Thread Number: 566
inlet valves
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Post# 49631   11/21/2004 at 12:58 (7,363 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        

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does anyone know where to find rebuild kits for the old style water inlet valves? or is it just easier to buy the new style and make them work.

Post# 49639 , Reply# 1   11/21/2004 at 14:45 (7,363 days old) by partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        

Probably easier to retrofit a new valve. I haven't seen a rebuild kit since Allied Appliance Parts blew up. (Oh, it isn't that bad-I have seen 'em. it's just so much easier to go with a new one)

Post# 49656 , Reply# 2   11/21/2004 at 20:41 (7,363 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

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I was able to find them at Sundberg appliance parts - they were for commercial machines but worked perfectly in my Maytag combo valves.

Valve rebuild kit: #A7438K2 (RK1000) $5.15 ea. (retail $ may be higher)


Post# 49696 , Reply# 3   11/22/2004 at 08:45 (7,362 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Greg is that kit for the large style rubber seats or the standard size rubber seats? I'm thinking Chris might mean for the large style rubber seats which I don't believe are made anymore, but I could be wrong. It would be great to get rebuild kits for the really vintage valves.

Normally I just replace old valves with new ones, but if there is a flow washer in the output of the valve, you need to take the old washer out of the old valve and install it in the new valve. The flow-washer slows down the rate of fill for solid basket washers in order to prevent overfilling.

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