provide various programmed combinations of EcoActive and deep wash temperatures, prewash and/or soak, extra rinses, and agitation speed or water level in some cases. I tried the Family/Allergy selection on sheets -- Hot EcoActive, Warm/Hot deep wash, medium/high soil level, and longer rinses. Temperature, wash time, and any other available parameter can be adjusted after making the specific LifeCycle selection, but they can't be saved as a permanent change to it.

The Creasables option appears to increase water usage by one level higher than what would ordinarily be used. After the EcoActive phase, settling on an initial water level and fabric sensing, it seems to always then fill one level higher before continuing on with the deep wash. Agitation action is also gentler.

I do have to say that the SmartDrive motor operational sounds are much different than my GWL08. It has a sort of squeeky/rubbery sound when agitating, that I must admit could be irritating to someone sensitive to it, depending on the accoustics of the installation location.

Post# 49090 , Reply# 1   11/12/2004 at 18:51 (7,196 days old) by Pulsator (Saint Joseph, MI)        
Fisher & Paykel Intuitive, SmartLoad

pulsator's profile picture
Wow! I wish I had waited to get that set! My mom needed a washer and dryer right then and there though. Can we have some films? Perhaps we should also start doing a string of modern DVD's. That could be really fun. That way if we were going to get a machine we would be able to see a test wash first and see which we like best!

Post# 49098 , Reply# 2   11/12/2004 at 20:54 (7,195 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Glenn, fascinating!!!!

Post# 49108 , Reply# 3   11/13/2004 at 00:21 (7,195 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        
F & P videos

Hey Jamie, check out Thread 108 in the Deluxe forum Post#45467. There are links there to videos of this machine. I have watched them all. Very interesting and Fun to watch.

I really enjoyed the videos Glenn, Thanks for sharing them.

Post# 49111 , Reply# 4   11/13/2004 at 02:17 (7,195 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Thanks for the comments regarding videos! Those are of my GWL08. I haven't yet posted any videos of the IWL12. :-)

Post# 49116 , Reply# 5   11/13/2004 at 08:04 (7,195 days old) by laundramatt (Youngstown, Ohio)        

How do you access thread 108? It shows up near the bottom of the Deluxe board, in red. You can't click on it. Yet, if you look for it in the archives, it isn't there. MUST... SEE... VIDEOS..., I AM STARVED FOR WASHER VIDEOS....

Post# 49117 , Reply# 6   11/13/2004 at 11:14 (7,195 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        
A link to videos

Hi Matt!

Try this link and see if it takes you to thread 108. Hope it works. Glenn has uploaded lots of videos of his GWL08 there.......FUN FUN FUN.


Post# 49168 , Reply# 7   11/14/2004 at 16:33 (7,194 days old) by laundramatt (Youngstown, Ohio)        

That worked fine, Tom. Thanks, this is so interesting!

Post# 49171 , Reply# 8   11/14/2004 at 19:10 (7,194 days old) by gregm ()        

I found the F&P comments very interesting, I came very close to buying a used one but decided to wait whereas space is my enemy.

Post# 49176 , Reply# 9   11/14/2004 at 19:54 (7,193 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
Thanks for the update Glenn, it sounds like this washer is almost too smart for the average user. ;-) I was particularly interested in the temperature adjustments that can be made. I think that feature is one of those that is of little value to some and significant to others - like us! It would be fun to play with for sure. Is the agitator the same in this washer as your '08 series? I saw pieces of an F&P behind a store one night, but not enough to make a whole machine. What are your cycle times running for average loads?

Post# 49215 , Reply# 10   11/15/2004 at 12:57 (7,193 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
I find this a very interesting washer. A very modern toploader, I love the features you mention. I hope to read more about your experiences!

Post# 49990 , Reply# 11   11/27/2004 at 17:13 (7,181 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Load of casuals. Mix of mine and the grandmother's.

Post# 49991 , Reply# 12   11/27/2004 at 17:15 (7,181 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
IWL12 loaded.

Post# 49994 , Reply# 13   11/27/2004 at 17:16 (7,181 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Filling for EcoActive wash phase.

Post# 49995 , Reply# 14   11/27/2004 at 17:17 (7,181 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
EcoActive wash.

Post# 49997 , Reply# 15   11/27/2004 at 17:18 (7,181 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
EcoActive spray.

Post# 49998 , Reply# 16   11/27/2004 at 17:20 (7,181 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Action shot.

Post# 49999 , Reply# 17   11/27/2004 at 17:28 (7,181 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
I love the last action shot!! Thank you for sharing these pictures with us.

Post# 50000 , Reply# 18   11/27/2004 at 17:37 (7,181 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Post# 50006 , Reply# 19   11/27/2004 at 21:00 (7,180 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
So cool. thanks for all the new pics Glenn. That load of casuals looks pretty large, I'm amazed.

Post# 50014 , Reply# 20   11/28/2004 at 01:17 (7,180 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
Cool videos, I like the slow stirring of the handwash cycle.

Post# 50017 , Reply# 21   11/28/2004 at 07:50 (7,180 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

Thankyou so much for sharing! The more I know about that F & P Washer , the more I like it.I really like the ability to get a 1000 RPM spin (which, by the way, the new Consumer Reports Buying Guide for 2005 fails to mention!) Just to open the lid and look at it seems like the capacity is smaller than say a Amanatag, or my 1-18. Maybe an illusion, but it looks like it would be very tight to get the same queen-size comforter in an F&P that easily fits in my Maytag 806, or the 1-18. Anyway, I do believe if I were to go out and purchase a NEW T/L it would be a F&P. Thanks again for sharing! -Steve

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