Thread Number: 512
Make My New dishwasher Beautiful-Pt#2
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Post# 49188   11/14/2004 at 23:08 (7,323 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

Ihave installed TouchMatics Kitchen Aid KDS-18 washer and its GREAT!!Much better than the WP-KA machine it replaced.The WPKA one is sitting in the kitchen corner-needs a control panel or new electronic timer board.Right now I still have the base panel off the KA machine and the sights and sounds are very interesting.The spray is more powerful than the WPKA machine-for instance the plastic sandwich box I take my sandwich to work in-the blast from the upper sprayer is so powerful it flips the sandwich container over.Have to anchor the edge of it with a glass.And the cycle times are shorter and it does a better job!!I did notice it has one motor for wash and pumpout-love the sound of the pumpout soleniod-and the water is drained out like now!!the 1/2 hp motor does pump it out faster than the small shaded pole pump motor in the WP-KA version.Like the one motor design better.also like the "sani-rinse" cycle-you can hear the heating coil in the tank of the machine steaming the water!The forced air drying is VERY nice.It really works!!Love this machine.Would like to get ahold of Touchmatic-the phone number I have for him no longer works-would like to reach him and tell him the success!

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