Thread Number: 601
another laundromat question
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Post# 49915   11/26/2004 at 12:17 (7,314 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        

christfr's profile picture
well here we go again. have my L5 apart again to change its oil and mess with the belts. i went to check the bolts-screws the hold on the water pump and found the pump had frozen up. so off and apart came the pump. i have the pump apart and i guess from the water going through there it has sort of ate up the metal housing to the point that there is a tiny pin hole that lets water into the shaft and i guess from sitting it made the shaft freeze up. i have the shaft out and am trying to seal the pin hole and regrease the shaft. but i suppose it would be a good idea to start looking for a diffrent pump. so here is the question does any one know of a used pump for sale?
this old girl and i would be more than happy to buy one. any ideas? thanks chris

Post# 49979 , Reply# 1   11/27/2004 at 14:43 (7,313 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Yes, Larry in Parma, OH at Modern Parts House has a ton of those pumps, New In Box.

Post# 50043 , Reply# 2   11/28/2004 at 14:42 (7,312 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        
your gonna kill me

christfr's profile picture
your gonna kill me but do you have his phone number?

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