Thread Number: 586
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Post# 49834   11/24/2004 at 21:12 (7,256 days old) by cadman (Cedar Falls, IA)        

cadman's profile picture
I'm not entirely a Maytag fanatic since I see so many go by daily, but I couldn't stand to see this one meet the crusher. Not a mark on the cabinet, backlit console, clean all around and featuring Suds Saver- I had never seen that on a Maytag. So where exactly does the A806S fit in the product lineup? I notice it has a built-in lint filter (umm, that will need a cleaning). And what's the deal with the two hoses on the rear of the machine? One for suds only? How does Suds Saver work? BTW, I don't think there's anything wrong with this machine, I saw the dryer next to it with the control cover removed and sitting in the tub of the washer. Plugged 'er in and expelled some water too. Oh, it does have a broken fin.... Decent find?

Post# 49835 , Reply# 1   11/24/2004 at 21:22 (7,256 days old) by westytoploader ()        

A new agitator is definitely in order!

Used Power-Fins are easy to find, or you can order a new one off of RepairClinic. The 8-vaned version might be hard to find, however...


Post# 49843 , Reply# 2   11/24/2004 at 22:30 (7,256 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

That looks like it would clean up beautifully! If you use it for a while you might come to like it. I LOVE mine. Steve 1-18 rigged the lid so when the machine is on and you open the lid the machine keeps going WITH THE INTERIOR LIGHT ON!

Post# 49857 , Reply# 3   11/25/2004 at 02:43 (7,256 days old) by scott55405 ()        

Cool! This has to be one of the earlier of this type of machine, since it has a "Wash n Wear" cycle. I'm thinking 1966-68 or so. It would have been top of the line save for the all button 906, like Greg has.

One hose is for suds, one is for draining. You need a double tub or single tub and standpipe. The wash water will drain through the long suds hose when save suds is pushed. There is a solenoid or something because there's a loud bang when it begins draining through the suds hose that doesn't happen if you use drain suds. There should be a suds return setting on the dial for returning the suds from the laundry tub back to the machine.

Suds saver washers were very common in the 50s and 60s, especially in the midwest. I think just about every brand offered it as an option.

Post# 49870 , Reply# 4   11/25/2004 at 12:03 (7,255 days old) by maytagluver ()        
Nice 806S

If it doesn't like it's new home in IA, could be it would like N/E IN???
Gotta love them older Maytags !!!!


Post# 49892 , Reply# 5   11/25/2004 at 21:37 (7,255 days old) by cadman (Cedar Falls, IA)        

cadman's profile picture
So how exactly does Suds Saver work? What was the idea behind it? I've heard reference to it on other machines but never seen it on a Maytag.

And the Wash 'n' Wear button? A speed setting?


Post# 49904 , Reply# 6   11/26/2004 at 00:17 (7,255 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
This is a 66 or 67 model - the very first of this panel style. There are only three water levels for a large-tub machine, later big-tub models were four the first (although maimed :( Power-Fin agitator - the small fins on the skirt are actually small channels that carry the wash-water and dispensed additives into the water currents. This style was discontinued rather quickly in favor of the now familiar open chamber Power-Fin. The factory specs state that the Wash-N-Wear button defaults the spin speed to regular (618 rpm) but allows selectable agitation speed. This seems odd, I'd think it would default a gentle (412 RPM) spin...

If you remove the front panel, you'll see exactly what "save and "drain" buttons do. There is a solenoid diverter valve that directs the flow of water from the pump. When you select "drain suds" the wash and rinse water are pumped out the same hose - presumably to a standpipe or other sewer connection. When you select "save" the wash water is directed into a storage tub where it is held until the 1st cycle is completed, rinse water will be pumped down the drain. At the start of the next load, you set the control dial to return suds or suds setting and it will pump the cold, filthy wash water back into the tub to use again! Hee hee, I'm not a big suds-saver fan but you get the idea... The long snout on one hose is to reach the bottom of the storage tub to suck the water back in. Ideally, the length of the 'snout' is 1" above the bottom of the tub so that lint and sediment from the wash water will settle to the bottom of the tub and not get pulled back in to the next load. Woohoo!

Post# 49920 , Reply# 7   11/26/2004 at 12:44 (7,254 days old) by partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        

An early A806s like this is one of my dream machines. I was at an estate sale once and there was a machine like this and an old off-brand wringer washer in the basement. I asked the people running the sale what they would take on the old Maytag. They said $25. So I give them the money, go down and begin disconnecting the luvlee Maytag New Generation Automatic. The people running the sale then came down and told me they thought I meant the old piece of sh*t wringer (which any idiot could see was NOT a maytag) and no, I could not take the automatic with its cool first series power-fin agitator because that belonged with the house. So i got my money back and left 'em with that crusty ol wringer!

