Thread Number: 531
sorry guy`s,this is a lot off our topics,(roper dd)timer prob.
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Post# 49339   11/17/2004 at 09:11 (7,323 days old) by man316dara ()        

fellas help,i was using my 1 year old roper the other day,when it seemed to go into thermo protect ,i guess,i have a timer problem,in the final spin it sticks on the spray rinse portion,which is not a bad thing sense it does not spray in the first spin i use this as and extended spray rinse cycle now which is fine,but the other day after the first load,i put the next load in and the motor wouldn`t come on,after i drained the water by hand,about 20 or 30 min later it started working and hasnt stopped sense,could the motor have over heated,and i`m in vero beach fla,where the hurricanes hit and we still get power surges,could that have something to do with it,please help,my to belt drive whirlpool`s a harvest gold super capicaty 18 lbs. basketand supreme with a doubleduty surgulator are fine ,usually use all three on wash day,the two belt drives i have restored but want to increase the spin on the harvest gold a little,smaller pully is what i`m thinking,does this sound like the right direction,i know it will increase the agition speed two,not a problem,please help!!!!

Post# 49341 , Reply# 1   11/17/2004 at 09:33 (7,323 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

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