Thread Number: 574
commercial SQ washer picked up today
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Post# 49721   11/22/2004 at 21:21 (7,318 days old) by gregm ()        

I picked up and tried out this commercial Speed Queen washer today. It looks and works great !!, I think I should have posted it in the more modern section ?? I think it is a 1988 and that is not "vintage" yet ?? Photo #'s 12 - 14 show the near mint but HEAVY GE refrig I found. I was told 1962 but I think its newer than that. Hope you enjoy the pics and more to come. I found a supposed 1947 "UNIVERSAL" brand air conditioner today. Its big and SUPER HEAVY !! It runs fine, but is very dirty and needs a paint job BAD !! so those pics along with some other stuff I found will come soon :) Happy Thanksgiving everyone !!!


Post# 49734 , Reply# 1   11/22/2004 at 23:44 (7,318 days old) by Davidh ()        

It looks like you picked up some beautiful pieces Greg. That SQ looks to be in near mint condition, especially considering the age and the fact that it's a commercial machine. The fridge is also very nice. Have you checked for a serial number? Maybe that will give you some idea as to it's age. It's nice to see that you parked the new GE next to the Norge :)

Congrats on your new acquistions!

Post# 49738 , Reply# 2   11/23/2004 at 07:06 (7,317 days old) by jasonl (Cookeville, TN)        
To operate washer, lid must be closed

Hey. That's a cool SQ. I always admired SQ's for their ruggedness, even in their new home laundry line (that goes in the Deluxe forum).

Greg, you won't need that AC. I know it's 50 degrees in MA. I'm going up there tomorrow to see Brianne. Let's see, 79deg in New Orleans to 50 degrees in Groton, MA. It wll be a change.

Jet, Bri's gonna have me so busy the next few days I don't think I'll make it to see your washers. Maybe over the Christmas holidays when I come back.

Post# 49743 , Reply# 3   11/23/2004 at 09:17 (7,317 days old) by westytoploader ()        

Wow Greg, cool SQ! I never realized the older perforated-tub commercial machines looked this cool on the outside! And from 1988, YAY, the year I was born!

I used a commercial SQ set similar to yours (black control panel w/red lettering; same interior) in Austin and it worked great. The dryer, while electric, was super-fast and got 2 loads dry in less than 30 minutes. In the washer, I found and defeated the hidden lidswitch and watched the fill/agitation. It really had good turnover for a straight-vane, and the circle fill was entertaining as well. I wouldn't mind using one of these for the house (with no lidswitch of course)!

Congratulations on a great machine!


Post# 49744 , Reply# 4   11/23/2004 at 13:30 (7,317 days old) by WASHENDRY (pinconning,mich)        


Post# 49747 , Reply# 5   11/23/2004 at 18:24 (7,317 days old) by drmitch ()        
I put my dollar in and nothing happened!

Just kidding Greg! Great SpeedQueen!

Post# 49752 , Reply# 6   11/23/2004 at 19:32 (7,317 days old) by frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
Nice SQ Commercial washer! The local laundromat has the same machines with stainless steel tubs. I've been in this town 19 years, so the machines are at least that old and they appear to be hanging in there just fine. Congrats!

Post# 49762 , Reply# 7   11/23/2004 at 22:38 (7,317 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Greg, congrads. That machine inside looks so similar to the one Rich (golittlesport) & I used at the hotel on Sun. morning at the Maryland convention.

Post# 49767 , Reply# 8   11/24/2004 at 02:32 (7,316 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        

The link goes to pics of the SQ but I don't see the the GE fridge or the Universal A/C pics

Post# 49777 , Reply# 9   11/24/2004 at 07:27 (7,316 days old) by gregm ()        
refrig pics are #'s 12- 14

refrig pics are #'s 12, 13 and 14, I will post a pic of the AC later today (hopefully, if I have time)

Post# 50074 , Reply# 10   11/28/2004 at 21:12 (7,312 days old) by david (CA)        

yes that is a later model of a GE fridge-the handles on a 62 I believe are horizontal. And the coppertone shade was quite different then. I'm thinking more like a 66 or 67. Well I see a different pic on your link ,tonight, Greg. A 59' kenmore. My aunt had one after graduating from a square Maytag wringer. I liked it, but I can't remember the lid opening to the right. Are my eyes deceiving me?

Post# 50084 , Reply# 11   11/28/2004 at 22:39 (7,312 days old) by gregm ()        

Hi David, yes the Kenmore lid opens to the right, which my folks have always had their dryer on the left, so this would work out great for them ........ ahhaha, I guess for a couple years, Kenmore made lids that could open either way. Thanks for helping me with the year on the refrig. I had my doubts when I was told 1962. My guess was a 1968 ......

Post# 50124 , Reply# 12   11/29/2004 at 17:24 (7,311 days old) by david (CA)        

Thanks Greg- I didn't know that about the 59, etc. Kenmore lids-this is one thing I love about our group-it's a daily education!

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