Thread Number: 568
New member with a Norge question
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Post# 49658   11/21/2004 at 21:41 (7,386 days old) by Davidh ()        

Greetings Everyone!

Found this wonderful site as a result of a search for vintage appliances.

When I was young my grandmother had a Norge Time Line washer and dryer. That set lasted until around 1975. It was wonderful. I loved pushing the button to open the dryer door (simple pleasures for simple minds...). While searching on this site I was surprised to see that GregM has a '54 model dryer exactly like the one my grandmother had. Does anyone know if '54 was the only year that Norge made their line with the bluish-turquoise control panel and red knobs? I have no idea what year the set was that my grandmother had but if someone can answer my question it might help me to get a better idea.

Thanks for your help!

Post# 49686 , Reply# 1   11/22/2004 at 05:23 (7,385 days old) by drmitch ()        
Norge Timeline

I just wanted to say welcome to the site,David. Maby gregm can help with your question. This place is lots of fun!

Post# 49694 , Reply# 2   11/22/2004 at 08:38 (7,385 days old) by lesto (Atlanta)        

Check out Robert's (unimatic) restored 56 Norge timeline washer. It's awesome.

Post# 49712 , Reply# 3   11/22/2004 at 17:32 (7,385 days old) by Davidh ()        

Thank you for the welcome DrMitch. I'm sure I'll have many happy moments here. It appears to be a very nice bunch of people.

And thank you Lesto for pointing out Robert's '56 Timeline. I did look at it the other day. It's very nice but it doesn't look the same as the '54. The '56 has an anodized gold control panel.

Post# 49722 , Reply# 4   11/22/2004 at 21:29 (7,385 days old) by gregm ()        
welcome David :)

Hi David, I found my '54 Norge Time line dryer on the side of the road with big rust stains/streaks down the sides and front. There was grey paint spilt on the top as well. I cleaned the porcelain top and got all the grey paint off and sanded down the front and sides and then two coats of "white". That is all I had to do was cosmetic. I plugged it in and it worked perfectly. It is built like a tank. I just love it and would go to heaven to find the matching washer. Doubtful but you never know. I am not sure how many years the "time-line" models were made. I will guess at three, whereas my dryer is a '54 and Robert's (unimatic's) washer is a '56. He would know for sure I bet. Welcome to a great and fun club. :)

Post# 49733 , Reply# 5   11/22/2004 at 23:25 (7,385 days old) by Davidh ()        

Thank you for the information Greg. I noticed by reading one of the Consumer Reports articles here on the site that in '54 the Norge TimeLine received one of the best ratings that year from the publication.

I agree with you, those old Norge machines were built like tanks. IMO, the styling was way ahead of it's time. From what I can see of other makes of that time, they were often laden with chrome and other brightwork while the Norge was rather sedate. Who would have guessed that such a meek looking washing pair would be such a work horse.

I remember the set that my grandmother had. She always insisted that someone stayed with the washer while it was running to make sure that everything was okay with it. All those years of sitting in the basement to babysit with the washer that never caused a problem until it finally gave up over 20 years after it was new. I also remember when she would occassionally use a pole (perhaps an old broom handle) to mix around the clothes in the washer. Thinking back, maybe it was a sign of her time because she grew up in an era that didn't have automatic washers and the machine agitation wasn't what we have now. She's almost 96 now and in a nursing home and I doubt if it would do any good to ask her why she used that pole.

I will check with Robert about the TimeLines. Maybe he can shed a little more light on the subject as well.

Thanks again.

Post# 49742 , Reply# 6   11/23/2004 at 08:45 (7,384 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
I would guess that Norge timelines had that style from 1951 or 1952 thru 1955.

Post# 49784 , Reply# 7   11/24/2004 at 09:18 (7,383 days old) by Davidh ()        

I showed the picture of Greg's dryer to my partner this morning. He remembers that my grandmother still had her set in '93 while she was living in an apartment.

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