Thread Number: 50019
"Never Used" GE Dishwasher
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Post# 722295   12/21/2013 at 05:32 (3,870 days old) by washer111 ()        

Model GSD2200. Looks like it would be worth the effort!

Post# 722351 , Reply# 1   12/21/2013 at 12:26 (3,870 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        

toploader55's profile picture
I used the 2800 on board a 100' Broward Motor Yacht back in 1987.

What a Great Dishwasher.

Someone down that way should grab this. You won't be disappointed. (I never was). And Yup...even the glasses in the corners of the top rack came out nice.

Post# 722363 , Reply# 2   12/21/2013 at 14:49 (3,870 days old) by GadgetGary (Bristol,CT)        

gadgetgary's profile picture
I believe the wash system was different in the 2200 from the 1200 and 2800. My cousin had this dw and no way compared to my 2800.

Post# 722381 , Reply# 3   12/21/2013 at 15:32 (3,870 days old) by bwoods ()        
main difference

The main difference between the 2200 and the 2800, besides the cycles is that the 2200 did not have the passive food filtration system.

It was still an awesome machine!! The 2800 was even more awesome.

As toploader says, the GE Towerwash washes just as thoroughly in the corners as any other location in the top rack unlike some other dishwashers.

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