Thread Number: 550
Freestanding dishwasher/cooktop
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Post# 49502   11/19/2004 at 13:16 (7,189 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

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Some of you might remember that I have a freestanding dishwasher with a separate cooktop on it. The French have integrated these two into one appliance. I found it on the website of a French store.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO foraloysius's LINK

Post# 49531 , Reply# 1   11/19/2004 at 19:02 (7,189 days old) by maytagbear (N.E. Ohio)        
Fascinating--thanks, Louis!

We had something similar here in the States, it
was called the "Cook n' Clean Center" by Modern Maid.
(a division of Raytheon, I think-)

It had a dishwasher, electric cook top, and an electric eye-level oven.

It was in production from the 70s through perhaps late 80s.

Don't know where to find a picture of it, or I would link.


Post# 49535 , Reply# 2   11/19/2004 at 19:39 (7,189 days old) by Brent-Aucoin ()        
Very cute looking!

Thanks for that link. That is really cool looking.
I remember the Modern Maid's like Lawrence was talking about. A friend of mine had an apartment in the early 90's that had this set up. It was actually quite nice with the full size oven on top, then range, and the dishwasher where most ovens would be.
I think it is a great solution for limited space in kitchens.

Post# 49540 , Reply# 3   11/19/2004 at 20:10 (7,189 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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That is really cool Luigi. Hmm, too bad the dishwasher can't use the gas heat to heat the water and dry the dishes. That Modern Maid Cook n Clean was designed such that the dishwasher could be replaced when it died. And it was a great idea. I still miss those eye-level ovens. Bring back the two-oven 30' ranges GE & Hotpoint had in the 1960s & 1970s.

Post# 49557 , Reply# 4   11/20/2004 at 02:38 (7,188 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

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Typical French is what you can see in the detailed pictures, one electric burner and three gas burners.

Post# 51924 , Reply# 5   12/28/2004 at 08:00 (7,150 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
cobo gas/electric burners

That's a good idea, since there are advantages/dis-advantages to both types of burners i.e., gas burner instant control vs electric very low simmering ability. And I've heard more than one person say that electric ovens bake better than gas ovens. If I ever got a chance to have my ultimate kitchen, I would have both a gas and electric cooktop/range

Post# 51974 , Reply# 6   12/28/2004 at 23:48 (7,149 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

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This is interesting, gas and electric burners in one unit. Didn't Jenn-Air have something like this with gas and electric sides? (I Never thought the gas units made much sense with that vent pulling the heat right out of the house...)

Those Modern Maid (D&M) dishwashers could be replaced, but you needed a metal panel over a plastic tub replacement dishwasher for obvious reasons ;-)

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