Thread Number: 517
Mobile Maid Dishwasher
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Post# 49230   11/15/2004 at 19:20 (7,193 days old) by jmm63 (Denville, NJ)        

jmm63's profile picture
A friend just purchased a house from a little old lady that lived in it for the last 40 years and I stopped by tonight to see it and guess what was in the kitchen!! A beautiful Mobile Maid. I'd like to say its coppetone, but its much darker than what I have seen as coppertone. Not sure what color GE called it. It also matches the GE fridge, the stove looks to be a little newer and by Hardwick. It appears to be mint, but she says it leaks water from the bottom? She's pretty sure she is going to get rid of it, I told her not to before she calls me! Anway, I have no need for it, but if anyone is interested, I will hold it at my house if she decides to get rid of it. I wll keep you posted. I couldn't tour the basement because a fuse was blown but she said there's "some kind of old washer and dryer" down there! :)

Post# 49253 , Reply# 1   11/16/2004 at 05:23 (7,192 days old) by drmitch ()        

Get a flashlight! Lets find out what they are. The suspense is killing me! OOOooooohh! It may be spooky down there. You go first!

Post# 49256 , Reply# 2   11/16/2004 at 07:27 (7,192 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

Fuses are cheap.

Post# 49294 , Reply# 3   11/16/2004 at 18:53 (7,192 days old) by 60skelvinator ()        
same experience

when my friend in alabama bought a "new" house (80yrs.) he told me the same story about an old washer & dryer in the basement and when I went down too see them it turned out not only to be a 1950's kelvy washer & dryer but also a '59 kelvy refrigerator. of course he wanted to have it all gotten rid of, so you know what my next move was :)

Post# 49408 , Reply# 4   11/17/2004 at 23:03 (7,190 days old) by duetboy ()        
Ain't Skeerd

This boy ain't skeerd of the dark, move outta the way!

Post# 49809 , Reply# 5   11/24/2004 at 17:09 (7,184 days old) by partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        
I brought this thread up again...

Cuz I wanna know. Did you ever get down that basement?

Post# 49885 , Reply# 6   11/25/2004 at 19:30 (7,183 days old) by jmm63 (Denville, NJ)        

jmm63's profile picture
No, not yet guys. She's been really busy and I have to admit, she's a little scattered. Plus, she just lost her cat by accidentally leaving a door open. I'll be sure to post when I make a trip over there and venture downstairs.

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