Thread Number: 613
Mona Lisa's Smile the 55 Frigidaires
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Post# 50034   11/28/2004 at 11:54 (7,180 days old) by wigwag (San Diego)        

Hi everyone,

My wife and i watched a movie called Mona Lisa's smile and lo and behold they showed a 55 or so Frigidaire set just like Robert has. (I might be a little off on the year) has anyone seen that movie and more importantly did a classic appliance member lend their machine to the set =)


Post# 50035 , Reply# 1   11/28/2004 at 12:30 (7,180 days old) by golittlesport (California)        

golittlesport's profile picture
Hi Steven
Yeah...lo and behold those ARE Robert's machines! His 56 Westy twins were recently used in a movie also...but I don't remember the name of the film.
(Your neighbor to the north, in O.C.)

Post# 50037 , Reply# 2   11/28/2004 at 12:59 (7,180 days old) by wigwag (San Diego)        
i knew it!

Oh that is so cool! I knew something cool was going to happen when they opened that louvered door! Thats awesome rich thanks much for the info!

Post# 50092 , Reply# 3   11/28/2004 at 23:30 (7,180 days old) by golittlesport (California)        

golittlesport's profile picture
The Westies are in The Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio...see thread #476

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