Post# 49936 , Reply# 8   11/26/2004 at 16:38 (7,254 days old) by fixerman ()        

I Have an A806S in my warehouse. Too bad shipping to Hawaii would be a problem. It is really in excellent condition. If anyone is interested let me know.

Post# 49992 , Reply# 9   11/27/2004 at 17:15 (7,253 days old) by petebldg9 ()        
Comparison to A208


Nice pictures! The style is very similar to my A208, however, there are some differences. Yours appears to be large capacity, whereas mine is standard, with a grey tub. My Powerfin has only four vanes, with openings under the post to pull water through the lint filter. I would agree with the other posts that your model appears to be higher-end for its time. The more I look at my A208, it's a pretty simple machine. As for similarities, after reading some manuals, I think Maytag kept many of the components similar through the years for ease of service. Other than position (e.g. your bleach dispenser is on the right, the A208's is on the left) most components seem to be identical.


Post# 50025 , Reply# 10   11/28/2004 at 10:40 (7,252 days old) by compwhiz ()        
Saw this

Hey i saw this in avacoto green out side someones house it also had a dryer. Too bad i cant get it :-(

Post# 50032 , Reply# 11   11/28/2004 at 11:03 (7,252 days old) by Pulsator (Saint Joseph, MI)        

pulsator's profile picture
I hate the larger capcity Maytags. I have seen many in the junkyard and I just leave them. I like small, small is good. Thats one of the reasons why vintage washing machines and me fit together so well. They are all small capacity.

Post# 50042 , Reply# 12   11/28/2004 at 14:36 (7,252 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture
About 3 years ago,I had a 906 set come through the shop,also in Avacado Green.Very unusual,more unusual was that they both worked!

You never know if you can aquire appliances sitting around,unless you ask. Most people are more than happy to let you haul them away.

Post# 50065 , Reply# 13   11/28/2004 at 19:57 (7,252 days old) by cadman (Cedar Falls, IA)        

cadman's profile picture
It actually reuses the cold, dirty suds? That's, ummm, odd. What about this holding tub? Was anything specifically marketed for this purpose, or did the owner just use a galvanized tub that was handy? I'd think it'd be tough to integrate a washer like this in a 60's "modern" setting; rather a dark basement. And you guys are right- I see a date stamp, '66.


Post# 50067 , Reply# 14   11/28/2004 at 20:14 (7,252 days old) by maytagbear (N.E. Ohio)        
Not odd at all

In the wringer washer days, it was very common to use the wash water for several loads, if not for the whole washday. You would add a little bit more detergent with every load, though, and if it was a hot or warm load, add a little hot or warm water, but not a full washer's worth of water. It seemed to work pretty well, too.

Suds savers were just an automatic elaboration. In the Whirlpool we had with this feature, it would pump back most of the saved 20 gallons, and add a gallon or two of fresh water.

The dirt settled at the bottom of the holding tub.

Since, at that time, Whirlpool built machines had four spray rinses, a deep rinse, and then four more spray rinses, cleaning seemed perfectly ok.

Also, between chlorine bleach and a hot dryer, most household bugs didn't have much of a chance.

One last thing- in the 20s-early 50s, automatic water heaters were at first not in existance, and then rare. This saved hot water as well as water in general.

Some people have very high water rates, but don't particulary care for front loading washers. This would be an alternative.

I don't have room for a laundry tub, but I wish suds-saver washers were made again. When I do have space for a collection, I hope to have at least one suds-saver.


Post# 50103 , Reply# 15   11/29/2004 at 05:33 (7,251 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
suds saver machines

Right, suds savers were just a hold over from the wringer days. Generally, you'd wash the whites first in hot water, the re-use the cooled water for subsequent loads of colored laundry.

Post# 50214 , Reply# 16   11/30/2004 at 18:58 (7,250 days old) by laundramatt (Youngstown, Ohio)        

If more people would have regularely used the suds savers, we might not have had all this crying about ruining our water supplies. Or for that matter, the new "energy efficient" low water use machines that I hate.

Post# 50217 , Reply# 17   11/30/2004 at 19:48 (7,250 days old) by alr2903 (TN)        
suds savers

In some rural area's people had cisterns in the ground, that collected rain water from the roof. ( as late as 1970). Until rural water pipeline services arrived, or a well was drilled, your choice was a suds saver automatic, or a wringer. Most opted for the wringer even the automatic use of fresh water for rinsing, was considered an excessive waste of water. thanks alr2903.

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