Thread Number: 588
latest finds 11/24/04
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Post# 49839   11/24/2004 at 21:49 (7,316 days old) by gregm ()        

posted pics starting with # 21 thru 39, of '49 & '62 GE dishwashers, Bendix, Philco, Universal AC, Gibson AC, and Kenmore DW. Hope you like the pics, the Universal AC works fine but needs cosmetic detailing badly as you will see. Everything else works. The Bendix needs an overhaul I believe, but the rubber tub is intact. The Philco is not working right now. The '62 GE dw works fine, the '49 has never been used, but the pump does run and the '67 Kenmore works fine. Happy Thanksgiving everyone :)


Post# 49841 , Reply# 1   11/24/2004 at 22:07 (7,316 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
Eye Opener

jetcone's profile picture
Wow Greg; What a haul!! I see you've been back to Steve's. He is a NICE GUY! Thank you Steve for the manauls BTW!

Greg that '49 GE is THE find! Beautiful. Good for you.

And that 62 Ge roll out what abeast! GAWD! The times we rolled open the thing and had to throw more detergent into the cup and start it over I couldn't count on two hands. That is definetly a look at piece.

Enjoy your toys and have a great T day.


Post# 49852 , Reply# 2   11/25/2004 at 00:28 (7,316 days old) by cmiller990 ()        

I have a question.. I know I am new here, but I collect manuals for dishwashers and I would pay to get copys of the 49 GE and the 67 Kenmore dishwasher owners manuals... Scince i have very little space to have a collection, i collect the manuals.. Thanks, email me, Chad

Post# 49856 , Reply# 3   11/25/2004 at 02:35 (7,315 days old) by scott55405 ()        

Greg you're amazing. Happy Thanksgiving! Scott

Post# 49872 , Reply# 4   11/25/2004 at 12:43 (7,315 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Awesome Greg. I too would love copies of the two DW manuals.

Post# 49875 , Reply# 5   11/25/2004 at 15:12 (7,315 days old) by drmitch ()        

I could almost smell the new in that G.E.! And the Kenmore looks new on the inside as well. Great finds. (P.S. you just gotta love that universal a/c.)

Post# 49966 , Reply# 6   11/27/2004 at 10:10 (7,313 days old) by Davidh ()        

Great stuff Greg!

That '49 GE dishwasher is beautiful. Imagine someone buying that and never using it. I'm really happy for you.

With all of those new toys coming in you may have to sell off your Norge dryer to make room! (evil grin)

Thanks for sharing them with us!

Post# 49967 , Reply# 7   11/27/2004 at 10:42 (7,313 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
Wow - another great haul, that 49 GE dishwasher is terrific! Since you have two, you'll never have to use this one so it will stay mint forever - if you can stand it! ;-)

Post# 49981 , Reply# 8   11/27/2004 at 14:45 (7,313 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Super Cool Greg! Wonderful finds, I agree with Greg, you will have to try and keep that MIB GE Dishwasher unused!

Post# 49983 , Reply# 9   11/27/2004 at 15:10 (7,313 days old) by mikepaquette ()        
King of Dishwashers Congrats

I am a dishwasher guy. I have been following the club in search of info & of coarse the perfect vintage dishwasher. I could be wrong (I doubt it though) Greg M seems to be the King of dishwashers. His GE pull out is proof. WOW What a nice dishwasher collection. Good for you. I'm envious. All my best. Michael

Post# 50019 , Reply# 10   11/28/2004 at 09:01 (7,312 days old) by gregm ()        
thank you

thanks for all your comments and feedback everyone, it is always fun to share with vintage enthusiasts ...

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