Thread Number: 49828
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Post# 719805   12/7/2013 at 16:04 (3,884 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

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Post# 719807 , Reply# 1   12/7/2013 at 16:07 (3,884 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        
WCI Kelvy washer and HP dryer

whirlykenmore78's profile picture

YUCK!  Absolute garbage!  Avoid them both at all costs.



Post# 719826 , Reply# 2   12/7/2013 at 17:34 (3,884 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

danemodsandy's profile picture
Garlic and a crucifix, quick!

Post# 719830 , Reply# 3   12/7/2013 at 17:58 (3,884 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

cleanteamofny's profile picture
Yep lets keep it moving......

Post# 719846 , Reply# 4   12/7/2013 at 19:21 (3,884 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
That dryer is produced by Frigidaire!!!

Post# 719856 , Reply# 5   12/7/2013 at 20:00 (3,883 days old) by DaveAMKrayoGuy (Oak Park, MI)        
KAL-vinator, is correct!!!!

daveamkrayoguy's profile picture
I see there's an "unintentional misspelling", only it SHOULD be INTENTIONAL!!!!

Then again, if only everything, from the under the lid, on down, COULD match that control board!!!!

-- Dave

Post# 719913 , Reply# 6   12/8/2013 at 10:26 (3,883 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Something not particular to any one brand, but something I have never seen when there are markings for "energy savings" by settings on washer control panels is that normal speed spin is never marked for energy savings when it is important when clothes are dryer-dried. Granted, there are cases with very delicate fabrics or something that needs as few wrinkles spun into it as possible, but by and large, the better extraction you can get out of the washer, the more energy you will save. Even permanent press, if dryer dried can be spun at regular speed. The water-thirsty, slow spinning Wash 'n Wear cycles of old are not needed when no-iron fabrics are finished in a dryer. For years, I washed my no-iron shirts in a Frigidaire Unimatic and they came out of the Filtrator dryer looking like new.

Post# 720282 , Reply# 7   12/10/2013 at 02:53 (3,881 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

"Replaced with coin operated machines" could these machines been used in an apartment house basement-if so---probably worn out for the price.AVOID!!!These would in all sadness-be candidates for the krusher.

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