Thread Number: 507
2 Questions
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Post# 49158   11/14/2004 at 11:56 (7,194 days old) by compwhiz ()        

What is a wig-wag on a transmission

I think its something that controls the tranny

When my washer goes bang when it starts spinning is that the soilenoid ?

Post# 49160 , Reply# 1   11/14/2004 at 14:23 (7,194 days old) by partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        

On a belt drive whirlpool built machine (kenmore, inglis, whateva) the wig-wag is the solinoid on the transmission that controls agitation and spinning. It got the endearing name "wig-wag" because it swings back and forth in time with the agitator.

Post# 49165 , Reply# 2   11/14/2004 at 14:56 (7,194 days old) by fixerman ()        

"When my washer goes bang when it starts spinning is that the soilenoid ?"

The belt drive normally make this kind of noise when they shift to spin. Is this a new or recent problem? If it is a new problem, then it may have to have more attention. If not, it is probably normal.

Post# 49169 , Reply# 3   11/14/2004 at 17:31 (7,194 days old) by compwhiz ()        

Ooops i for got to state that this is a dd

Post# 49185 , Reply# 4   11/14/2004 at 21:33 (7,193 days old) by fixerman ()        

DD's don't have wig-wags. A clunk noise is normal on a dd after the pause after draining when the motor reverses and shifts to spin.

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