Thread Number: 503
Memo to "petebldg9"
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Post# 49127   11/13/2004 at 17:29 (7,195 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

Hi! I have just read one of your posts where you make mention of having a copy of an original Maytag Repair-Master. I have been looking for a copy for quite some time now with no luck. Could I impose on you to have a copy made for me. I will be happy to pay you for your trouble, or, if I may "borrow" it for a few days I can have it copied here as I have someone who does a great job. I would be most grateful. -Steve

Post# 49194 , Reply# 1   11/15/2004 at 07:00 (7,193 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

Hi! If anyone else has a copy of this Repair-Master would you please consider the same request discussed in the previous post? Many thanks! -Steve

Post# 49197 , Reply# 2   11/15/2004 at 08:15 (7,193 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

Hey Steve,

I have a Repair-Master for the Maytag washer. If you like, I can mail it to you to copy.Email me with your address and I will send it.


Post# 49210 , Reply# 3   11/15/2004 at 11:35 (7,193 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
I see these on ebay all the time... I would disregard this one I have linked - $82 is just lunacy, but I think the seller is hopped up on goof balls as I've seen other books for ridiculous prices from them before.

I actually have extras of some of these Repair Master manuals for various brands, if anyone needs one, email me and they're yours!

CLICK HERE TO GO TO gansky1's LINK on eBay

Post# 49235 , Reply# 4   11/15/2004 at 20:05 (7,193 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        
Memo to Coldspot66

I just want to thank you so much for your kind offer to lend me your Maytag Repair-Master to copy. In the time since I had last checked these posts I have already made arrangements with another member to borrow one to copy. I really appreciate your response and kindness. If there is ever anything I can help you out with just let me know. Best wishes--Steve

Post# 49301 , Reply# 5   11/16/2004 at 19:32 (7,192 days old) by petebldg9 ()        

Steve - sorry I didn't reply sooner. I'm glad you have a copy coming to you, and good luck with your repair(s). Based on another member's reply, my A208 appears to have been made in 1976. I'm not sure if the manual covers that model, but if yours is earlier, it will probably suit you perfectly.


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