Thread Number: 61441  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
The stupidest customer reviews
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Post# 840975   9/13/2015 at 06:46 (3,239 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

You see, I think there is a general difference between the EU reviews I read and the US ones:

Here, you get a few completly dumb reviews, some useless onces, and some who really give kind of help.

With the US websites, this is true as well. However, I sometimes run across reviews that are just... I can't describe it with words.

So, I thought we could open a thread here where we can post all the reviews we can only shake our heads about.

I'll start with this Kenmore LG-clone FL:

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Post# 840985 , Reply# 1   9/13/2015 at 08:41 (3,239 days old) by Johnb300m (Chicago)        

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Oh my gosh, I read so many stupid reviews when dishwasher shopping a month back. I'll dig them up later.

Post# 840987 , Reply# 2   9/13/2015 at 08:56 (3,239 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

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I read some doozies while deciding between the Samsung 6300 and the Maytag 8100.


My favorite, though, was from a man who had summoned a repairman for his just-installed Maytag because, "It keeps turning one way, then the other. It can't seem to make up its mind! The clothes never make it all the way around.  They go partway then just drop."


He didn't realize reverse tumbling is supposed to occur.

Post# 840999 , Reply# 3   9/13/2015 at 09:57 (3,239 days old) by washerdude (Canada )        

I see a certain review on my Whirlpool WFW72HEDW which makes me laugh. People say how they have had the tub's spider break and it was only 3 years old.....This model didn't even exsist 3 years ago though...

Post# 841019 , Reply# 4   9/13/2015 at 13:31 (3,239 days old) by MathGallo ()        

I read a review on my (Brazilian) Electrolux TL complaining that the machine don't stores the water for the washing process. Personally I never saw a machine which you fill a water reservoir then starts the washing...

Post# 841058 , Reply# 5   9/13/2015 at 18:54 (3,239 days old) by warmsecondrinse (Fort Lee, NJ)        

I can't recall any specific ones off the top of my head, but I've noticed that most negative reviews contain at least one statement that suggests user error is at least partly responsible.

Post# 841176 , Reply# 6   9/14/2015 at 12:31 (3,238 days old) by johnb300m (Chicago)        

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HAHAHA! I saw that review too, where the guy was complaining about the tub turning both ways. OMG people are stupid.

There were a lot of washability complaints with the GE dishwashers not washing silverware. And what I uncovered is that many of the silverware complaints were from people who removed the individula slot cells. They did this because "it took too long to load." LOL.
A lot of the complaints on dishwashers and washers are on LONG cycle times. And people really hate this because they think it's wasting water and energy. Which is funny, because if they knew anything about their machines, they'd learn that they used less, even though they ran longer.

Then there's THIS gem for the GFWR2700HWW

_Just an OK washer_

Wash cycles take forever, there's no way around it. You have to plan your day around the laundry. Quick wash is 35 minutes and clothes just barely clean. Also, no spin cycle. It's a Rinse+spin cycle then you have to press and hold the button for it to go to Spin only. So annoying! No gentle cycle. Only delicates which doesn't spin out all the water. My old washer (which was a GE) had choice of wash and choice of spin (Gently, regular) this machine does not. NO Soak option. You have to pay more but at this price that really should be an option on this machine. Really disappointed in GE. This may sound weird but I used to enjoy doing laundry now I dread it because of this machine. I should have returned it.

These people are mental, and should be barred from anything that uses electricity.

Post# 841263 , Reply# 7   9/15/2015 at 05:09 (3,238 days old) by iej (.... )        

I briefly worked in an appliance store in Ireland in my college days as a part time job.

A guy came in wondering why the machine he'd bought wouldn't work.
It kept displaying an error code.

We looked up the code : "Check water supply"

Asked him if the he'd accidentally left the water supply valve shut where it connects to his plumbing.

"Oh, I didn't connect those optional hoses that were in the drum"

You connected it to the water?

"No, I thought it made its own water!"

