Thread Number: 50415
Preference of Gas or Electric ranges?
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Post# 726291   1/8/2014 at 22:07 (3,783 days old) by dustin92 (Jackson, MI)        

As is being discussed in the "Few Gas ranges in Canada?" thread, what is your preference for cooking fuel? I learned to cook on a gas range, but we now have a coil top electric range, and as far as cooking goes, I have to say I prefer electric. As far as baking goes, the electric is far more even, and it heats up extremely fast. I have to say I love the self cleaning oven as well. The top burners are great, at least after I got used to them, and again, it heats up far faster than gas. I have never seen a pot of water come up to a boil this fast, but woe to anyone who tries to cook in a warped or bent pan- two words "Ain't Happening!" I guess gas is better in that respect, but it heats the air more than the actual pan, thus heating the kitchen faster. I guess I can add another point to gas- the ability to function without power. We do have a gas range downstairs, but it serves more purpose as a dust collector than a cooking appliance, occasionally I will use the oven (mostly on holidays), but I can count on one hand the number of times the cooktop has been used in 1 1/2 years. If we ever lose power it could come in handy, but then again, so would the wood stove. What is YOUR preference and why?

Post# 726293 , Reply# 1   1/8/2014 at 22:18 (3,783 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
I have used both...

My old electric Norge is fine, but for absolute best baking I will take gas anyday, the only down side of a gas range is the top burners usually will not turn low enough for a true simmer, especially the newer ranges, the old ones with center simmer burners are fine.

Post# 726304 , Reply# 2   1/8/2014 at 22:39 (3,783 days old) by warmsecondrinse (Fort Lee, NJ)        

I'd take gas if I had to pick one. Several times in my life I've gone a week+ without electricity and I've learnt that I can handle lack of heat, reading by candle light, etc. PROVIDED I have my hot shower and coffee in the morning. A stove that functions without electricity is a must, as is a gas hot water heater. 90% of my cooking experience has been with gas. Coil-type electric burners do not impress me. However, I've heard many enticing things about induction burners...

So, along with my great-grandmother's wood/gas stove, my dream kitchen would include a 2 burner induction unit in the counter and an Advantium oven to experiment with.

My laundry room would have one gas dryer and one electric as I've lost my gas before while the electricity stayed on.

Post# 726307 , Reply# 3   1/8/2014 at 22:51 (3,783 days old) by zipdang (Portland, OR)        

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The arrangement I'm most used to is a gas hob and an electric wall oven, although we've had an all-gas 36" wide range for almost four years and it's been my favorite thus far. The moist heat of the oven bakes beautifully. I could live with an electric oven again if I had to, but the hob/cooktop definitely has to be gas. Things just don't cook up as well for me on electric surfaces.

Post# 726308 , Reply# 4   1/8/2014 at 22:54 (3,783 days old) by vintagekitchen ()        

I grew up with the choice of electric or wood, depending on the season and which relative I was staying with at the time, so I suppose I am biased.

The times I have lived somewhere with gas, I always hated it. The cabinets walls and ceilings in the kitchen got dirty faster, the bottoms of the pans got dirty, and there was always a light scent when the gas was burning, I hated that smell, it threw me off on smelling food to see how it was coming along, especially baked goods. Not to mention having no storage drawer for cookware, because that's where the broiler was, and a mighty inconvenient spot for it too I will say. And to a boy who grew up and learned to cook depending on residual heat to finish cooking after the burner was off, and counting on the slow build to heat when the burner was turned on, the instant on or off of gas was a nuisance.

I will say, credit where credit is due, a gas stove is a handy thing when the power is out, but it's not so handy sitting there all summer with the pilot lights cranking out heat. A propane camp stove in the back of my pantry fulfills the same emergency use a gas stove would, and allows me to cook on cool clean electric year round. ( and yes I stole the phrase "cool clean electric" from the old reddy kilowatt campaigns. Anyone remember him? Lol)

My best guess is, nearly everyone is going to prefer whichever cooking fuel they grew up using. Nothing else seems "right". Since normal is a relative thing, our expectations for a cooking fuel are dependant on our experiences as to what we view as "normal".

Post# 726309 , Reply# 5   1/8/2014 at 23:01 (3,783 days old) by JeffG ()        

We went through this recently for our last stove purchase.

The bottom line is, for most general purposes I can't handle anything other than flame on a stovetop. Electric excels at a few things like low-temp simmering but not much else. In fact in our family anything other than fire for cooking was considered more heating of food than cooking.

Also imo it's telling that in the thousands of homes we've seen on real estate searches over the years, exactly one with an asking price over $1M had an electric stovetop instead of gas. So apparently fire is the only game in town for serious cooking, although some electric flavors (induction, radiant etc) have their uses.. Our last house had a radiant stovetop, it was one of the biggest fire traps I've ever seen (the top was perfectly smooth, not good for bumped pans :) but it had excellent low-temp simmering, as good or better than coils.

As for ovens imo nobody can credibly deny the physics of even baking: electric coils are larger and more spread out than gas burners, and operate at lower temps. Therefore the heat supplied will be more even. The only way gas can compete is with convection. But for a broiler, which at least in this house is used as much or more than the oven, again imo nothing compares to gas.

Post# 726327 , Reply# 6   1/9/2014 at 00:50 (3,783 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

I can use either-fine for me.Have used both.

Post# 726329 , Reply# 7   1/9/2014 at 01:12 (3,783 days old) by ultramatic (New York City)        

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I prefer gas. Hubby electric. BUT, since I do  the cooking...Wink

Post# 726335 , Reply# 8   1/9/2014 at 01:58 (3,783 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
Re Gas oven...

I have never understood why a gas oven gets poor reviews, my experience has been overall more even baking, now I really dont have a opinion on the broiler, I dont broil anything because I dont want to clean up the mess!LOL..I bet the broiler in my Norge has never been turned on.

Post# 726343 , Reply# 9   1/9/2014 at 04:02 (3,783 days old) by JeffG ()        

I think most broilers go either completely or almost completely unused today. Not sure why, I mean compared to baking it's often less than half the time (no preheating) and results are much tastier, at least with fish or chicken filets, veggies etc. As for cleanup tin foil is about as easy as it gets. :)

Post# 726346 , Reply# 10   1/9/2014 at 04:20 (3,783 days old) by Intuitive (Inner West, Sydney Australia. )        
Gas Vs Electric

I have the best of both worlds... Fisher & Paykel Gas cook top with seprate F & P under bench electric oven that has in oven grill (broiler). The cooktop/ oven configuration is now really popular in Aust now. Natural gas is the norm for most modern apartments in city areas for cooktops & water heating. Electric storage water heaters are being phased out of use.

I would use the grill about one or two times a year but is good for quick top browning/ crisping up.

Gas is the best for pots and pans cooking and electric is the best for baking, roasting etc.

Post# 726357 , Reply# 11   1/9/2014 at 05:53 (3,783 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

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I - like both James Beard and Julia Child - prefer electric when it comes to home equipment. Professional gas ranges are a whole 'nother beast, and I'm not talking about those - Julia had a Garland 182 installed in her home kitchen decades before it was fashionable, but happily used electric on TV and in demos. Beard was such a fan of electric he had Corning smooth-top units in his teaching kitchen.

Anyway, electric is, I feel, best for home cooks. Higher heat output, more even baking and easier cleaning are three big reasons. Gas ranges have improved dramatically in the last twenty years, particularly on the cleanability front, but most electrics can still out-bake and out-boil most gas ranges.

I also hate the fumes from gas ranges. Your local gas company will tell you there are no fumes. That is a big steaming pile of something usually found under the south end of a north-bound bull.

So, electric for me.

Post# 726362 , Reply# 12   1/9/2014 at 07:12 (3,783 days old) by petek (Ontari ari ari O )        

petek's profile picture
I guess it's electric for me since I have little experience with a gas stove

Post# 726390 , Reply# 13   1/9/2014 at 08:59 (3,783 days old) by washman (o)        

hate my Caloirc solid burner unit but I rent so................gotta deal with it.


Post# 726395 , Reply# 14   1/9/2014 at 09:19 (3,783 days old) by firedome (Binghamton NY & Lake Champlain VT)        
why choose...?

firedome's profile picture
both have their differing merits. Hoping to have an electric 40" double oven range AND a gas 2 burner cooktop in the small retirement home we're planning. Do prefer electric oven for baking due to the more precise temp control. Right now we're all electric here in NY, and elec wall oven Chambers and gas Chambers cooktop in VT.

Post# 726396 , Reply# 15   1/9/2014 at 09:21 (3,783 days old) by cycluxe (Allentown)        

I prefer gas for the simple reason that there's no stored heat left in the burners, waiting to ruin the pot of mashed potatoes I foolishly left on the stove.

I've had many ranges of both kinds, and am currently in love with my apartment-size Brown gas range.

Post# 726397 , Reply# 16   1/9/2014 at 09:24 (3,783 days old) by DaveAMKrayoGuy (Oak Park, MI)        

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Hard to believe that if I grew up in a mostly-electric-range-world!

Unfortunately I hardly get to use the broiler in my range; the in-laws & even my own wife are starting to want us to GO VEGAN!!!!

