Thread Number: 50041
Early 1950's Frigidaire model WO-65-2 clothes washer
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Post# 722602   12/22/2013 at 20:32 (3,868 days old) by thambach ()        

Hi all,

I came across a Frigidaire WO 65 2 in a garage and would like to sell it rather than scrap it. The sheet metal seems to be in great shape. The other metal parts need some TLC to look nice though. It appears to be complete. I do not know if it works, but without a doubt it will need a good cleaning. I would love to fully restore it, but appliances are not my gig, I'm more of an internal combustion guy. Anyone think there's a market for something like this, or would I be better off hauling it to the scrap yard?

I posted it to Craigslist, we'll see if there's a response. I need to clean up the exterior so I can take some more pictures, but my free time is limited.

Thanks for any thoughts.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO thambach's LINK on Stlouis Craigslist

Post# 722624 , Reply# 1   12/22/2013 at 21:13 (3,868 days old) by stan (Napa CA)        

stan's profile picture
Think someone here would be interested. It may help for you to post a couple more pics, maybe the control panel tub shot ect. If someone here wants it, it will more than likely be repaired (if necessary) and for sure will go to a good home.

Post# 722641 , Reply# 2   12/22/2013 at 22:10 (3,868 days old) by Travis ()        

I sent an email. I have another WO65-2 in the garage that needs parts.

Post# 722643 , Reply# 3   12/22/2013 at 23:02 (3,868 days old) by washdaddy (Baltimore)        

Someone here will more than likely express an interest in it. You definitely need more shots besides just the mfg. tag. Overall shot, the console and a tub shot of the inside would be helpful.

Post# 722662 , Reply# 4   12/23/2013 at 05:21 (3,868 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture

There ya go, Travis!

Post# 722679 , Reply# 5   12/23/2013 at 10:30 (3,868 days old) by mrbubs ()        

Do you have more photos?

Post# 723308 , Reply# 6   12/26/2013 at 23:07 (3,864 days old) by thambach ()        

Adding some pictures. It could still use some more clean-up.

Post# 723309 , Reply# 7   12/26/2013 at 23:08 (3,864 days old) by thambach ()        

More pics

Post# 723310 , Reply# 8   12/26/2013 at 23:10 (3,864 days old) by thambach ()        


Post# 723311 , Reply# 9   12/26/2013 at 23:17 (3,864 days old) by thambach ()        


Post# 723373 , Reply# 10   12/27/2013 at 11:27 (3,864 days old) by Travis ()        

Very nice. I'll be going to pick it up Sunday.

Post# 723411 , Reply# 11   12/27/2013 at 15:24 (3,864 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        

christfr's profile picture
oh travis you little shit...

Post# 723428 , Reply# 12   12/27/2013 at 16:23 (3,864 days old) by Travis ()        

Yes, feel free to come over and help me get one running.

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