Thread Number: 49842
Center dial MT A806 in Mpls
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Post# 720003   12/8/2013 at 19:44 (3,883 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        

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Post# 720010 , Reply# 1   12/8/2013 at 19:55 (3,882 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        
It looks beautiful

rp2813's profile picture

And it's an absolute steal!

Post# 720213 , Reply# 2   12/9/2013 at 16:31 (3,882 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        
Eeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk !!!!!!!!!!!!!

toploader55's profile picture
In the garage ? With those cold temperatures ?

Hope they drained the fill valve and drained the pump.

Post# 720226 , Reply# 3   12/9/2013 at 17:44 (3,882 days old) by Kenmore71 (Minneapolis, MN)        

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Meh.  I've never run across a poly pump OR a nylon fill valve (that was disconnected) that was cracked because of freezing.  And, for that matter, ice actually contracts every so slightly as it gets colder.  The expansion properties of water freezing into ice does its worst damage right at 32 degrees F. 


The only pumps that could really be damaged by freezing are those made out of aluminum or pot metal.

Post# 720241 , Reply# 4   12/9/2013 at 19:34 (3,882 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

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I'm sure Mark remembers a Waterloo visit, where we found an early 90's Maytag behind Menards, in the middle of winter. After letting it thaw, the pump and valve were fine.

I have seen water valves split, but never a Maytag poly pump.

This would be a great washer for someone in the Twin Cities area!


Post# 720276 , Reply# 5   12/10/2013 at 00:43 (3,881 days old) by washer111 ()        

Where is Robert?

Perhaps there is some room in his basement for this!

Post# 720376 , Reply# 6   12/10/2013 at 13:55 (3,881 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        
Freezing Pumps and Valves.

toploader55's profile picture
About 4-5 years ago there was a KDS18 for free. I contacted the seller and asked if they would put the machine out in the morning

Her son put it out the night before and I ended up with a split fill and drain valve.

Hence the Eeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkk !!!

Post# 720402 , Reply# 7   12/10/2013 at 16:06 (3,881 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

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Post# 720403 , Reply# 8   12/10/2013 at 16:09 (3,881 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Where is Robert? -- Perhaps there is some room in his basement for this!

Oh she's right here and no, there is no more room at the inn!


Post# 720404 , Reply# 9   12/10/2013 at 16:17 (3,881 days old) by Kenmore71 (Minneapolis, MN)        

kenmore71's profile picture

Yeah, same deal here.  If I were a true newbie I MIGHT find room for this nice orphan.  However, I have already pimped out my 1967 A806 (after I fully restored it) to my brother and sister-in-law (replacing an Atlantis).  Anyone……..Bueller????

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