(Now what do you use a broiler for if you can't broil MEAT, and wanna use it for more than just grilled cheese!)

It's otherwise my late-mom's ceramic-top electric--wish I could just move out the fridge & put a gas range next to it; can't see my dad lighting burners! (But, then, how would we store our cold & frozen stuff?)

-- Dave

Post# 726400 , Reply# 17   1/9/2014 at 09:31 (3,783 days old) by abcomatic (Bradford, Illinois)        
I have both

I can use either one, but the electric is faster.
1935 gas Detroit Jewel
1990 electric Whirlpool

Post# 726407 , Reply# 18   1/9/2014 at 10:30 (3,783 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        
Well then...

toploader55's profile picture
I have no trouble with either one. Of course Gas in the Restaurant and at home I have electric.

I think electric is just a matter of getting used to it. When I was a child we had a Tappan Gas Range. Then my Mom bought a Westinghouse exactly like the one Kevin313 has.

I had a Electric Kenmore range which was fine until I found my Fridgidaire. My Grandmother had a Fridgidaire and taught me how to cook on the radiant tubes. Once you get used to the heat and controlling them, I really like them. Although I've never had a problem with Corox or Calrod either.

Post# 726435 , Reply# 19   1/9/2014 at 13:39 (3,782 days old) by NYCWriter ()        
If I had a choice ...

... I'd go with electric. I grew up with electric and always thought it took so long for the coils to heat up.

But now after years of living in very old buildings with limited electric service to the kitchens (which is why most prewar apartment buildings tend to have gas ranges in all the apartments, despite the greater risk of gas leaks and explosions), I realize now there is a cost for that "instant hot" flame: lack of precision.

I really miss the ability to TRULY keep things at a warm simmer on the stove (I've burned so many things during dinners, assuming "low" on the gas range was the same as "simmer" on the electric range).

And I've noticed BAKING is a challenge in the gas stove versus the electric. Electric is much more even and precise in the oven, too.

Post# 726439 , Reply# 20   1/9/2014 at 14:00 (3,782 days old) by jerrod6 (Southeastern Pennsylvania)        

I grew up with gas then electric. I've had Electric and gas ranges in condos and homes and now I have a gas cook top with electric oven that has a convection mode with a fan blowing heat out of the back.

I think I would go Electric induction cooktop with my current oven setup

What I don't like about gas is the amount of heat that gets generated while cooking. You've got this flame jumping around and a pot on top of it. The problem is that while the heat is going into the pot some of it as soon as you turn it on, is also escaping into the surrounding area. To me this makes for a very hot kitchen.

Then unless you are using an exhaust hood directly over the stove, there are the left over by-products of combustion that, with a gas furnace, would go up the chimney but with a kitchen stove they just go waffling through the air inside the house.

Post# 726444 , Reply# 21   1/9/2014 at 14:26 (3,782 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
Maybe im not

The normal cook, but I sure have been able to turn out better baked goods on a gas range, the browning is more delicate and even and cakes as a rule rise at least 1/4 to 1/2 inch more.

Post# 726458 , Reply# 22   1/9/2014 at 15:19 (3,782 days old) by retromania (Anderson, South Carolina)        

Gas, gas....GAS!!!

Post# 726483 , Reply# 23   1/9/2014 at 17:03 (3,782 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
By the way...

How is the OKeefe doing????

Post# 726491 , Reply# 24   1/9/2014 at 17:22 (3,782 days old) by revvinkevin (Tinseltown - Shakey Town - La-La Land)        

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Growing up in Southern California everything - stove, water heater, furnace, dryer etc, is gas because it was and still is, less costly to operate here.

I've had the opportunity to cook on electric a couple times. There is of course a learning curve when it comes to cooking on electric. I would imagine it's just a matter of getting used to it, but I MUCH prefer gas.

Except when it comes to an oven, then I'd rather have electric. Mostly because (new) gas ovens are getting harder and harder to find AND they are only 24" wide when you do find them. Too small for me. I prefer a 27" or 30" oven, ideally convection.


Post# 726492 , Reply# 25   1/9/2014 at 17:22 (3,782 days old) by whirlcool (Just North Of Houston, Texas)        

This question has been asked before and usually the preference here is electric. Lots of members have stated that gas is dirty, it sucks the oxygen out of the air and makes it hard to breathe, it poisons your house, etc.

I grew up with gas, but had electric for the past 20 years or so. In 2008 we bought a Maytag gas stove. We love it for many of the reasons people above this post have stated. When you turn off the heat, it's really off. Instantly.

The gas oven is ok for baking and broiling, which we use every so often. The GE P7 TOL double wall oven we had in our last house was so much better than the Maytag gas oven.

Post# 726493 , Reply# 26   1/9/2014 at 17:48 (3,782 days old) by zipdang (Portland, OR)        

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On the subject of broiling, my gas oven has an infrared broiler in the top of the oven cavity, as opposed to the the type of oven with a broiler in a drawer beneath the oven cavity. My oven does not have a drawer under it and I have no personal experience with that design. Mine is a "commerical style" residential unit. That said, I've only ever used the broiler once, and it seemed to work just fine. But out of curiosity, what do most of you use the broiler for? I'm just not accustomed to broiling anything. Am I missing out? Should I be taking advantage of the broiler more frequently?

Post# 726498 , Reply# 27   1/9/2014 at 18:05 (3,782 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
Devil's Advocate Here:

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A couple of people have noted the "instant off" aspect of gas burners here in this thread. While I feel that's true as far as it goes, there's another side to it, I think:

When you turn a gas burner off, the flame disappears, but the grate stays hot. As in good and hot, but it doesn't radiate the heat; just the grate itself is hot. You also don't have the little bit of a visual you have with a hot electric burner, which continues to glow red for just a minute. Even after an electric burner darkens, it continues to radiate some stored heat which also alerts you to the fact it's still hot.

It is, therefore, possible to forget a gas burner's grate can still be quite hot, and accidentally touch it, because a hot grate looks exactly like a cool one, and doesn't give off much heat as a warning, either.

Ask Mr. Clean-As-You-Go here if you doubt me. :)

Post# 726514 , Reply# 28   1/9/2014 at 18:47 (3,782 days old) by retromania (Anderson, South Carolina)        

The O'Keefe is doing great!!!

Post# 726520 , Reply# 29   1/9/2014 at 19:06 (3,782 days old) by RevvinKevin (Tinseltown - Shakey Town - La-La Land)        

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First I want to want to say these comments are not directed to Allen (Whirlcool) only to those who may say something like this below.   So

 let's look at this for a minute.



Lots of members have stated that gas is dirty, it sucks the oxygen out of the air and makes it hard to breathe, it poisons your house, etc. 

1.  gas is dirty

Natural gas anyway, is very clean when it burns, unless there is something wrong with the gas / air mixing chamber, causing it to burn way to rich.


2. it sucks the oxygen out of the air and makes it hard to breathe

Yes anything that burns uses/requires oxygen to burn, and YOU use oxygen when you BREATH... are YOU living in a hermetically sealed house?   Come on, it's all in your mind!


 it poisons your house.

Oh?   And how does it do that?   Is your house a living breathing creature like yourself?   I suggest you get a canary or two and keep them in your house.... if they are STILL alive, singing and tweeting, the air is fine and so are you.




Post# 726523 , Reply# 30   1/9/2014 at 19:14 (3,782 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

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The smell of combustion byproducts from gas is objectionable to many of us.

With all due respect to your canary, one would live through a fart, too. Doesn't mean I want to smell it in my house.

Post# 726530 , Reply# 31   1/9/2014 at 19:46 (3,782 days old) by zipdang (Portland, OR)        

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I have to agree with Kevin on this. All of the gas cooking appliances I've used have been of modern origin (1970s onward), and I've never seen any indication of filmy residue or off-putting smells in the air. That may or may not be true of older, vintage gas cookers; I have no experience with them. In my area an "old" house is one that was constructed before 1960 or so, so most of the appliances around here are fairly modern. Once I had neighbors who moved here from New Hampshire, and they laughed when their real estate agent referred to their 1970s house as old, as they'd moved from a house built in the 1700s. On the west coast that kind of history just doesn't exist.

Post# 726544 , Reply# 32   1/9/2014 at 20:40 (3,782 days old) by dustin92 (Jackson, MI)        

I have to say, there is a definite smell from a gas range, whether working properly or not. I have never noticed any real film on things that would *definitely* be caused by a gas range, but there is a certain "heaviness" in the air when a gas range or oven is being used. That being said, even electric isn't perfect. Not trying to offend anyone, but probably most issues are user error. I was cooking dinner tonight (Spaghetti and garlic bread), and I had the sauce at a perfect low simmer, the spaghetti boiling perfectly, and I put the garlic bread under the broiler to toast. I sat down at the table, picked up a book and completely forgot about the garlic bread... Until I smelled it burning. I managed to salvage most of it, but 2 1/2 slices were cremated and went in the garbage disposal. The sauce and spaghetti were fine, I had set a timer. That would have happened with any fuel, just user error. I personally would have burned the spaghetti sauce on a gas burner, it is just harder to keep an even, low simmer on gas.

Post# 726556 , Reply# 33   1/9/2014 at 21:55 (3,782 days old) by e2l-arry (LAKEWOOD COLORADO)        
I've used both.

