Thread Number: 571
Kelvinator POD
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Post# 49681   11/22/2004 at 04:33 (7,186 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        

So what is "water jet" action?

Post# 49710 , Reply# 1   11/22/2004 at 16:34 (7,186 days old) by JerseyMike ()        

Kenmore1978 asked: "So what is "water jet" action?" I'm guessing that it's a fancy name for an overflow wash.

Every time that Robert runs this POD, I always say to myself: "That's one cool machine." The timer must have been Kelvinator's version of Norge's famous "Time Line" timer.

And what are those controls on either side of the timer? Are they push buttons? They look like rocker switches to me!

It's a shame that the machine that Robert and Greg saw in Oklahoma was too far gone to be saved.


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