Thread Number: 611
Re: F&P Dryers:
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Post# 50012   11/28/2004 at 00:22 (7,180 days old) by SactoTeddyBear ()        

Does anyone know and realize that the F&P Dryers are manufactured thru GE? I found out from a F&P Rep at a local Lowe's earlier this year. He told me that as with Kenmore Washers and Dryers made by WP, that the F&P Dryer's are made to the F&P Specification's.

IMHO, I prefer the WP's as mentioned by Coldspot66, ever over the Duet's Dryer's as well.

Peace to all, Steve
Sacto Teddy Bear...

Post# 50013 , Reply# 1   11/28/2004 at 00:30 (7,180 days old) by SactoTeddyBear ()        
Re: F&P Dryers, extra info:

Thread# 523 Scrap pile Neptune, Last Reply by COLDSPOT66, at 11/27/2004-08:15, is the Post I was referring about in my prior original Posting about the F&P Dryer's.

Peace to all, Steve

Post# 50015 , Reply# 2   11/28/2004 at 01:34 (7,180 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Yes, I had an F&P DE04 for five years (purchased September 1999), and it was made in Canada by a GE subsidiary. Never had any trouble with that dryer and the performance was excellent. My grandmother has it now. It and the GWL08 washer were standing in 12" of water for more than 8 hours during the flood a week ago. I tried the washer yesterday evening, it appears to run OK. Gonna get the vent reconnected and try the dryer this afternoon.

The new F&P SmartLoad top-loading dryer, however, is made by F&P.

Post# 50097 , Reply# 3   11/29/2004 at 01:37 (7,179 days old) by SactoTeddyBear ()        
Re: F&P Dryers by F&P

I went to a local Lowe's on Sunday, November 28th and I saw the new Top-Load F&P Dryer's. Are they the ones that you mentioned about that are made by F&P now? It would be great if they could "rig" a Demo of them with the outer Lid removed and a Plexiglas Drum. The Demo could run just with Air and No-Heat, so the Plexiglas wouldn't melt. Now for everyone else, does anyone have one of these new Top-Load Dryer's yet, what do you think of them? I think they are great as far as not having to bend/stoop down to load and unload Laundry from the Drum. They still have the normal Front-Load Dryers too, they look like they are still made by GE.

Peace and best to all, Steve

Post# 50099 , Reply# 4   11/29/2004 at 01:57 (7,179 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
I've had a DEGX1 SmartLoad dryer and IWL12 Intuitive Eco washer since 10/8/2004. Check the other threads in this section of the message board. There are videos of the dryer drum closing and opening, with the top of the machine open.

IWL12 Washer

DEGX1 Dryer

Post# 51913 , Reply# 5   12/28/2004 at 06:24 (7,150 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
Flood victims

So what was the final word on the flood victims? Dryer come out OK?

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