Our house growing up had electric. So that's what I had experience with early on. Then after college my first 10 years on the places I rented in the late 70's and early 80's had older gas stoves. By that I mean the burners had a pilot but for some reason the oven's didn't. There was a hole in the oven bottom near the front that said "LIGHT HERE" You slowly turned on the gas while you held a lit match until the oven lit. That usually blew out the match. There were old time stories of stoves blowing up with too much gas, to late with the match. Chalk that up to OPERATOR ERROR. But they could be dangerous. Since the oven didn't have a pilot, once the oven reached temp. the oven burner would go down but couldn't shut off or it wouldn't have been able to crank back up when the oven called for more heat. You wouldn't want to use those old gas ovens in the summer. It put our WAY more heat into the kitchen than the electric oven. Does anyone know why they had pilots for the burners but not the ovens until the later 50's or so models? I could never figure that out.

So later I moved to Colorado in the mid 80's and gas stoves were scarce. I was told that was because at the higher altitudes they used to have problems with the pilots going out a lot. So for the last 28 years I've been back to electric. I like to think I can cook equally well on either. And I really don't have a preference. I will say for the self cleaning cycle I feel more comfortable with electric. Just something about 800 degrees around a gas source makes me nervous. KA BOOM!!! But that's just a phobia of mine I guess.

I do think in the "old days" it just depended on where you lived. In the county with no gas lines, people had electric stoves and oil heat. My grandparents in rural upstate New York went from a wood cook stove to an electric Westinghouse in 1952. No gas supply there. In the city people had gas heat and whatever stove they preferred. Gas was touted as cheaper. In Chicago I remember TV commercials with the slogan "Gas does the big jobs better, for less!" And electrics were claimed as "cleaner and more reliable."

Post# 726557 , Reply# 34   1/9/2014 at 21:57 (3,782 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        

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I grew up in a small three bedroom house no upstairs,no horsepower. We had a cheap thirty six inch wide Magic Chef gas stove. No panel light,no oven light. Our furnace and water heater were also gas. I hated the smell and the inability to melt anything without burning or scorching it. I'd used electric before but,it wasn't until one of the members here came to visit and brought a gorgeous GE Americana forty inch double oven range in copperyone along with Westinghouse roaster with the base!!!! My apartment had a hopk up (220) and I fell in love with both! Once
I learned.(using thr Sensi-Temp) what to set each burner to for best stove top results. Results I NEVER got from any gas stove.No smells other then the fabulous aroma from what was cookinh. Here , I currently am using a nice Frigidaire thirty ceramic top model with a self cleaning oven. We have two of the portable induction cooktops and use them more often then not. Im saving up for a twin oven FRIGKDAIRE range with both convection self cleaning ovens and an induction cooktlp. Should e ready for it by 3/20/2014.

Post# 726575 , Reply# 35   1/9/2014 at 23:08 (3,782 days old) by whirlcool (Just North Of Houston, Texas)        

Oh, and others have also said that gas stoves put carbon monoxide into the air too.

I agree with you Kevin on all of the points you made. Sure you may notice a gas odor for a few seconds when you first light a burner up, but that goes away quickly. As for a hot burner, we leave whatever was cooked on that burner after we shut it off until it cools down. Then into the dishwasher the pan goes.

Everything we have here is electronic ignition, even the furnace so we don't have any pilot lights to worry about.

Post# 726579 , Reply# 36   1/9/2014 at 23:47 (3,782 days old) by ptcruiser51 (Boynton Beach, FL)        

ptcruiser51's profile picture
Here in SoFL electric ranges are de regeur. If they ran gas mains down my street I would be at THD tomorrow to order a gas range. When it's "on" it's on; when it's "off" it's off. And my gas range in NJ never asphyxiated my cat, my parakeet, me or my guests. Have a nice day.

Post# 726630 , Reply# 37   1/10/2014 at 06:12 (3,782 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
Re Pilot Lights

I dont want a gas stove UNLESS it has pilot oven in the world to raise yeast bread in, the perfect temp, and no aggravating click click click!

Post# 726659 , Reply# 38   1/10/2014 at 09:46 (3,782 days old) by Iheartmaytag (Wichita, Kansas)        
Have had both

iheartmaytag's profile picture
Prefer Electric.

Post# 726663 , Reply# 39   1/10/2014 at 10:09 (3,782 days old) by sudsmaster (SF Bay Area, California)        

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Gas vs. electric is a sure fire way to start an argument in some quarters ;-)

As far as broiling, I recall a gas industry ad from decades ago that posited that broiling with gas is cleaner than broiling with electric, because the gas flame tends to incinerate splatter and fumes better than an electric element. The result is supposed to be that the air coming out of the gas broiler is cleaner. I tend to agree, however, I do all the gas broiling here with a propane fired rotisserie out on the covered patio. Both ovens (one wall, one range) here are electric.

Post# 726719 , Reply# 40   1/10/2014 at 14:29 (3,781 days old) by Lightedcontrols ()        

Once you've used induction, you discover that resistance electric and gas is not even in the running.

Post# 726741 , Reply# 41   1/10/2014 at 16:40 (3,781 days old) by jerrod6 (Southeastern Pennsylvania)        

Having used both and even gone back and forth. I still prefer electric and would rather have induction.

The dirt I referred to is not in the air. It seems that gas leaves a film on your cabinets. I never have this film when using electric but with gas there it is.

Even now with my relatively newer gas top, there is this film that coats the cabinets very quickly. I don't fry foods so its not from grease.

As someone mentioned above when the gas burners are off you can still burn yourself and something you put down on it. I have melted a few utensil handles and even burned my hand on the grates.

If i wear loose clothes while cooking there is the chance of them getting into the flame when reaching over the stove, so I have to be careful.

My stove cooks fine but it is slow boiling water as compared to electric. It has powerful burners and a simmer burner. People talk about a learning curve when going from gas to electric but this works both ways as I had a curve too. I like the electric convection in the oven. I still think my next one will be induction. The power line is already there.

Post# 726742 , Reply# 42   1/10/2014 at 16:46 (3,781 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
With All Due Respect....

danemodsandy's profile picture
....And it is most definitely not my intention to belittle anyone's perceptions....

I wonder if those who use gas ranges are accustomed to the odor some of us are describing and just don't smell it any more, due to familiarity? Sort of like smokers who don't sense the odor of cigarette smoke the way non-smokers do.

To me, the smell of a gas range is pretty intense. I know the minute I enter a strange house if a gas range is in the kitchen.

Post# 726746 , Reply# 43   1/10/2014 at 17:06 (3,781 days old) by polkanut (Wausau, WI )        

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That may be the case.  All of my grandparents, and parents had/have gas appliances.  We have gas appliances, and my in-laws did too.  For the most part my relatives that live in town have gas, and those in rural areas have electric.  I much prefer gas over electric for the same reason as Charlie, "when it's on, it's on, and when it's off, it's off".  I've never had a problem with the stored heat in the grates.


P.S.  There hasn't been another GE range (other than the avocado Versatronic) even close to yours on my local CL since finding the one you have.  The stars must have been aligned just right that day. Cool

Post# 726750 , Reply# 44   1/10/2014 at 17:23 (3,781 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

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I don't think there are many like the one you found for me anywhere! That is just a schweet range.

You have no idea how much more I cook now that I have it. A really bad range, like I had before, cramps your style so much you end up avoiding it to the maximum possible extent.

Come for meatloaf sometime! After the roads are better, of course....

Post# 726751 , Reply# 45   1/10/2014 at 17:23 (3,781 days old) by Iheartmaytag (Wichita, Kansas)        

iheartmaytag's profile picture
There may be some truth to your theory. Not having gas, and not using gas, I can walk into a house with a gas range and smell it immediately.

I will probably be chased through the village with torches for this comment, but hey, you have to find me first.

Same with gas dryers, to me they stink. Your clothes have an odor from them, and they turn your laundry brown, just like the song "Leader of the Laundromat".


Post# 726774 , Reply# 46   1/10/2014 at 18:27 (3,781 days old) by polkanut (Wausau, WI )        

polkanut's profile picture

And I'll make the Hash Brown Supreme to go with it. Smile


(Trinity cookbook) 

Post# 726782 , Reply# 47   1/10/2014 at 19:02 (3,781 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

If you are used to electric resistance cooking and if you use it most economically, you know to turn off the current a couple of minutes before the cooking is finished and let it finish with the heat remaining in the element, like SoftHeat drying. Then the unit is not cooking hot when you take up the food and you do not have to worry about watching pots in the last few minutes of meal preparation. There is enough heat, though, to keep seconds warm. Electric range manuals emphasized that from the 1920s forward. It was partly to dispel the myth that electric cooking was expensive, but it also developed economical habits. When mom was preparing a meal and a pan was taken off a surface unit, plates were inverted over it to warm. Heat was not wasted. The capacity to finish cooking foods with the current off versus the extreme power are the two things I most notice between resistance and induction. With the capability of some induction cookers to self-time and shut themselves off, that can be less important.