(at this point my manager a lady in her 50s just started laughing so hard she actually fell off her seat)

We also had someone in one day complaining that the golf clubs he'd bought from us were terrible and he wanted a refund. We were an electrical shop and at no stage ever sold golf clubs but he was having none of it and started showing me the various woods and irons and what lousy quality they were!

Then we'd the lady who bought a Dyson and was going crazy because she'd used it to unblock the sink and it stopped working and tripped the power!

"What kind of wet and dry Hoover is this?!?"

"Emm ... It's not a wet & dry vac"

"but Dyson are famous for their wet and dry machines. That's why I bought it!"

"emm.. No, they've never made one of those. You sure you're not thinking of VAX?!"

"Of (beep) you're right! I bought the wrong (beeping) Hoover!"

Post# 841275 , Reply# 8   9/15/2015 at 06:42 (3,237 days old) by arbilab (Ft Worth TX (Ridglea))        
Originally a blonde joke but works for customers.....

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Blonde brings her boat back to the dealer. "It doesn't run nearly as fast as when you sold it to me."

Salesman says, "let me look at it, you may have bent the propeller taking it off the trailer."

Blonde says, "off the trailer?"

Post# 841623 , Reply# 9   9/18/2015 at 04:42 (3,235 days old) by askolover (South of Nash Vegas, TN)        
not trying to hijack but...another blonde/appliance joke

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A blonde comes into a Best Buy store, looks at a sale display and finds a salesperson to whom she says, " I want to purchase this television!" 

The salesperson replied, " I'm sorry but we don't sell to blondes."

Determined, she went to her car and put on a different color sweater along with a hat and scarf and headed back into the store.  She approaches the same salesperson with the same statement, "I would like to purchase this television set", but she received the same reply of "I'm sorry we don't sell to blondes!" and she stormed out the door.  Thinking she could outsmart the salespeople, she put on a brown wig, changed her makeup, her clothes, and her shoes, even added different colored contact lenses and headed back to the store.  She spotted a different salesperson and approached him.  Confidently, she blurted out, "I want to purchase this television and I want it now!"

The salesperson gave her the same reply, " I'm sorry, we don't sell to blondes!"

Furious, she screamed out, "How do you know I'm a blonde?"

The salesperson replied, "Because Mam, that's a microwave!"

Post# 841634 , Reply# 10   9/18/2015 at 07:29 (3,234 days old) by warmsecondrinse (Fort Lee, NJ)        

"I thought it made its own water"... Priceless!

True story, not in that league but still good:

An interpreter on cruise ship after double shift is sitting, brain-fried, in the corner of a lobby with a stiff drink and waiting for a friend. Blonde walks up to nearby elevator, pushes button and waits. Elevator comes, she sticks her head in, looks around, pulls her head out and lets the elevator leave. She does this again ... and again ... and again. Finally the interpreter can't contain himself and asks why she's doing that...

"The sign says 'capacity 12 people' so I'm waiting for an (sic? or maybe not, lol) elevator with 11 people in it to arrive so I can get on."

Post# 841765 , Reply# 11   9/19/2015 at 04:06 (3,234 days old) by oliveoiltinfoil (England, UK)        

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What it is to be sophisticated Europeans huh Henene :p

Post# 841773 , Reply# 12   9/19/2015 at 06:16 (3,233 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        
You can call me Henrik

Everybody gets his or her fair share of things in life, you know ;D

Post# 841782 , Reply# 13   9/19/2015 at 08:01 (3,233 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

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the problem with customer reviews, as well as Consumer Reports, if you have to take it as advice, and with a grain of salt.....

The problem with things like the internet is they will let ANYONE post a comment, without the thought of credibility, or that this person knows what their even talking about....

that would be like me posting a comment of the effects of a breast pump!

there is one commercial, and I think its by Sears, but true, can you trust a review from someone named DogBreathe69, DooDooBird, or SnagglePuss.....

Post# 841784 , Reply# 14   9/19/2015 at 08:17 (3,233 days old) by joeypete (Concord, NH)        

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I agree, customer reviews have to be taken with a grain of salt. Some people are just plain dumb...LOL. They don't read manuals, they don't ask questions, and they want to cheapest product around. Biggest complaints I see is that "it doesn't work like my old ....". Well that's because it isn't your old ..... dumby. Just irritates me when people criticize new products without fully understanding how they work.

