Thread Number: 516
Newer Kelvinator set worth saving?
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Post# 49226   11/15/2004 at 17:47 (7,392 days old) by tecnopolis (Ocala/Dunnellon, Florida 34481)        

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My neighbors are tossing out a Kelvinator Washer/dryer set in decent condition. It is not the orbital style washer, but a rather ordinary looking stick agitaor with fabric softener ring on top. Is this newer Kelvi worth saving or let it go?

Post# 49229 , Reply# 1   11/15/2004 at 18:09 (7,392 days old) by jasonl (Cookeville, TN)        

It's made with a Franklin transmission after WCI bought Kelvy out. It's up to you if you like it keep it. It's not a true rarity like the AMC build Kelvinators.

Post# 49268 , Reply# 2   11/16/2004 at 12:41 (7,391 days old) by frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

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tecnopolis: As the post-AMC Kelvinator washer is rather a black sheep around here due to its Franklin heritage, (and you can include me in the list of Franklin-haters; I still suffer psychological scarring from the brief, misguided ownership of a 1986 Franklin/WCI Frigidaire top-loader) my best advice to you is this: Do whatever is required to purge your memory bank of ever having SEEN that hateful machine. Dig a deep hole at midnight, throw the damn thing in, pour gasoline over it, throw in a match, let out a shrieking, deranged laugh and DON'T LOOK BACK!

Wow---I'm really good at this. Any more questions, anyone? :)

Post# 49269 , Reply# 3   11/16/2004 at 12:59 (7,391 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

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If plastic tub, then Krusher fodder.

If porcelain tub with even perforation, then it's your call.

If porcelain tub with alternate areas of solid and perforation, then it could be an early Franklin worth saving.

Post# 49288 , Reply# 4   11/16/2004 at 18:19 (7,391 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

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Does the washer have an access panel at the bottom of the front? Do they work? If nothing else,if they work,they ought to be worth $75.00 or so,in the paper.


Post# 49452 , Reply# 5   11/18/2004 at 17:01 (7,389 days old) by tecnopolis (Ocala/Dunnellon, Florida 34481)        

tecnopolis's profile picture
I was finally able to take a closer look at them and the washer does have the plastic tub. :(
They are not dented or rusted. So maybe I will try and sell them at my yard sale.
Thanks guys~!

Post# 49454 , Reply# 6   11/18/2004 at 17:27 (7,389 days old) by arrrooohhh (Sydney Australia)        

Picture however (outside and inside) wouldnt go astray.

I know these machines are mundane to many members, but they are still interesting to me as i havent ever seen them. 8)

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