When we had a gas stove, the ceiling over it developed discoloration from the cooking vapors being carried upward by all of the waste heat coming up around the pans. When we got the electric range, the ceiling did not have to be washed again because there was very little escaping heat to carry up stuff. Again, I would tell you about the hand test. Try placing your hands, palms down, around the side of a pan over high heat on a gas and then an electric range. With the electric range, the heat is going into the base of the pan and with gas, a lot of the heat is going up the side.

Post# 726791 , Reply# 48   1/10/2014 at 19:44 (3,781 days old) by oldskool (Kansas City, MO)        
A Balance

I do see benefits and advantages to both electric and gas. Recently I had a gas stove installed that I love! It has 2 "power burners" which are great, but you have to use large pans or the heat runs up the sides as Tom mentioned. As we also have electric double ovens in the wall, I'll likely use them more come summer due to the heat issue. But as for now, in the winter, there's nothing more I like than to come into the kitchen on a cold morning, the oven's on and the whole kitchen feels toasty warm, while the heat is kept lower in the rest of the house. I kept the electric stove and if the heat is too much come summer, I'll switch it out for a few months. Also the gas stove is excellent for frying. My larger cast iron cookware (14inch skillet & 9 quart dutch oven) didn't do so well on a smooth top electric stove. They work beautifully on the gas stove, very even heat - no cool sides as I experienced on the electric. My 2 cents.

Post# 726816 , Reply# 49   1/10/2014 at 21:50 (3,781 days old) by sudsmaster (SF Bay Area, California)        

sudsmaster's profile picture
I've yet to see an induction oven or broiler.

Post# 726846 , Reply# 50   1/11/2014 at 00:25 (3,781 days old) by dustin92 (Jackson, MI)        

I had never noticed the odor of a gas range before we had an electric range, now I can really smell the fumes when I use the gas range downstairs, especially the oven. It makes the air feel heavy and stuffy. I kind of like the residual heat in electric coils- after I got used to it; scorched or boiled over a few things in the process though. Also nice is the ability to keep things warm, where on gas if it was on it was cooking. I tend to finish things and then just leave them on a burner set to low to keep warm while I finish other things- I will even put things on plates to keep warm, something impossible with gas, as is melting chocolate without a double boiler

Post# 726856 , Reply# 51   1/11/2014 at 03:01 (3,781 days old) by sudsmaster (SF Bay Area, California)        

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Until about the 1960's, gas ranges were built with flues that would direct the exhaust from the oven into a chimney. Apparently the gas industry cleaned up its product sufficiently that the flues were no longer deemed necessary. However revelations that some public utilities used PCB laced oils to coat the inside of gas pipes to help prevent corrosion has raised new concerns about indoor contamination.

A measure to help matters is to run the kitchen/range exhaust fan when cooking with a gas appliance.

Post# 726874 , Reply# 52   1/11/2014 at 06:08 (3,781 days old) by angus (Fairfield, CT.)        

hands down electric for my double wall ovens. Having had both gas cooktops and electric I would pick electric. First of all, I don't really believe one is objectively better than another - it is merely what you get used to and like. And what is better for one isn't necessarily for another. So all differences are subjective. That said, and having cooked on all electric for many years (my neighborhood only recently got gas service), I recently had occasion to cook at my cousin's house where he has a full gas range both cooktop and oven - 10 year old GE PRofile. I did notice a faint odor in the kitchen - not choking, but it was there. Also, I made the foolish mistake of leaving a stainless steel spoon in a large pot for a few minutes, turning it into a virtual branding iron. I also thought it took a lot longer to boil a large pot of water than on my 18 year old Thermador electric coil cooktop. Finally, the amount of heat thrown into the room from all four burners and the oven (it was a holiday) was staggering. So no gas for me.

Interesting that now I have to replace my cooktop. In addition to the issue of what to do since it is going into a granite countertop and having to have granite re cut to fit another brand (Thermador no longer makes an electric coil model) my sister and I are locked in a heated debate over gas vs electric. Considering she can't even operate the ice maker on the refrigerator without screwing it up and has never at 59 years old even considered cooking a meal, she is insisting that we must have a gas cooktop since it is considered more " high end" and better for resale. Since I am not planning to move anytime soon that logic is lost on me. But she is a realtor and seems to think we live in some kind of mansion not a mid 50's split level. For those of us that cook, I believe we have every right to debate the merits of gas vs. electric cooking. But what kills me are these pretentious snobs with trophy kitchens that never light a burner but insist that they must have only this brand of appliance or only gas will produce the best cooking results. Really!!! If you don't cook and the only kitchen appliance you really use is the phone to order take out, why would you care in the first place?

Anyway, it is all subjective. My solution is to get what I want since I do all the cooking and when it is time to sell, and if this gas vs electric cooktop issue becomes such an issue, then we can install a gas cooktop and be done with it. Just saying...

Post# 726875 , Reply# 53   1/11/2014 at 06:15 (3,781 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
I fully intend..

To set a gas range right beside the Norge and have both!!I have room here to do it, really, everyone goes about cooking differently, my Mother thought to sear meat the pan had to smoke before you put in the roast or whatever, then grease splattered all over everything, I would die before I did that, I use lower heat for a longer time, likewise I would absolutely strangle someone who used my oven for broiling, If I want a steak or something, usually I go out to the Outback or Tripps, very rarely because they are too high, but really, about the only things I cook that are messy would be fried chicken or meatloaf, I use a screen over the chicken and I bake the meatloaf low and slow, so you see, the stove that I think is great, you may hate, just as my cooking methods may be totally different.

Post# 726882 , Reply# 54   1/11/2014 at 07:13 (3,781 days old) by polkanut (Wausau, WI )        

polkanut's profile picture

Part of the reason for the elimination of oven flues may be due to the fact that during the 40's, 50's, and 60's is when utilities were switching over from man-made coal gas to natural gas.  Old fashioned coal gas is a distillation of coal and contains a variety of gases including hydrogen, carbon monoxide, methane, and to a lesser degree carbon dioxide and nitrogen.  Given the size of oven burners, the fumes given off could be very toxic if not vented properly.

This post was last edited 01/11/2014 at 09:53
Post# 726888 , Reply# 55   1/11/2014 at 08:43 (3,781 days old) by DaveAMKrayoGuy (Oak Park, MI)        

daveamkrayoguy's profile picture
My fan on my range hood is NOISY!!!! I just learned to live w/ the heat!

-- Dave

Post# 726902 , Reply# 56   1/11/2014 at 09:26 (3,781 days old) by NYCWriter ()        
I don't notice an odor ..

... or a "film" buildup in my kitchen from using my gas stove.

What are you people doing in your kitchens??

Post# 726911 , Reply# 57   1/11/2014 at 10:33 (3,781 days old) by xraytech (Rural southwest Pennsylvania )        

xraytech's profile picture
Electric cooking all the way for me.
Have used gas cook tops a few times and found them to be slow and put off a lot of heat
Using the gas oven on a new commercial range was a total joke it was either 150 degrees slow or 300 degrees fast.

Post# 726912 , Reply# 58   1/11/2014 at 10:33 (3,781 days old) by DaveAMKrayoGuy (Oak Park, MI)        
Whachu Talkin' 'Bout, Willis????!!!!

daveamkrayoguy's profile picture
Hey, yeah! My ceiling above my stove looks just as crappy, filthy, dirty--I mean CLEAN--as the rest of my ceiling in my kitchen...! Cabinets, too!

The ceiling and cabinetry in my dad's house over his electric stove look worse, compared to mine!

I don't even see any yellow stains on my pans & pots, either...!

-- Dave

Post# 726924 , Reply# 59   1/11/2014 at 10:56 (3,780 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
The two small cabinets at ceiling height over my grandmother's gas range (above the range hood), the handles on them are deteriorated/corroded, rough to the touch, I assume due to effects of the gas ... maybe moisture?  The kitchen was remodeled in 1998, cabinetry refurbished with new hardware.  None of the other cabinets have suffered the effect.

Post# 726927 , Reply# 60   1/11/2014 at 11:02 (3,780 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture

Having both, I far prefer the electric range over gas.  I've been using the gas range more, lately, to balance the age/use factor, and that has only firmed my preference.  Handy in case of a power outage, though.  


Of this there can be no doubt:  My next electric will be induction.

Post# 726930 , Reply# 61   1/11/2014 at 11:03 (3,780 days old) by sudsmaster (SF Bay Area, California)        

sudsmaster's profile picture
Since H2O is a byproduct of gas burning, it makes some sense. The additional moisture in a gas oven is supposed to have some beneficial effects for some types of baking and roasting.

Post# 726948 , Reply# 62   1/11/2014 at 11:44 (3,780 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

I have to agree that induction stovetop cooking is in a class by itself. Born and bred on gas cooking, I now consider gas stove top wasteful. Induction is just as controllable as gas, and does not give off heat that is wasted.

I do have a 30" gas self-cleaning wall oven. I'll have to say I prefer it to an electric oven with exposed bake element. My wall oven is a Magic Chef from 1987.
Truth be told, it wasn't my favorite brand, but the only one that came in a 30" wall oven configuration at the time. I haven't even replaced a bake ignitor in it yet. With a gas oven, you can put a pan just about anywhere without being too close to an oven coil. When I bake pies, I put the pie pan on the floor of the oven for the first 10 min or so to set the crust, then move it up onto a rack. Things seem to top brown fine, even though the broiler is not on during bake. You can also put a pan close to the top of the oven without worrying about things browning on the top. It may not bake as fast up there, but you can always move the pan around.

