Thread Number: 51083
Which wash arm is better for a G.E. Potscrubber
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Post# 734171   2/10/2014 at 03:07 (3,733 days old) by volsboy1 (East Tenn Smoky mountains )        

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I have a old G.E. Pot Scrubber and was wondering which is the best type of wash arm for what I am doing to it?

I have the big metal one and I have one that has a gear and is off set and I have one that has the arm and two small attached to it.

I am installing extra motors in it.The main motor the black old ones. I was wondering are they more powerful than the ones G.E. has been using sense they dropped that one with the fan.I have about 11 G.E. dishwasher motors the square ones that they have been using until just recently?I have some that have a small blade on them and some that has a huge blade with small holes in it.That old black motor works great and draws a lot more power or amperage than these that came from Korea and China.I don't understand why a old 1984 Magic Chief/G.E. of mine with that big metal wash arm and a tower out washes all these new machines.My 2012 L.G. is junk it leaks and sucks at washing and has arms under each rack.The glasses are dirty all the time but if I use that old machine I can pack it full and everything is clean.You can hear the power of that tower cause it starts the motor, then fills and it's blasting the door big time.

I have several towers I thought about trying instead of the G.E. one.I have one from the 1999 Maytags which were great washer's and I have about 5 from old Frigidaire dishwashers instead of popping up these stay on the bottom rack.I do like that Maytag bobble type.The top rack will also have it's own wash arm and on the top I have a Maytag wash arm from that 1999 model.

I will have two,three motors in it.I want it to blast so much water in there that it will be equal to my Aunt's Miele commercial type she has that pumps 108 Gallons a minute.I made a disposer for it using a old Kitchenaid 1985 dishwasher drain/disposer that was in it.I don't care how loud it is it will be using a lot more water to keep the pumps primed that's one thing about these G.E. I like there deep and can hold a lot more water.So do you guys have any comments or suggestions that could help me.I am tired of these

dishwasher's out today that wash 5 hours and they come out dirty....   

Post# 734183 , Reply# 1   2/10/2014 at 05:56 (3,733 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
Use the GE....

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As your "learning" machine. Unless it's a later one with the solid plastic Perma-Tuf tub, it won't last all that long anyway; the plastic-coated steel Plastisol interiors are prone to rust-through.

Then find yourself a KitchenAid Superba, like a KDS-16, 17 or 18. Restore it to factory-new condition, and stock up a few spare parts to help it last.

You won't be having much trouble with dishes after that.

Again, if your GE has a Plastisol interior, I would not put too much money, effort or trust into it. Those machines don't last well. You can tell if a tub is Plastisol by looking to see if its surface is plastic, then putting a magnet on it - the steel under the plastic will attract the magnet.

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