Thread Number: 50038
Kenmore dishwasher
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Post# 722583   12/22/2013 at 19:51 (3,869 days old) by xpanam (Palm Springs California )        

xpanam's profile picture

Post# 722614 , Reply# 1   12/22/2013 at 20:59 (3,869 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
Looks like!

My Mother and Aunt decorated that kitchen..GREEN!!!

Post# 724081 , Reply# 2   12/31/2013 at 11:49 (3,860 days old) by dpritz (Atlanta)        
Got It

I picked this up this morning its in OK shape the dude was not careful removing it as you can see from the bottom left corner he also destroyed the bottom cover :( It need a few parts and I haven't hooked it up yet for a test run. I'm sure I will have some more question for yall later ( this is my first vintage DW) but for now here are some interior shots

Post# 724082 , Reply# 3   12/31/2013 at 11:49 (3,860 days old) by dpritz (Atlanta)        
more picts


Post# 724084 , Reply# 4   12/31/2013 at 11:50 (3,860 days old) by dpritz (Atlanta)        


Post# 724085 , Reply# 5   12/31/2013 at 11:51 (3,860 days old) by dpritz (Atlanta)        
last one


Post# 724108 , Reply# 6   12/31/2013 at 15:38 (3,860 days old) by roto204 (Tucson, AZ)        

roto204's profile picture
I would not have pegged that for a Roto-Rack. Congratulations, it's a beaut! Those D&M bottom panels are pretty interchangeable, so it's more a matter of finding an avocado one for you.

Post# 724165 , Reply# 7   12/31/2013 at 17:55 (3,860 days old) by verizonbear (Glen Burnie )        
no spray tube?

verizonbear's profile picture
did not see a spray tube for the upper rack?

Post# 724168 , Reply# 8   12/31/2013 at 18:29 (3,860 days old) by dpritz (Atlanta)        
spray tube

Its in the back ill take a picture tomorrow. Happy New Year Everybody

Post# 724184 , Reply# 9   12/31/2013 at 20:14 (3,860 days old) by appnut (TX)        
Upper rack spray tube

appnut's profile picture
Yu can barely see the tip of it in reply #3 photo. And I'm like you Nate, I would have never pegged this as a roto rack. I had it down as the first version of the rectangular upper rack.

Post# 724185 , Reply# 10   12/31/2013 at 20:19 (3,860 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
Looks Like....

danemodsandy's profile picture
An interesting late-'60s Kenmore gas range next to the dishwasher!

Post# 724207 , Reply# 11   12/31/2013 at 22:33 (3,860 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        
Cover was deceiving

ovrphil's profile picture
I'm surprised, too - a roto-rack! The cover hid the contents well. Congrats!

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