Post# 726974 , Reply# 63   1/11/2014 at 12:52 (3,780 days old) by NYCWriter ()        
Interesting ...

... all these different perspectives.

So are gas users more likely to be Republican or Democrat?

And what about electric users?

Post# 726989 , Reply# 64   1/11/2014 at 14:28 (3,780 days old) by Iheartmaytag (Wichita, Kansas)        
So are gas users more likely to be Republican or Democrat?

iheartmaytag's profile picture
Statistically I don't believe you will find a correlation, let alone a cause and effect, however, it does appear many republicans are full of gas, where as they tend to favor the electric chair over democrats.

The thing with a preference is that it is exactally that a preference. No answer is wrong no answer is right it is a preference the same as I don't prefer a black or white car. Others will say they would prefer a white car, though I feel each shows dirt more than other colors, there will be those that disagree. It is a preference.

Post# 726995 , Reply# 65   1/11/2014 at 15:47 (3,780 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        
Just my Professional Chef opinion but:

whirlykenmore78's profile picture

GAS all the way!  I find gas to be much more controllable and conducive to the my professional cooking style.  Of course professional kitchens are almost always gas.  I could see the point for electric in the home kitchen when ventilation or cooking style come into play. 


That being said I have had only HORRID experiences with electric commercial cooking equipment.  Much slower,  less desirable product, lower yields for baking and roasting and higher operating cost!  I will let the results on the finished plate, the time the customer has to wait and the cost of cooking it dictate my preference. 


Just a take from someone who knows. 


Post# 727000 , Reply# 66   1/11/2014 at 16:00 (3,780 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

danemodsandy's profile picture
Interesting comment, and here's why:

I taught during the '80s, doing four or more cooking classes a week. One of the things I found in using all kinds of equipment was that for the home cook, a residential electric range gave results closer to a professional gas range than a residential gas range did.

Burners on a residential electric range at that time had a much higher heat output than those on residential gas ranges. Ovens were generally more even bakers - it takes a very high-quality gas range to overcome the basic problem inherent in gas oven design, which is that there must be airflow through the oven to support the combustion of the gas flame, causing temperature swings. Electric ovens suffer no such limitation.

The cooking school I headed used guest teachers as well, and many of them were professionals. To a man and a woman, they always pouted when they came in for the first time and saw that they'd be expected to cook on a Thermador electric coil cooktop. I would then tell them, "Just crank the burner to High and leave it there - you'll get what you're looking for."

In moments, they'd be happily searing away, mightily impressed that an electric range could perform so well.

Post# 727004 , Reply# 67   1/11/2014 at 16:20 (3,780 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        
Thanks Sandy

whirlykenmore78's profile picture

But those chefs had no need to pout.  If they could cook on gas using the electric coils on high as you said would yield similar results as cooking on a solid surface hot top(not to be confused with a flattop grill) for sautéing and other high temp short order cooking.   However I have never found ANY electric or gas home oven that can bake like commercial gas convection oven. 


Post# 727007 , Reply# 68   1/11/2014 at 16:48 (3,780 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

danemodsandy's profile picture
I take your point about convection, but then most people don't have any idea what it can do, which means there's not really any strong mainstream demand for competent convection in home ranges. We did use convection in classes, but it was either a Farberware convection oven of mine (a surprisingly effective unit) or a Maxim unit that belonged to the store.

I agree that those pros had no actual need to pout, but trust me, pout they did. Like, "This is totally beneath me!"

Most learned, a few refused to get with the program.

Post# 727019 , Reply# 69   1/11/2014 at 17:38 (3,780 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield, East Midlands, UK)        

vacbear58's profile picture
For you there is a great way forward - INDUCTION

Whilst induction tops cost more than regular one (although the difference is getting more and more marginal at least in this country) and assuming you do not have a gas line, the cost and disruption of installing a gas line will massively outweigh the cost of an induction that you can just drop into the existing (hopefully) cut out - here in Europe they come in all shapes and sizes.

If you happen to have cast iron cookware then you are immediately good to go. If not then you may have to invest in some new cookware but again, at least in this country, induction compatible pans etc. do not cost much more than good quality regular lines. And unless you are going to buy very top end cookware, again you are still under the cost of installing a gas line.

I have had an induction top for the last 8 years, and even if I could have a gas (my home is all electric) I would not have anything but induction now.


Post# 727020 , Reply# 70   1/11/2014 at 17:41 (3,780 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

I still have my Farber Turbo oven. It turned out perfect pound cakes for years. It was my first "second" oven.

Post# 727021 , Reply# 71   1/11/2014 at 17:45 (3,780 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield, East Midlands, UK)        
@ Angus again

vacbear58's profile picture
Check out this current thread on AW, with GE videos about using induction tops


Post# 727081 , Reply# 72   1/11/2014 at 21:26 (3,780 days old) by petek (Ontari ari ari O )        

petek's profile picture
Induction's the way to go. You see a lot of the cooktops on sale these days for a lot less than they used to cost.. Same with the stand alone induction stoves. Some of the stand alones cost lest than the single cooktops

Post# 727132 , Reply# 73   1/12/2014 at 05:57 (3,780 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
It is a proven fact!

That the old gas ovens with a modulating control have almost no temperature swing, they stay exactly where you set them, and thats why they bake better.Most commercial ovens still use this type of control, usually a big old Robertshaw.

Post# 727184 , Reply# 74   1/12/2014 at 12:09 (3,779 days old) by kb0nes (Burnsville, MN)        

kb0nes's profile picture
Electric, I wouldn't consider gas unless I was cooking outside.

Gas is too slow. The typical home gas burner is about 10k BTU and a good percentage of that heat goes up and around the pan. Years ago I had a pro-gas friend that said his range would smoke my electric in time to boil. With a large stock pot my electric was about 40% sooner to boil, he was amazed. The high end boutique gas ranges today all have 15-18K big burners so that will level the field a bit.

I believe that gas is messy. There is a large thermal plume rising around the outside of the pot with a gas flame under it. This tends to carry aloft the fine aerosol grease spatters which travel about the kitchen. Of the kitchens I have been in with gas ranges its funny that all the range hoods and upper cabinets seem messier then ones with electric cooktops.

I do clearly remember the odor of a gas stove when I walk into a house. This largely went away when the standing pilots were eliminated though.

In a commercial kitchen gas makes sense. The burners are huge, three or more times the output of a residential stove, just what is needed for fast professional cooking. Also with the continuous duty cycle gas is far cheaper then electric. At home the difference between gas and electric would be a tiny fraction of household energy consumption. Finally in a commercial kitchen there is a large high CFM hood to carry away excess heat, fumes and aerosol greases. I find comparisons stating gas is superior at home because its superior commercially are spurious at best. Its like the motorcycle kids that think slick tires make sense on the street because they are what the pros use on the track. Its an apples to oranges comparison.

Of course in the end we all likes-what-we-likes and nobody will tell us different. This discussion is like religion or politics, you can talk all you like and nobody will change their position. There is no wrong answer, both heat sources hold their own merits, the choice is up to the end user.

Post# 727223 , Reply# 75   1/12/2014 at 15:20 (3,779 days old) by nmassman44 (Brooksville Florida)        

nmassman44's profile picture
I have cooked on electric coil, electric smoothtop, gas and induction. Electric coil is what I learned to cook on and it does heat up fast and seems to be true to settings. The electric smoothtop Whirlpool I had took some time to get used to but once mastered not any issues except learning to shut the heat off the last 5 mins or so to cook with residual heat built up in the cooktop. Cleaning was another thing. I had to use that Cerama Brite stuff and a good scraper to get off any spills. The best electric coil range I have used is a GE Spectra, next was a Whirlpool coil with continuoes clean oven. Temps were spot on and I liked that stove very much. With gas I have used a Magic Chef that had pretty anemic burners yet the oven was ok temp wise and baking. A Bosch that I recently had that I wouldnt wish on anyone. Baking with the Bosch had alot to be desired and temps would swing a good 50 degrees below what it was set at. Cooktop burners were ok and I adapted to the beast.
The best gas range I have to say is what I have now and thats a GE. This range exceeds everything I expected out of a gas range. Oven temps are spot on and this is the first gas oven that I have used that uses the broiler as well as the bake burner for baking. Performance is much like an electric oven and temp swing is a mere 10 degrees. I have never seen a gas oven do what this one does. Most if not all of the ones I have used employed only the bake burner for Bake, Conv Bake, Conv roast. But the GE cycles the bake burner, then the broiler burner on low, to maintain a very even balanced cooking enviornment. The Convection bake mode pulses the fan off and on on low. Does the same on Convecion Roast but the fan moves at a higher speed and pulses as well. I have had the GE now for close to 2 months now. Cleaning the cooktop is very easy. The burners come up and I have pretty much a smoothtop to clean. Gas ranges have come a long ways I must say.
I have used induction as I have a hotplate that is induction and I use it mainly in the summer. Its fast and cool meaning no added heat in the kitchen. BUT I have to stand away from it since it interferes with my pacemaker/defibrilator. I get too close to it and I feel it in my heart thru the leads. It makes for an interesting experience.
Here is a pic of my GE stove.

