Thread Number: 58613  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
Eaton Viking washing machines 1980s info
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Post# 811655   2/28/2015 at 22:30 (3,523 days old) by michael777 ()        

I have an Eaton Viking 1988 washing machine....

Eaton Viking 8 2-speed Heavy Duty washing machine approx age 1988 model EW407FT119......most were mfg by GE......(Moffat is also an old sub-name of GE)

This washing machine just keeps purring dependable.

Location for Model Sticker on this machine is on the outside, lower right side.

Recently I had a problem of low/no water drainage during the wash & rise cycle.......I first unplugged the washing machine from the electric power.... I found a small dish cloth had been sucked into the drain hose and was blocking the flow of water.....I removed the back cover of the washer and was able to see the water pump right at the rear of the washer......I loosened the clamp and hose from the bottom of the drum and removed the dish cloth and that solved the low/no drainage problem.....careful, there will be a lot of water released once the blocking object is removed from the hose so have a large pail ready to catch the water.

I also have an Eaton Viking 5 1988 Heavy Duty Electric Clothes Dryer also made by GE and it is just a major problems at all.....I have read that appliance serviceman have stated that these 1980s Viking/GE appliances are so dependable......don't get rid of them, just keep fixing them....

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Post# 811671 , Reply# 1   3/1/2015 at 00:00 (3,523 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
NICE looking machines

jetcone's profile picture

Welcome on board Michael, do you have any interior shots so we can see the type of agitator Eaton used?


Post# 811700 , Reply# 2   3/1/2015 at 08:13 (3,523 days old) by pulltostart (Mobile, AL)        
Very Nice

pulltostart's profile picture

Interesting to see that as late as 1988 GE was still offering the side-hinging lids to some of it's badges.  I love the clean, simple controls.  And you have the matching dryer.  Excellent!



Post# 811701 , Reply# 3   3/1/2015 at 08:19 (3,523 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
well this is a flashback for me around 1988 1989 my family came close of owning a viking washer it would of been the model with mini basket

Post# 811725 , Reply# 4   3/1/2015 at 10:33 (3,522 days old) by michael777 ()        

Jetcone....After doing some further research, I believe this Viking washer and the matching Viking electric dryer I have are the same as the GE Filter Flo appliances with the controls mounted in a different location on the control panel.....The Eaton Viking washing machines and dryers were mfg by GE under the Viking brand name for The T. Eaton Co. Limited which was once Canada's largest department store retailer.....similar to Sears having their Kenmore brand......(Moffat and Hotpoint were also mfg by GE).....the Viking washing machine I have has been used constantly for a family of 5 since 1988 and has all the OEM original parts and it operates like a charm......the Viking washing machine and Viking electric clothes dryer of the 80s were excellent, well designed Noth American manufactured attached...

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Post# 811745 , Reply# 5   3/1/2015 at 11:56 (3,522 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        
well if you have not seen how they look in the 1970

pierreandreply4's profile picture
thats great here how they look like in the 1970 i know because 1 of my aunts own a set and neighbors where i lived when i was a toddler as well picture of 1970 set included

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Post# 811762 , Reply# 6   3/1/2015 at 14:37 (3,522 days old) by PhilR (Quebec Canada)        

philr's profile picture

I do have a Viking washer from the late 1970s or early 1980s. I can't tell from the serial number as a part of the tag is missing and there were no Eaton catalogs to browse after 1976... I don't have the matching dryer as it came with a Speed Queen dryer that I bought.


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Post# 811767 , Reply# 7   3/1/2015 at 15:08 (3,522 days old) by jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
Kewl machine Phil

jetcone's profile picture

It has the GE activator but the hotpoint clothes guard. Love the bilingual markings esp Rinçage Plus !!


We love Rinçage Plus à Chez moi




Post# 811790 , Reply# 8   3/1/2015 at 17:42 (3,522 days old) by PhilR (Quebec Canada)        
We love Rinçage Plus à Chez moi

philr's profile picture

Jon, what do you mean?!?!


Tu veux la laveuse Viking chez toi?!   




If that's what you mean... That can happen by mid-march!!


Post# 1188787 , Reply# 9   8/29/2023 at 00:19 (420 days old) by Scobenj (Fletchers Lake)        
Viking Model # EWX22RW1291 Parts

My Viking Model# EWX22RW1291 Has a bad seal in its recirc/drain pump and I haven't found a new pump for it anywhere. The unit doesn't appear to be serviceable. Can anybody point me toward a possible source?

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