Thread Number: 54872
Looking for WP PowerClean racks/parts
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Post# 772467   7/22/2014 at 11:59 (3,577 days old) by murando531 (Augusta, Georgia - US)        

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*I'm posting this both here and in Shopper's Square in case there are some who check one or the other.

As some of you know, I’ve just become the owner of a beautiful Whirlpool Gold PowerClean. I've spent hours over the past few days scrubbing, cleaning, and fine tuning it, and it's running like a dream! I ran the first load of dishes in it last night, and although I had to adjust a couple of clattering bowls, as I'm not used to the amount of power the arms put out, it sounded like an angel and everything was squeaky clean.

However, being so used to the one my aunt has, which is a 2003 model, I'd like to start replacing certain parts to bring it up to speed with the updates they put into this design up until they were discontinued. Her model number is DU943PWKQ0. Aside from the typical appliance parts sites, if anyone has any of these parts for sale, knows of someone or a source that would have them, or knows of a link to a Craigslist, eBay, Amazon listing, etc., please let me know!

1. Lower wash arm - After cycle upon cycle of bleach, vinegar and baking soda (separately and between flushes of course), CLR being rubbed directly on it, and even Lemi-Shine soaks, the stainless steel wash arm still has this weird discoloration, and the round guard has a slight yellowing to it. I'm fine with just replacing it with one that is free of knicks and scuffs anyway. I can get one for $25 on the appliance parts sites, but if anyone knows of a better source, please let me know!

2. The silverware basket will also be promptly replaced. This one has a broken hinge that causes the thing to pop loose if bumped the wrong way. It's also white, with the turquoise latch, and has some staining that just won't come out. The white also seems to bring out the slight discoloration of the tub, so the light grey version will make that much better, and look more modern as well.

3. Upper and lower racks - These are my biggest concern, and sadly they're also the most expensive. Being vinyl on steel racks, there are countless rust spots all over both. They are also an ugly cream yellow color, which makes the machine seem older, and being surrounded by brown/tan colors in the kitchen doesn't help it. The grey-white nylon racks will be much more durable and look more pleasing and clean. I would also rather have the non-tiered upper rack, as for me it gives no advantage, and instead makes loading taller cups and glasses more difficult. I have nothing that I put into a dishwasher that is tall enough to require it anyway.

4. Upper wash arm assembly - The newer design was slightly updated from what I have now. The arm assembly was held on by locking tabs instead of the big screw bracket, and the harness at the supply junction at the back was upgraded from the flimsy ring to a more substantial version. The wash arm itself also had an extra spray hole that fanned directly down at the silverware basket, along with the side sprayers for propelling it around. From what I can find on the parts sites, this entire assembly comes packaged with the upper rack, but I can't spend $160+ on each rack.

I'm going to a local parts store today to get prices, and also to pick up a new nylon wash arm bearing, as this one is squished down to paper thin.

My model number: GU940SCGB2
The model with updated racks: DU943PWKQ0

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