Thread Number: 628
1972 Kenmore Dryer Service Question
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Post# 50185   11/30/2004 at 09:28 (7,178 days old) by cycla-fabric (New Jersey (Northern))        

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I have a question for the service guys here. My mom’s 1972 Kenmore dryer is starting to give her a small problem. The machine is electric 220 volt, and it is connected to a standard 2 screw-in 30-amp fuse box. Recently it has been blowing the heat side of the fuse, when drying clothes using regular timed cycle and (normal) heat. It doesn’t seem to blow the fuse when set for low heat as far as I know. I was wondering if the thermostat or high limit thermostat on the dryer is starting to fail, thus allowing it draw more current and to blow the fuse. Any suggestions guys?


Post# 50188 , Reply# 1   11/30/2004 at 10:25 (7,178 days old) by COLDSPOT66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

The heating element may be grounding out to the metal heater box. In other words, the coil is touching the box, which will draw more current and then blow the fuse. Heating elements sag over time from heating and cooling. Also check the wiring to the heater box and safety thermo, they may be starting to burn or smolder due to higher current draw. Am I making sense?

Post# 50199 , Reply# 2   11/30/2004 at 14:59 (7,178 days old) by cycla-fabric (New Jersey (Northern))        
Dryer Popping Fuse

cycla-fabric's profile picture
Thanks Coldspot for the reply, I will unplug the machine and check it out and to see what is happening. I imagine if the heating unit is sagging, it will have to be replaced, and if thats not the case I will check the thermostats.

Post# 50369 , Reply# 3   12/2/2004 at 19:11 (7,176 days old) by Jeff_adelphi (Adelphi, Maryland, USA)        

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If the dryer has a shorted element the fuse will blow as soon as the dryer is started. If the fuse only blows after the dryer has run for some time, the problem is most likley a bad connection in the fuse box, or fuse box itself. Check for any sign of discoloring of the fuse sockets caused by heat. You can also check it by running the dryer and see if the fuses start getting warm. I have seen this problem many times. Many older homes had an extra fuse box near the dryer as well as fuses in the main house box. This double fusing is not needed and the extra box could be removed. Hope this helps, Jeff

Post# 50390 , Reply# 4   12/3/2004 at 06:42 (7,175 days old) by cycla-fabric (New Jersey (Northern))        

cycla-fabric's profile picture
Thanks Jeff, The fuse never blows right away, it usually happens when the dryer it halfway through the drying cycle. I did look at the fuse box and the fuse that is protecting the heat side of the element, the fuse and the socket the fuse goes into is discolored, so I have my bets on the fuse box, and that it is on its way out. Your right on the fact that older homes have an extra fuse box for the dryer as this house does have one. I never understood why the need for one considering the main box protects the dryer line. I will check it out and take care of the fuse box first before I check out the dryer. Thanks again I appreciated the help with this!

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