Post# 727356 , Reply# 76   1/13/2014 at 05:08 (3,779 days old) by NYCWriter ()        
Phil ...

"At home the difference between gas and electric would be a tiny fraction of household energy consumption."

Not in New York City, where you'll find the most expensive electricity in the nation.

Post# 727368 , Reply# 77   1/13/2014 at 07:38 (3,779 days old) by akronman (Akron/Cleveland Ohio)        
I'll join the fight

akronman's profile picture
In lots of homes and apartments through the years, I've had BOL and TOL stoves/cooktops/ranges in gas and in electric. I'll take gas anyday. I have a sister-in-law who arrives for Thanksgiving and stares from 10 feet away at the flames, quite sure I will burn the house down any moment.

Post# 727390 , Reply# 78   1/13/2014 at 09:42 (3,779 days old) by kb0nes (Burnsville, MN)        

kb0nes's profile picture

I'll stand by my claim. For the average household cooking energy consumption is a tiny fraction of the total energy used by that household.

Money saved using gas vs electric cooking would barely pay for a couple extra lattes a year... Even in NYC

Post# 727404 , Reply# 79   1/13/2014 at 11:04 (3,778 days old) by JeffG ()        

Yep. According to the DOE in 2001, electric stoves accounted for just 2.8% of the total electric use for households that have them. The oven part of the stoves comprised only 1.8% (see bottom link)

A newer DOE survey in 2009 lumps cooking appliances in the "Other" category, so it's impossible to know how much of the total they represent. The category also includes washers/dryers, dishwashers, tv's computers and other things, and from the numbers these appliances represent about 1/3 of total electricity use:


Post# 727507 , Reply# 80   1/13/2014 at 17:13 (3,778 days old) by retromania (Anderson, South Carolina)        

I absolutely love my O'Keefe & Merrit gas range in every way. Thanks again Dynaflow and Norgeway!!!

Post# 727673 , Reply# 81   1/14/2014 at 12:06 (3,777 days old) by Davey7 (Chicago)        
For me, gas is the better choice...

For a lot of people in multi-family housing, the gas (in smaller buildings, at least in Chicago, Peoples Gas conned people into separate meters for each unit so people pay 20/30, ok more like ten, a month in service charges for a few cents worth of gas) is already included in assessments whereas electric isn't. So you'd be paying for a service but not taking advantage of it if you had electric cooking. That's the case in my building. When the building was built ('26) it had oil heat and town-gas ranges which had flues up through the roof which still exist, though nobody connects to them as far as I am aware.

Nowhere I've lived with gas or electric has had stained walls or ceilings - that's a function of what is cooked and how clean people are while cooking. My mother doesn't even have a backsplash behind her range or a fan and there is no staining in her mostly white kitchen.

I know commercial or faux-commercial gas (and probably electric as well) ranges are a problem in that they require massive venting in a residential setting which is a problem in areas which require tight construction for energy efficiency. You also wouldn't have gas cooking in a passive-house either due to the tight construction and need for very controlled air exchanges. I think it was Minnesota where they require blower tests and some fancy houses had to have their commercial ranges replaced with residential/domestic ranges which didn't require venting which cooled out the whole house.

I love my daily driver which has Robert Shaw oven controls - the oven temp stays put once you set it, it's really rock steady with the modulating flames.

Post# 727676 , Reply# 82   1/14/2014 at 12:18 (3,777 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        
Having used all including solid fuel I would have said gas..

ozzie908's profile picture

However having had an induction hob for the last 3 years I have to say it leaves gas in the dark ages its quick efficient and so easy to clean, You can even leave it to switch itself off and it has warning lights to tell you whats hot etc. Foolproof I would say :o)



Post# 727705 , Reply# 83   1/14/2014 at 15:34 (3,777 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
OK andM

I like that range!, That is one of the later ones that uses the same burners as some of the Tappans, I always loved the way those worked with the film of flame instead of small holes, im glad someone agrees with me about baking in a gas oven!LOL

Post# 727711 , Reply# 84   1/14/2014 at 16:25 (3,777 days old) by retromania (Anderson, South Carolina)        

Love your stove!

Post# 727713 , Reply# 85   1/14/2014 at 16:46 (3,777 days old) by Davey7 (Chicago)        

I love my range too. I have to get the electronics (well, electrics) fully working - the meat probe and automatic oven controls aren't functional, but the burners and broiler are. It bakes far better than and more evenly than the Kenmore (almost brand spanking new when I moved in) at my old apartment (and WAY better than the apartment issue Brown in my place). Just wish it had two ovens instead of the broiler on the left, but eh, big deal.

Post# 727714 , Reply# 86   1/14/2014 at 16:47 (3,777 days old) by sel8207 (naples, florida 34117)        
electromagnetic field distance for induction

Watched a couple of the attached videos for conduction and was wondering how far the EMF field extends from the burner. What effect, if any, can it have on the body? Just curious as I work in an environment where radio and transmitter emf fields are all around me. Is there any info on that? curious Les

Post# 727808 , Reply# 87   1/15/2014 at 08:37 (3,777 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        
Magnetic field

ozzie908's profile picture
I believe you have to be lying on top of the hob to have any effect at least thats what the salesman said...


Post# 727833 , Reply# 88   1/15/2014 at 11:39 (3,776 days old) by 58limited (Port Arthur, Texas)        

58limited's profile picture

Gas. I grew up with electric but once I used a gas range I never looked back. Currently using a 1950 O'Keefe &Merritt but have a '49 Roper Town & Country that will be replacing it.

Post# 727984 , Reply# 89   1/16/2014 at 02:15 (3,776 days old) by sudsmaster (SF Bay Area, California)        

sudsmaster's profile picture
The problem of excess heat from a gas burner escaping up the sides of the pot or pan is largely due to the popularity of "sealed burners" in modern gas rangers. Older burners were not sealed and got their oxygen for complete combustion mixed in before the burner. Most sealed burners instead get their oxygen from underneath the burner, and the resultant flame spread pattern is wider and shallower than an older burner flame patter. This means that instead of the flame fitting well within the perimeter of the cooking utensil, it tends to bloom outwards and reach the edge, especially at full flow.

There are SOME modern burners that attempt to correct for this by having a sealed burner with a flame that doesn't bloom as much. I haven't tried one but it sounds like a worthwhile improvement.

The sealed burner is probably cheaper to manufacture than the older design, and perhaps also allows for a more compact top end of a range or height of a cooktop.

Post# 728029 , Reply# 90   1/16/2014 at 07:48 (3,776 days old) by countryguy (Astorville, ON, Canada)        

countryguy's profile picture
Yesterday the Salton portable induction cooktop I ordered arrived. I must say that I am very impressed with induction cooking! Of course I had to try it out to see how long it would take to bring the pot of water I cook spaghetti in to a boil - just over 2 minutes. I can select the 8 heat settings either by watts (300-1800) or temperature (F or C). When turned on it defaults to 1400 watts. I changed it to the maximum but found it tripped the circuit breaker on the outlet on the stove even though it is a 15 amp breaker (15aX120V=1800w). It also has a 3 hour timer. My pots are stainless steel so they were induction ready. My skillets are not however so I will go shopping for a small skillet.



Post# 741767 , Reply# 91   3/14/2014 at 05:45 (3,719 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        
Cast iron skillets

ozzie908's profile picture
on induction cooktops work really well but as I found out when using a 40 year old one my Mum gave me on my hob DO NOT heat it on HIGH its too much and caused the pan to crack in two, it also goes with a loud bang that made me think at first my hob had cracked but no it was the old skillet.


Post# 742287 , Reply# 92   3/15/2014 at 22:28 (3,717 days old) by Imperial70 (MA USA)        

Very interesting information in this thread.

I was thinking of getting a portable induction burner, but hearing that it interferes with pacemakers (which I am a member of that club nixes that idea.

I have cooked with nothing but gas. I have never had an outside exhaust but I hear they are required now in most states. When I remodel someday, I plan on having an outside exhaust fan installed.

Post# 742291 , Reply# 93   3/15/2014 at 22:54 (3,717 days old) by JeffG ()        

Davey, add me to the list of people who love your stove. If I had to make one from scratch it would look much like that.

Also the comments in this thread about gas and staining/air quality/etc were a surprise: both I and my partner, and most of both of our families use gas stoves/ovens, I can't recall a single stained kitchen in anyone's home. WTF.

Again I'll play the trump card in this debate by bringing up the fact that you'd be lucky to find a single $1,000,000+ home for sale with something other than gas on the stovetop. Induction etc have their uses and this is not meant as a swipe at any technology, but nothing so far has replaced flame.

Post# 742387 , Reply# 94   3/16/2014 at 13:58 (3,716 days old) by retromania (Anderson, South Carolina)        
Cheese Straws

I baked cheese straws in the O'Keefe twice recently and they came out great. Better than any electric oven I ever had.

Post# 742414 , Reply# 95   3/16/2014 at 15:18 (3,716 days old) by rickr (.)        

rickr's profile picture
I like a gas range, and I love this one. It has been in service in this house since 1937. Quality brand by Roberts and Mander Stove Company.

