Thread Number: 627
Hotpoint Washer
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Post# 50177   11/30/2004 at 05:53 (7,178 days old) by tony ()        

Do any members have any pictures of a hotpoint washer inside and out dating back around 1970-1977. I think those washers are the.... Hotpoint "16" or maybe a {link} that does. Thanks

Post# 50209 , Reply# 1   11/30/2004 at 17:20 (7,178 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture
Lots of advertising here,might have what you're looking for.


Post# 50253 , Reply# 2   12/31/2069 at 18:00 (19,931 days old) by tony ()        

Thanks a million Kenny

Now what about the years...1975-1980 for Hotpoint.

I think its called the "Liberator".....

Post# 50264 , Reply# 3   12/1/2004 at 09:33 (7,177 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
From the model linked to above until many years later, there wasn't much change in the Hotpoint washers as they were GE made clones with different agitators.

Post# 50272 , Reply# 4   12/1/2004 at 11:52 (7,177 days old) by jasonl (Cookeville, TN)        

I have video of an 1970 hotpoint running. It belongs to Tcox619 and one day TODD we need to get together and fix both your HP and your speed queen.

Anyway, it's a fun machine with the fountain filter and would make a fun washer in your shed.

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