Thread Number: 505
What do you experts reccommend?
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Post# 49134   11/13/2004 at 18:37 (7,394 days old) by Brian (SEATTLE)        

Hello, im new to the board, and have had a great time reading all of your posts, and am totally in AW over the vast knowledge!
Please forgive my lack of knowledge here, im just a bystander in the background, and wanted to ask a question.
I own a Beauty Salon, and wash MANY loads of small white hand towel size towels, that we use in my profession. About 45 to 50 towels a load. And at least 3-4 loads every other day. The state board requires a VERY hot wash for at least 15 minutes of agitation in order to kill any and all germs that might be present.
Id like to kick myself in the rear end for getting rid of an awsome Hotpoint (GE?)top loading washer and dryer that was bought in around 1987. Neither the washer or dryer EVER needed repair.I got rid of them because i was board with them, and wanted a larger tub.
I replaced them with Frigidaire Super Capacity 22lb load washer, (the agitator goes one way, and the tub rotates the other), and the matching dryer has the reversable drum that rotates one way for awhile, shuts off for a moment then rotates the other direction, ect, ect.
Both of these appliances have required service several times since 96 when they were new. I know,,i didnt know what i was doig,whydid i get rid of that set of Hotpoints!
Anyway, someday, when these Frigidaires wear out, or when ive had enough of repair bills, what do you experts reccommend, knowing the extreme wear i put a washer and dryer thru?
Id like machines that are EASY to repair, and SIMPLE to use, but at the same time, will keep my white cotton shop towels spanking white. I do like the extra rinse feature, and i do like to be able to have a selection of water levels. Anything else, i DONT need.
Is there an older model of washer that would be better for me than these supposed "new and improved" models? Would a front loading machine be better? What machine old or new could i completly depend on to NEVER let me down that is still avalible and parts would be easy to get? Am i asking the impossible? What do you reccommend?
Thank you so very much for your time. Sincerly, Brian W.

Post# 49137 , Reply# 1   11/13/2004 at 19:08 (7,394 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

If you are looking at buying new machines, Whirlpool washers & dryers are hard to beat for the $$$$$. Also sold under the Roper brand, as well as Sears Kenmore (top loader only). F/L machines are good because they use less water & detergent, and they will spin towels drier than a top loader; However initial cost is higher and cycle times are longer than top loaders. Whirlpools are also the easiest to fix, whereas they are a direct drive machine with no belt to stretch or break. Parts are also readily available. I have sold a few of my salon customers W/P products and have not had a service call yet. Wanting an automatic extra rinse option will put you into the upper end of a mid-line machine.

Post# 49159 , Reply# 2   11/14/2004 at 12:16 (7,394 days old) by powerfin64 (Yakima, Washington)        

powerfin64's profile picture
Hey Brian, I would consider a older Maytag washer. I too, work in a Salon & We have a 80's Kenmore BD washer (used) and we've had no problems. We put about 30-35 towels in per load. But we don't do as many loads of towels as you do a week. Whirlpool/Kenmore DD are all very good brands to think about.

Just my 2 snips worth...


Post# 49202 , Reply# 3   11/15/2004 at 09:31 (7,393 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
Post this under the Deluxe forum. You'll get better response from people up on modern recommendations.

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