Post# 742421 , Reply# 96   3/16/2014 at 15:28 (3,716 days old) by rickr (.)        

rickr's profile picture
We also own a rental house, and we put a 1972 Frigidaire in service at that house. I used only once, to make cranberry relish and used the "heat minder" burner for that. I was impressed by the way that feature operated. We chose an electric over gas at this house because of fire risk. Sometimes tenants are careless, and we thought an electric would be the best bet.

Post# 742675 , Reply# 97   3/17/2014 at 11:50 (3,715 days old) by Davey7 (Chicago)        

Jeff, thanks! If I had been the one redoing my kitchen in circa 1960 I would have had two wall ovens and a cooktop, but that's just me.

Rick, your gas range is charming.

Post# 962223 , Reply# 98   10/12/2017 at 22:01 (2,410 days old) by DaveAMKrayoGuy (Oak Park, MI)        

daveamkrayoguy's profile picture
Am I cheating if I look at the NUMBERS on my gas burner knobs?

Wonder when they started using them? I remember when there was only Light and Off, or Off, Light and High--In fact, there was a once upon a time when burners just said Off, and before that, nothing! (IN fact, you probably didn't even have to push the knob in...)

I think I just need to get into the habit of looking under the pot or pan and see the FLAME! The marks of a TRUE GAS USER...

What's more, I love just having the flame on the lowest setting (I use a very small "Simmer Burner" my "new" range has) if I want to keep something warm--and I think my gas range--ANY for that matter--seems to give the freedom to do that, while with an electric, there would still be "cooking" going on there...

Seen this done on older gas ranges, w/ regular-sized burners, and sometimes the owners being trustworthy enough to leave it on! (Oh, I never would!)

-- Dave

Post# 962228 , Reply# 99   10/12/2017 at 22:29 (2,410 days old) by warmsecondrinse (Fort Lee, NJ)        

Ok, I'm slow. Is there another way to regulate the setting of a gas burner besides looking at the flame?

Post# 962232 , Reply# 100   10/12/2017 at 23:21 (2,410 days old) by wayupnorth (On a lake between Bangor and Bar Harbor, Maine)        

wayupnorth's profile picture
I have had gas stoves my entire life and despised electrics to cook on. My preference. Yes you adjust the heat by the size of the flame instantly, not the dial setting taking forever on electric. I really miss the CP center burners that you could really regulate. I do love an electric oven as it does seem to bake much better. If I ever have another stove, it will be a dual fuel gas top, electric dual ovens. Granted that my gas oven works during a power outage but chances of me using it then are slim to none.

Post# 962239 , Reply# 101   10/13/2017 at 00:21 (2,410 days old) by earthling177 (Boston, MA)        

Wow, was there any reason to resurrect a thread that was over 3 years old? Usually it's new users that have something to ask or to add, but this time nothing.

In any case, Dave, I wish you good luck using the numbers on your gas knobs.

It might work if you have a lot of luck or a really high end stove if the manufacturers bothered to calibrate the gas valves -- most manufactures of gas valves do not bother to calibrate the valves for the burners, just the thermostats. That is the entire reason why people look at the flames to regulate the heat.

Electric ranges is another story because it's much easier to make switches that are very close to calibrated already, so the variations from switch to switch are small enough that most users will never notice. That's why we can just use the numbers as guides on electric burners.

Oh, and before I lose my sponsorship by the big wigs, here's another vote for induction and so happy to be rid of a gas stove forever. Induction is easier, faster, better, cleaner. Win-win all around.


Post# 962258 , Reply# 102   10/13/2017 at 07:36 (2,410 days old) by agiflow2 ()        

Grew up with a gas range and much prefer them. Had an electric range in my first apartment but hated it. Didn't stay long enough to really get used to it.
I do like the way an electric oven cooks though. I bought a kitchen aid toaster oven that I use most of the time for tasks where I want a nice crust. With a gas oven this is harder to achieve. Most things I used to bake or broil in my gas range I now do in the toaster oven. The only time I use the gas oven is for holiday cooking now.

But as far as cooktop cooking is concerned, it is gas all the way. For all the reasons people like gas cooking for. I think a lot of people have phobias about gas cooking. Let's face it, before any of these modern conveniences we were all cooking with FIRE from the first man and woman. Just as natural as breathing.

Post# 962260 , Reply# 103   10/13/2017 at 08:01 (2,410 days old) by DaveAMKrayoGuy (Oak Park, MI)        

daveamkrayoguy's profile picture
Okay, in my assessment, maybe there was a time the knob just told you where to turn to LIGHT!

A little vertical line would designate "off", or there simply was a detent--but, really, in this evolution you could write VOLUMES...

I figured if I do a Search that I would find this thread, rather than start a new one, given that my recent point about a preferred method of cooking (or a new-found angle on this) relates to what kind of cooking is preferred, or "which is BETTER?"...

I do believe electric ovens make for better baking, enough that if my toaster oven were big enough or I could do one cake layer at a time I would give it a try--and my own personal experience is a standpoint there...

I have done better--evenly--with an electric oven, so little wonder built-in combos to a great percentage are electric for your cavity of baking & broiling, while the cooktop is a flame, GAS...

I'd sooner experience a gas shut-off (because we were getting new meters) than to have ever experienced a power outage, where I'd needed too manually light a gas burner (and one burner on my range occasionally DOES need a lighter or a match when the spark just won't ignite)...

We'd had a couple where my only concern was bringing all my refrigerated stuff & frozen stuff to my in-laws' because you had a generator, and an extra fridge & a free-standing freezer... (Then retrieved ecvreythting when our juice went back on...)

Another time was an annoying interruption of my 2-Disc Lenny Dee set (can't stand his singing of "Them There Eyes", in lieu of his organ playing, unless I'm in a deep sleep during--played it on a portable player via my Pringles can speaker next to my bed, and woke up during a dream of my wife's court shows; the judge (Mathis or Joe Brown?) squawking!)...

-- Dave

Post# 962299 , Reply# 104   10/13/2017 at 13:10 (2,409 days old) by LordKenmore (The Laundry Room)        

lordkenmore's profile picture

As for numbers on gas stove controls, they might not be calibrated...but I wonder if they wouldn't be "close enough" for many people. Also if one uses mostly one burner, the numbers--once memorized--would presumably enough. It wouldn't be calibrated, but the control should, I'd think, stay pretty much the same--#4 today should be pretty much the same as #4 a year ago. (Of course, more ambitious cooks might use more than one burner... But I'm single, live alone, don't do dinner parties. Back when I had a working stove, I tended to use one burner for pretty much everything, and when I used additional burners, they were used for stuff that didn't need much control. The Primary Burner might gently simmer the spaghetti sauce, and some other burner would be on high to boil pasta water.)

Post# 962300 , Reply# 105   10/13/2017 at 13:15 (2,409 days old) by LordKenmore (The Laundry Room)        

lordkenmore's profile picture

As for me, pretty much every stove I've used has been electric. My only "gas" stove experience was a propane stove. I don't recall trying anything that would really benefit from gas on that. But I do recall it could be temperamental with pilot lights going out, and the oven was hugely frustrating--it was very easy to burn stuff.


At times, I was interested in gas just because it was what was said to be best, and I was a more ambitious cook. That argument has some merit, plus I think the flames are pretty and appeal to my Inner Caveman. But electric seems to work acceptably for what I do.


I'm curious, too, about induction...but that's too expensive, even for hotplates, given the nature of my cooking these days.

Post# 962302 , Reply# 106   10/13/2017 at 13:20 (2,409 days old) by LordKenmore (The Laundry Room)        

lordkenmore's profile picture

I do believe electric ovens make for better baking, enough that if my toaster oven were big enough or I could do one cake layer at a time I would give it a try


I've used toaster ovens heavily for nearly 20 years now. At times--like now--they've even been my only oven. Good toaster ovens seem to get the job done quite nicely--although I'm not doing anything horribly ambitious. But I have baked lots of loaves of bread, muffins, biscuits, etc. At times, I had a big oven available...but still went with the toaster oven. I figured it probably heated up faster, and might use less energy.


It helps, of course, that I'm alone, and typically bake small quantities of something (e.g., one loaf of bread). But even if I were cooking for another person or two (as was once regularly the case), a toaster oven would be good enough for a lot of baking (e.g., one loaf of quick bread, or a few muffins to go with dinner).

Post# 962317 , Reply# 107   10/13/2017 at 16:05 (2,409 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        

maytag85's profile picture
The house I live in has a Kenmore electric stove. The house I live in used to be all electric at one point looking at the braker panel, but the previous owners decided to get natural gas, but they kept the stove electric. One thing that is good about gas stoves is the cook top can be used when the power is out.

Post# 962325 , Reply# 108   10/13/2017 at 17:03 (2,409 days old) by agiflow2 ()        

That is what is ideal about gas. In the event you were cooking something when the power goes out, at least you can finish stove top cooking. Also I use the burners sometimes as an heat source in cold winters but not often.

