Thread Number: 548
Question??? Malber Washer/Dryer combo
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Post# 49490   11/19/2004 at 07:12 (7,189 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

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I have a Malber WD 800 and it washes ok, spins and drain fine, but when it comes to the condensing drying portion, the washer heats like it suppose to but it drains sporadic. I found the tub slowly filling with water, but not draining consistantly during drying cycle!

Could it be a bad pump or the timer going bad?

Please help a washer nut out!!!!

Post# 49580 , Reply# 1   11/20/2004 at 11:18 (7,188 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        
I think the problem is solved....

cleanteamofny's profile picture
I think the problem lies with the drain hose, it was low to the ground before going up to the sink, so I've tied the drain hose to the back to the washer tub level before going to the sink and drying results are better. But I will keep an eye for changes in drying cycle....

Post# 49606 , Reply# 2   11/21/2004 at 00:33 (7,187 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

cleanteamofny's profile picture
It looks like I will be giving Malber USA a call on Monday to find out if the problem could be the pump. When I was doing the second load, the water was not being pumped out during the drying cycle and the clothes came out sopping wet.

What did I do to deserve this?

Post# 49609 , Reply# 3   11/21/2004 at 04:09 (7,187 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

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Does it still drain during the wash and rinse? When it dries, are you sure only cold water comes in?

Post# 49619 , Reply# 4   11/21/2004 at 08:12 (7,187 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

cleanteamofny's profile picture
Positive, the cold water is on and I don't understand why it does this during the drying cycle. It starts pumping the water out then stops completely and the clothes are so wet when it finishes.

Post# 51275 , Reply# 5   12/17/2004 at 08:12 (7,161 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        
Time to update......

cleanteamofny's profile picture
For a while I had a 110 volt Whirlpool dryer in the basement and decided to bring it up to my father's apartment (3 flights of stairs mind you) to put on top of the Malber WD800.

I went to MalberUSA in Garden City Long Island to pick up the stacking kit (SK-2) to use and low and behold......., the Whirlpool dryer did not fit the kit because it was 1/4 too wide so I've done the next best thing!?!
I went to Lowes and picked up heavy duty Velcro which did work and at the same time someone was selling the Malber Dryer TD700 on eBay. I won and pick up the unit for $200.00 and the young man offer to sell the Malber washer P21 to me and I did hopped on it for the glowing price of $200.00 and this became a match set in heaven for $400.00!

Now everything is in place, but moving these appliances was difficult because of three flights of stairs that was involved! My brother who lives on the first floor got the Whirlpool dryer, a tenant on the same first floor that is a good friend of the family has the Malber WD800 and dad got the P21 washer and TD700 Dryer.

I think it was worth the time, money and effort because I'm satisfied that I can make a few people happy including myself since we all need one or the other!


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