Thread Number: 50120
1956 GE Deluxe Liberator Range - $100.00 - Clifton Park, NY
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Post# 723377   12/27/2013 at 12:04 (3,864 days old) by ken (NYS)        

ken's profile picture
This looks nice. It would originally also had the meat probe that plugged in inside the large oven.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO ken's LINK on Albany Craigslist

Post# 723407 , Reply# 1   12/27/2013 at 14:53 (3,864 days old) by chachp (North Little Rock, AR)        
A blast from the past.

chachp's profile picture
My Mom has a stove in her basement (Yeah we're Italian with the full kitchen in the basement LOL!!) that I think is a Hotpoint but it looks almost identical to this one. Her's is from about 1956 or so and it has the thermometer, griddle, the back left burner is one that recesses and has a pan that fits inside. It also has a rotisserie in the right hand oven. As far as I know she still has all the parts and pieces and I think it's fully operational except for the clock and timer.

If this one is like hers those sets of buttons light up in different colors to indicate how hot the setting is. She still uses it as an overflow oven although she doesn't entertain as much as she used to since we are all moved away.

She bought that stove when she remodeled the kitchen when we lived in New York. It was paired with a Youngstown top loading dishwasher and GE refrigerator. That refrigerator died about ten years ago. That stove and frig moved with us through six houses. I sure would hate to be the ones who had to move those beasts up and down the basement stairs.

When we she is gone and we sell this house it will stay with it unless someone wants the stove because I'm not gonna pay someone to move it. It has some sentimental value but I don't have anyplace for it.

Post# 723416 , Reply# 2   12/27/2013 at 15:36 (3,864 days old) by ken (NYS)        

ken's profile picture
You should consider keeping it.

Post# 723419 , Reply# 3   12/27/2013 at 15:52 (3,864 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
I've Always Wondered....

danemodsandy's profile picture
....How purchasers of the '56 reacted when they saw the '57, which was so much more modern-looking, glamorous and "space-age" in every respect.

I remember one of my relatives who would not buy a GM product, because he'd purchased a 1954 Chevrolet Bel Air - a stodgy, bulbous design - and only a couple of weeks later, saw the sleek, all-new '55. He went back to the dealership, cussed out the salesman and never, ever considered a GM product again.

Post# 723500 , Reply# 4   12/28/2013 at 06:42 (3,863 days old) by chachp (North Little Rock, AR)        
I just don't have anyplace for it.

chachp's profile picture
I figured I would offer it to someone on here when the time comes. They can have it as long as they can get it out. My Mom has been in that house for 44 years so i don't recall them bringing it in but I can't imagine trying to get it up those steps.

Sandy your comment above reminded me of what it must have been like to invest a lot of money in one of those front loading Hotpoint dishwashers where the upper and lower racks were connected and the bottom needed to be loaded from the top. Then a few years later to have them come out with one that has the separately sliding racks like we are used to today. I would have been pissed because I suspect a dishwasher back then was a major investment for middle class folks.

Post# 723506 , Reply# 5   12/28/2013 at 08:06 (3,863 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Back then, middle class folk did not have dishwashers. Believe me when I tell you that most people who bought a dishwasher in those days had help. The dishwasher was used by the help and by the family on the day when the help was off. Most people who bought the dishwahser did not keep up with the latest improvements. It was there, for better or worse, until it or the owner died. The people we knew who had dishwashers in the early to mid 50s were very well off. One family had a full time maid who arrived before breakfast and left after dinner. That was the family with the APEX and the wife was an heiress. The family in Ottawa, IL lived in a huge place with a circular drive. The entry hall had a fountain in the bend in the staircase. They had the Thor and a full time maid, the first black person my four year old self had ever met. The patriarch had a driver. The only 1940s Hotpoint I ever saw in a home was in an almost castle-like place in Atlanta. The couple with the GE electric sink also had a Frigidaire 40" range with the thinner round pre-1949 surface units so they put them in the house when they bought it shortly after they married. She was from a wealthy real estate family in Columbia, SC.

Post# 723548 , Reply# 6   12/28/2013 at 16:06 (3,863 days old) by firedome (Binghamton NY & Lake Champlain VT)        

firedome's profile picture
that '56 TOL Hotpoint range of your Grandmother's is a wonderful range, I cook on mine everyday, has all the rare options and accessories also... is your white or in color? Where in NY is it?

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