Post# 962363 , Reply# 109   10/13/2017 at 20:39 (2,409 days old) by DaveAMKrayoGuy (Oak Park, MI)        

daveamkrayoguy's profile picture
Like I said the first power outage, the whole block/street/city was blacked out--and while my in-laws had a generator & resided nearby... So my concern was getting my perishables somewhere safely, no matter how neat that stove top would have been to have manually lit--I mean what was there, among a flashlight and all those candles I had lit, what was there I wanted to, or had to cook or could eat? (Besides in a few hours, next day I trawled back to retrieve all that--tiring, to say the least...)

(They are far away in Israel now, and if we have no power here, my dad has no power at his place--in fact, his electricity goes out at about twice the rate as ours, and my friend on the next block once had his power out for days (turning on light switches to, just to forget--No Power!), while one years later, time that next block was Times Square, to our pitch black--felt like passing the blame on some of those self-defrosting upright freezers & other electrical appliances & fancy gadgets those folks had! (LOL!)

Next time, the power worked a bit intermittently, on my side of the street, so across the street a few porch lights were on, and it was just beginning to become dawn, as the streetlights went out--but among my music & stereo conking out & my CD I was trying to enjoy having to be reset, and the air conditioner going on and off, the juice eventually stayed constant...

And when we got new gas meters, there was no gas, so I fried my one egg to go with my burrito (that I microwaved) on my electric griddle... We just had to call the gas company when the gas did go back on, to light the pilots on our water heater & furnace...

-- Dave

Post# 962402 , Reply# 110   10/14/2017 at 05:46 (2,409 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
Im going to be the one dissenter

As far as baking, NOTHING beats a OLD gas oven with the modulating thermostat, the new ones, not so much.

Post# 962439 , Reply# 111   10/14/2017 at 09:06 (2,409 days old) by vacerator (Macomb, Michigan)        
I think most

good restaurants have a large gas range, at least one electric convection and steam oven, and at least one induction burner unit.

I found it odd how Julia child used a calrod electric range on her show.
You know they don't have that at the Cordon Blue, or any other culinary school above a high school home ec. class room.

Post# 962537 , Reply# 112   10/14/2017 at 16:07 (2,408 days old) by sudsmaster (SF Bay Area, California)        
Stainless steel and induction...

sudsmaster's profile picture
Just a note: not all stainless steel is induction ready. The higher quality stainless, like 18-8 or 18-10, is not magnetic (that is, doesn't respond very much to induction) as initially produced. The act of forging stainless into a pot or pan may induce some magnetic response ability, but seems to me it's never quite as much as with a truly magnetic SS like 18-0, or just plain iron or rust ready steel.

Newer high quality induction ready stainless cookware often has the 18-8 material forming the parts that contact food during cooking, and then a layer of magnetic stainless cladding on the bottom. Or the magnetic layer can be sandwiched between two layers of 18-8. This is similar to the construction of induction ready aluminum cookware. From what I've seen, such cookware usually has a magnetic stainless bottom cap.

Other than that, I can cook with either gas or resistance electric, but I prefer gas. Haven't tried induction yet, although back in the 90's I stayed in a Japanese hotel that had little (4" diameter) magnetic hotplates and small magnetic stainless teapots in the rooms. These were great, and would automatically shut themselves off once the water started boiling. I've searched for similar for the last 20 years but been unable to find any.

Post# 962557 , Reply# 113   10/14/2017 at 17:05 (2,408 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Numbers On Gas Range Top Burner Controls

combo52's profile picture
Are a great improvement for gas surface cooking, they make it much easier to get a similar heat every time you cook.

Looking at the flame takes a lot of experience and is never as precise as having numbered settings on the dial, this has always been one of the major advantages of electric cooking.

Now with the better gas ranges with numbered dials you can tell to child over the prone to simmer the rice on number 2 for example or warm some soup of the RF burner on setting 6 etc.

John L.

Post# 962761 , Reply# 114   10/15/2017 at 21:29 (2,407 days old) by sudsmaster (SF Bay Area, California)        

sudsmaster's profile picture
With older gas ranges, the burners sat lower from the cookware, and it was easier to see the flame. Also, they were not sealed burners so the flame did not spread out as much as it does modern sealed burners. The lack of spread means the height of the flame and therefore the amount of heat being produced is easier to detect at a glance, without having the lift the cookware.

I have a modern sealed burner Frigidiare "Gas on Glass" cooktop. I hardly ever look at the numbers on the dials. Most of the time it's turn it up all the way until the igniter starts to click, for full heat/searing/fast boiling, and then down all the way for simmering. Occasionally somewhere in between for a medium boil (like pasta) or when the flame blooms past the edge of the cookware. For stuff like that, exact heat settings are not really necessary. I still like that I can turn off the burner and the heat is essentially gone, important for many cooking techniques.

Post# 962766 , Reply# 115   10/15/2017 at 21:51 (2,407 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
The ability To Turn Down The Heat Is Nice

combo52's profile picture

But absolutely unimportant for ANY cooking operation, If you need the heat off in a hurry you do what every professional chef [ or Julia Child ] does you lift it off the heat, I only buy cookware with handles, LOL.


John L.

Post# 962767 , Reply# 116   10/15/2017 at 21:55 (2,407 days old) by brucelucenta ()        

I'll take a smooth top induction unit.

Post# 962809 , Reply# 117   10/16/2017 at 00:53 (2,407 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
My problem with gas

Is that the newer sealed burners wont turn down to a true simmer like the old Center Simmer Harper Wyman burners would.

Post# 962819 , Reply# 118   10/16/2017 at 05:39 (2,407 days old) by johnrk (BP TX)        

My GE gas slide-in was installed in the 90's in a kitchen remodel that replaced the original GE electric cooktop and wall oven. No, I didn't live here then. I don't really like the range but just haven't replaced it. It doesn't simmer well at all; I use a diffuser.

I've been doing pressure cooking for decades, started as a vegetarian in college. I own several different sizes of Hawkins pressure cookers now, including a 22 litre Big Boy. They are all heavy aluminum and are made for gas.

Additionally, I've been canning for over 30 years, starting in college with canning my own beans. These days I can a lot of chili--I just gave away 36 quarts to someone in need at my church. I can beans, soups, bacon, hamburger, sausage, etc. Canning, strangely enough, is almost a lost art and it's sad because it's so easy and so very cheap and safe. But--the excellent All-American canners that'll easily last more than one lifetime (many in use 75+ years old) are all heavy machined aluminum. And they aren't recommended for electric.

I have a portable induction burner that I use occasionally for some s.s. things, but for most of that stuff, use the excellent Instant Pot.

Post# 962820 , Reply# 119   10/16/2017 at 06:05 (2,407 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Home Canning On An Electric Range

combo52's profile picture

Here we our in August this year canning in 2 All-American aluminum canners and two aluminum Mirro canners on electric ranges, I have never heard that these don't work well on electric ranges, there is nothing about that in the manual.


Roughly 70% of Americans cook on electric ranges and probably even a larger % do in the mid-west where home canning is probably even more popular.


John L.

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Post# 962822 , Reply# 120   10/16/2017 at 06:26 (2,407 days old) by johnrk (BP TX)        
Reply to John L

I do apologize--I must've left the impression that AA canners don't work well on electric ranges, possibly due to something inherent. Not true.

The reason that electric ranges have not been considered ideal for canning was the weight of the canners on the burners, not for any other reason. And certainly AA does recommend against using their canners on any type of electric range that is smooth-top--again, due to the weight.

I'm delighted that you're still canning! Because I have the microwave/range hood combo I'm limited to having two 10.5 quart and one 15.5 quart because of the height. One of my 10.5 quart is a unit I've owned for 30 years, bought used then. I've replaced the lid fittings and it works as well as the one I bought new a few years ago. As you know, the 'jigglers' are more accurate than pressure gauges anyway, and the great part is that the old Mirro-Matic 5/10/15 jigglers match the AA ones.

The issue with the Hawkins pressure cookers is that they will, even made of heavy aluminum, distort over time so that they don't sit absolutely flat. Being the largest maker of pc's in the world, Hawkins does make a line of stainless steel pc's now. But I started using them way before that.

Post# 962824 , Reply# 121   10/16/2017 at 06:38 (2,407 days old) by johnrk (BP TX)        
Another for John L

Where is this that you are canning all this produce?

Post# 962843 , Reply# 122   10/16/2017 at 10:33 (2,407 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Canning Location

combo52's profile picture
This is part of the museum kitchen in Beltsville

Post# 962851 , Reply# 123   10/16/2017 at 10:55 (2,407 days old) by johnrk (BP TX)        

Thanks for your reply! I see you're using small canners as I do. I have a couple of relatives who have the 30 quart and/or the 41.5 quart canners. Two of my cousins who have the 41.5 quart use a setup in their garages with gas burners (rather like some do with turkey fryers these days) and both had stands made for their canners. As you can imagine, there's no way that anyone could lift either of these. I have seen people using the 30 quart on gas ranges, but not the 41.5 quart. It would seem to me that they would be too talk to comfortably reach other, on a range.

I don't have many relatives in agriculture, but I do have a number who raise large quantities of vegetables for religious reasons. However, they don't do much canning, instead freezing--because they don't keep them for extended periods. When Hurricane Ike came through here several years ago I lost a whole chest freezer of food and it ruined the freezer. I never replaced it, have instead just gone back to canning.

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