Thread Number: 616
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Post# 50064   11/28/2004 at 19:53 (7,379 days old) by cadman (Cedar Falls, IA)        

cadman's profile picture
Okay guys, seems like my luck is still holding out. The crusher arrives tomorrow afternoon, but I hope to save this one before it shows. I managed to snag the top/console that was loose, the rest of the machine..with chrome trimmed door and giant oval window, will hopefully come home tomorrow when I get off work. The button that activates the panel light also says Tub Light, is it true? Is there actually a tub light?! Any guesses on the year, or does someone else in the club have one?

This is my first front-loader and first Westy to boot, so I'm eager to know everything about it! (Assuming the recycler doesn't show early)

Post# 50086 , Reply# 1   11/28/2004 at 22:46 (7,379 days old) by eddy1210 (Burnaby BC Canada)        

eddy1210's profile picture
You really are having good luck Cory! Yes, there would be a tub light in this one. My guess is early 70's but some members will know the exact year. I haven't found any westy's yet :-( Hope you get the machine tomorrow, keep us posted!

Post# 50115 , Reply# 2   11/29/2004 at 15:11 (7,378 days old) by tlee618 ()        

My college room-mate had this very same machine at his parents home. It was harvest gold and they had the matching dryer. They got them in the fall of 1970. I always thought they were so beautiful....

Post# 50126 , Reply# 3   11/29/2004 at 17:36 (7,378 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
Excellent find! Keep us posted on the rest of the machine, I hope it's in as good of shape as this top looks. This looks like a very similar machine to the one I found (top-load) this summer which was about a '68. They made this panel style for several years and the TOL is wonderful looking. Parts are still readily available so it should be easy to get back to


Post# 50150 , Reply# 4   11/29/2004 at 21:58 (7,378 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
Ohhhh That

jetcone's profile picture
Machine is one of my dream machines! Its the one I remember Pearl Bailey advertising in CopperTone and it has the large tub but the flush front door! Soo cool! Cory you are hot this month. Don't stop till you get enough!

Send pix of the whole cabinet tomorrow at 6!!


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