Thread Number: 49963
Mid 1950s GE Wonder Kitchen, Turquoise Aqua Enamel/Stainless Steel
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Post# 721562   12/17/2013 at 01:29 (3,874 days old) by xpanam (Palm Springs California )        

xpanam's profile picture
OK! Hold on to your hats, 10 Grand? They don't even provide enough quality pictures! And the washer is not original.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO xpanam's LINK on eBay

Post# 721566 , Reply# 1   12/17/2013 at 01:40 (3,874 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        

Has had their egg nog early!!LOL

Post# 721568 , Reply# 2   12/17/2013 at 01:46 (3,874 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

Just WHAT was in their eggnog?Neat kitchen--but NOT for 10grand.Well,at least they are not dumpstering it.

Post# 721569 , Reply# 3   12/17/2013 at 01:47 (3,874 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        
Washer is not original

rp2813's profile picture

It sure isn't, and neither is the fridge or freezer.  I spotted the freezer as a Wards Tru-Cold immediately.  The interior looks identical to the '61 Tru-Cold in my basement. 


The seller's "GE Wonder Kitchen" description borders on false advertising.  I guess that's nothing unusual on eBay or Craigslist.

Post# 721584 , Reply# 4   12/17/2013 at 06:50 (3,874 days old) by turquoisedude (.)        

turquoisedude's profile picture
Yikes! Good luck with that!! It'd have to be brand-new-in-the-original-cartons to command a price like that.

Post# 721603 , Reply# 5   12/17/2013 at 10:22 (3,874 days old) by NYCWriter ()        
You never know ...

Folks like me would see that and think "Only ten grand?? I'll take it!"

You never know who's out there and what kind of premium they'll place on it.

Myself, I'm looking for a mint condition double-oven (something like the photo below, only GAS, not electric). And frankly, adding in shipping costs (I'd send my own mover that's used to moving pianos and antiques), depending on its condition, I'd be willing to pay up to $10,000.

Post# 721606 , Reply# 6   12/17/2013 at 10:38 (3,874 days old) by firedome (Binghamton NY & Lake Champlain VT)        
Well I'Il go

firedome's profile picture
what P.T.Barnum allegedly said.

Post# 721687 , Reply# 7   12/17/2013 at 18:34 (3,874 days old) by washdaddy (Baltimore)        

I think the seller was perhaps a little "0" crazy when they posted.

Post# 721801 , Reply# 8   12/18/2013 at 10:15 (3,873 days old) by ken (NYS)        
Makes me think

ken's profile picture
of the scene in Gone with the Wind where Scarlett's house servant Pork informs her she needs $300.00 to pay the back taxes on Tara. She tells him to stir the soap she's making while she goes to ask Ashley about the money. After walking away he says "asking ain't gettin".

This post was last edited 12/18/2013 at 12:03
Post# 721831 , Reply# 9   12/18/2013 at 13:16 (3,873 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        
Makes me think

rp2813's profile picture

Get the money or it's curtains for Tara.


Or do I have that backwards?

Post# 721846 , Reply# 10   12/18/2013 at 14:34 (3,873 days old) by ken (NYS)        
I think

ken's profile picture
you have the cart before the horse.

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