I refer to Consumer Reports quite a bit because i do feel they know their stuff so to speak. However especially in regards to washing machines, they base a lot of their ratings on energy consumption which is great, but it doesn't really give a good indication of how well a machine works. For example on the Frigidaire Affinity Immersion care top loader...they rate it as excellent for cleaning performance (one of only 2 HE top load machines they rated with excellent cleaning performance) yet it's overall score is wayyyyy down at the bottom. Mostly because it uses more water. That's not a fair comparison.

Post# 842277 , Reply# 15   9/22/2015 at 16:09 (3,230 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
whirlpool dishwashers

I've read reviews about Whirlpool dishwashers not cleaning properly. If they have used normal/high temp wash with high grade detergent and rinse aid, all the time, it would've performed properly!

Post# 842280 , Reply# 16   9/22/2015 at 17:01 (3,230 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

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Joe-- The Frigidaire Immersion Care top-loader scores an excellent in cleaning with the maximum soil level selected. That increases the wash impelleration/agitation time to 75 minutes. It also received a very low score for gentleness to fabrics at that setting. Having had an Immersion Care, I will vouch that you do not want to use the maximum wash time on loads of pants and shirts. I think the setting is called Stain Treat. The cleaning score would be lower if CR used the default Normal Cycle and normal soil setting.

I used the maximum cycle a few times on loads of heavily-stained kitchen whites and the lint that came off the items in the dryer was unreal. Very hard on fabrics.

On the other hand, I washed the same load dozens of times on the Sanitize cycle in the Frigidaire front-loader (70-minute wash tumble) with no excess wear whatsoever. #teamfrontloader

Post# 842293 , Reply# 17   9/22/2015 at 19:04 (3,230 days old) by cuffs054 (MONTICELLO, GA)        

My Favorite is "I didn't have time to put it together yet, so I gave it a 1 star."

Post# 1183971 , Reply# 18   7/2/2023 at 07:10 (390 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
stupid people

Stupid people don't read the manuals or learn how it works, especially in the case of washers and dryers. They only care about cold wash and dry cycles and expect miracles or at least good performance. Then they have the audacity to blame the machines. I blame user error.

Post# 1183985 , Reply# 19   7/2/2023 at 09:24 (390 days old) by joeekaitis (Rialto, California, USA)        
Don't have the link handy . . .

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. . . but a review of the Panasonic FlashXpress toaster oven said it was too dangerous for children to use because the cookware gets hot enough to cause second- or third-degree burns.


Uh, yeah.  No one said it's a microwave oven, and even if it was, you still need to use potholders.


Scariest of all, these people drive on the same roads as the rest of us.

Post# 1183989 , Reply# 20   7/2/2023 at 11:38 (390 days old) by rinso (Meridian Idaho)        

This is a true story, from way back in the early 1950's, that most of the older folks in my small town swore was true. "A widow purchased a New Chevrolet equipped with PowerGlide automatic transmission. She used some of the money left by her late husband, who usually drove, as she couldn't drive a standard transmission. She brought it back within a week, claiming that it always bucks and sometimes stalls. The mechanics at the dealership could not duplicate the problem during numerous test drives. They decided to ride along while she drove, to see if there was something they were missing. The woman always showed up well-dressed, with lots of accessorizing. When she got in the car with the service manager in the passenger's seat, she started the car normally, backed it out of the parking space, put the shift lever in drive and while they were underway, she pulled the choke knob out and hung her purse on it."

Post# 1183991 , Reply# 21   7/2/2023 at 11:45 (390 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        

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 she pulled the choke knob out and hung her purse on it.

Post# 1183994 , Reply# 22   7/2/2023 at 12:16 (390 days old) by joeekaitis (Rialto, California, USA)        
See also:

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Personal computer cup holders (CD-ROM/DVD trays) breaking under the weight of a full mug of coffee

PC pedals (mice) not working right

Can't find the "any" key ("Press any key to continue")

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