Thread Number: 557
Does the Ecomat washer spin?
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Post# 49582   11/20/2004 at 12:48 (7,320 days old) by compwhiz ()        

Well does it? it doesnt look like it spins to me

Post# 49583 , Reply# 1   11/20/2004 at 13:41 (7,320 days old) by Pulsator (Saint Joseph, MI)        

pulsator's profile picture
I think what your talking about is the Bendix Economat. It does not spin, instead the lid seals and as pump pumps out both air and water, the tub collapses and squeezes the clothes against the agitator forcing out water. Unfortunatley for us, we cannot watch it. :(

Post# 49594 , Reply# 2   11/20/2004 at 17:56 (7,320 days old) by compwhiz ()        

That probbably creates a hex of a vacccum

Post# 49796 , Reply# 3   11/24/2004 at 12:01 (7,316 days old) by washer-br ()        

Yes, you see Thru!
It's possible to watch Bendix Economat collapsing the tub .
There's a 'tool' used to measure the pressure of tub that can be attached to the top of it with the lid open. This tool looks like a round tray with a manometer in the middle and it's transparent.( And I can tell you : It's not so cool to watch it, once the rubber 'sticks' to the trasparent surface and it's not possible to see the underneath it)
I think I still have one of these transparent trays. If I happen to find it I'll take a pic of this tool. I have had two Economats but they've gone away a long ago, otherwise I could film the tub collapsing .

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