Thread Number: 530
roper dd,timer stops advancing
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Post# 49338   11/17/2004 at 08:56 (7,191 days old) by man316dara ()        

i have a roper direct drive washer and sometimes the timer stops working in certian spots,not that this is a bad thing sense it has no spray rinse in the first spin i usually let it go through it`s thing and on the final spin the timer sticks so i kinda use that as an extended spray rinse cycle in it`s self,but the other day i was doing wash and when i went to strat the next load it wouldn`t come on,about 30 min later it started to run again after i took the water out by hand and hasn`t done that sense,anyone have any ideas what might have caused this??? any feedback would be helpful

Post# 49345 , Reply# 1   11/17/2004 at 10:49 (7,191 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

If it's an intermittant problem and doesn't happen all the time, it sounds like a timer problem. They now use crappy plastic housing timers with odd incremental timing. If it fills to the right level and then the motor does not start and the timer does not advance, then it could be the water level switch. Hope this helps!!

Post# 49347 , Reply# 2   11/17/2004 at 11:55 (7,191 days old) by man316dara ()        
water level switch

that`s what made me wonder,the water level selector works,it stopped filling and the motor didn`t come on,that made me think power surges,the hurricanes really did a job around here,but 20 min later is was working again

Post# 49369 , Reply# 3   11/17/2004 at 16:01 (7,191 days old) by scott55405 ()        

The timer on our 2002 Sears toploader was replaced (fortunately under warranty) during the first year of its life for the same reason.

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