Thread Number: 632
Remember Porcelain?
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Post# 50206   11/30/2004 at 16:56 (7,310 days old) by partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        

I took in an old GE dryer for disposal today. Not much worth saving on it-all pretty used and rusty. I saved the temp/push-to-start switch and the timer. When I opened the door I was amazed. The porcelain tumbler looked like new! I'm so used to these powder-coated tumblers that pick up all the dye from the blue jeans and look like crap after a years use. How nice to fondly remember when quality components went into our laundry appliances. A pox on all plastique krusher food!

Post# 50220 , Reply# 1   11/30/2004 at 20:00 (7,310 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

I know what you mean. Plastic tends to hold on to soils especially grease AND all those cooties associated with them. I used to enjoy swaying a prospective customer away from an el-cheapo product by reminding them they would not want a toilet made from plastic for the same reasons! Worked like a charm every time!

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