Thread Number: 638
1950's Westinghouse comercial Laundromat washer
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Post# 50260   12/1/2004 at 07:29 (7,177 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        

laundromat's profile picture
I was on Ebay this morning and saw a beautifully restored Westinghouse comercial Laundromat washer for sale item#7118214003.It is located in Long Island,NY.I do not know if the seller is among the group here but I truly believe it needs to definately be saved!!!!!go on ebay and go to "washing machines"to view this beauty!!!

Post# 50262 , Reply# 1   12/1/2004 at 08:00 (7,177 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
Gasp! Mint in box!!!!

Post# 50271 , Reply# 2   12/1/2004 at 11:35 (7,177 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
Post# 50282 , Reply# 3   12/1/2004 at 15:30 (7,177 days old) by 60skelvinator ()        

Wow!, I have never seen a vintage washer N.I.B. absoloutely buitiful!

Post# 50286 , Reply# 4   12/1/2004 at 15:53 (7,177 days old) by westytoploader ()        


Post# 50289 , Reply# 5   12/1/2004 at 16:38 (7,177 days old) by JerseyMike ()        

So close and yet so far!!!

Long Island isn't very far from here. Did I ever mention how much I HATE living in an apartment that doesn't allow washing wachines!?! (I'm not a gambler, but I need to start playing the lottery so I can afford to move.)


Post# 50290 , Reply# 6   12/1/2004 at 18:01 (7,177 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

WoW! I remember those in laundries all around Atlanta back in the late '50's and early '60's. That thing looks right out of a time-machine! A 300 mile radius from Long Island would only be a "day trip"!

Post# 50293 , Reply# 7   12/1/2004 at 19:12 (7,177 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
Waaaaahhhhhhh, every time I click on the auction get some message that the item is restricted in my home country by eBay.

From the tumbnail shot it looks like a wonderful unit, but large. How does this behemoth work? Is it bolt down?


Post# 50301 , Reply# 8   12/1/2004 at 20:52 (7,176 days old) by westytoploader ()        

YAY! Way to go Jon, hope you win it!

Are you planning to let your tenants use this? After all, it is a coin-op! ;-)

Post# 50304 , Reply# 9   12/1/2004 at 22:47 (7,176 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Oh my!!! Go Jon!!!

Post# 50324 , Reply# 10   12/2/2004 at 07:05 (7,176 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        
comercial Laundromat

laundromat's profile picture
Jon,I hope you get it!!!!!___Launderess,yes it is a bolt down.

Post# 50325 , Reply# 11   12/2/2004 at 07:18 (7,176 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        

laundromat's profile picture
"Flush,Lift,Turn,Tumble 56 times a minute" , "free rinse","More uniform washing and rinsing","Licensed Westinghouse Laundromat equiped"I feel like my brain is stuck on rewind every time I look at the Laundromat! LOL

Post# 50332 , Reply# 12   12/2/2004 at 08:52 (7,176 days old) by JEtcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
I'm gonna try

jetcone's profile picture
It's so close from Boston I can pick it up and it will compliment my 1950 Stramliner Boltdown, one in white -- one in Laundromat Blue! What a year for machines.
Thanks for all the wishes we'll see what happens in the big world of ebay.
How many more do you think this guy has?? Who would rebuild and recrate a machine like this?? ( I know I shouldn't be asking that question but come on were out in the real world now. I think it must have been the Laundromat owner himself because he saw the economic investment not the collectability).

I have asked the seller how he came by this machine but he hasn
't responded yet if I hear I'll pass it along.

-after this year maybe I should change my name to "FrontLoader"!!

Post# 50334 , Reply# 13   12/2/2004 at 09:17 (7,176 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
So this will be the living room machine, Jon?

Post# 50335 , Reply# 14   12/2/2004 at 10:22 (7,176 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        

jetcone's profile picture
Yes Peter, you and all guests will have to sleep with me and the Dog when you come up.

Post# 50336 , Reply# 15   12/2/2004 at 10:24 (7,176 days old) by scott55405 ()        

Go Jet!

Post# 50595 , Reply# 16   12/7/2004 at 21:52 (7,170 days old) by JEtcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        

jetcone's profile picture
I did my best but my best wasn't good enough! Back to the restoration room and thank heavens I have a ton of machines to keep me busy!


Post# 50611 , Reply# 17   12/8/2004 at 05:08 (7,170 days old) by bpetersxx (laf in on the banks of the Wabash River)        
westy laundromat

bpetersxx's profile picture
I am curious as to the value of said product.

Is it like the members said the value of a item is what one would pay for it.

Bottom line: Did the buyer get as the saying goes "fleeced".

Post# 50615 , Reply# 18   12/8/2004 at 06:03 (7,170 days old) by JEtcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        

jetcone's profile picture
Thats what an auction is all about!

Post# 50618 , Reply# 19   12/8/2004 at 08:36 (7,170 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Sorry Jon :'( at least you have lots of other westy's to play with :)

Post# 50631 , Reply# 20   12/8/2004 at 17:25 (7,170 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Jon, I'm so sorry you didn't win that Jewel!!! Hmm, I thought Al watched Ebay bidding during the day when you're at work.

Post# 50632 , Reply# 21   12/8/2004 at 17:35 (7,170 days old) by kenwashesmonday (Carlstadt, NJ)        
Calculate shipping

I tried the shipping calculator for this auction. Item is in Long Island, and I'm in northern New Jersey. I checked the box for "loading dock", since we have a dock at work, and the shipping would be $450.27. That's just plain nuts!

Ken D.

Post# 50638 , Reply# 22   12/8/2004 at 19:05 (7,170 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
So Just How Much Did It Go For?

launderess's profile picture
Never could access the auction so didn't see the final winning bid. Just how much did the unit end up going for?

As for being "fleeced", one man's meat is another's ......

If someone wants a vintage appliance bad enough, then there is no rhyme or reason to price. Ironrites are an example of this, with some paying $$$ others just $. In defense of the final bid price (whatever it was), it's not like units like this are an often occurance on or outside of fleaBay.


Sorry you didn't win, but every dog has it's day so don't give up hope. You never know what is waiting for you around the corner.


Post# 50642 , Reply# 23   12/8/2004 at 19:59 (7,169 days old) by alr2903 (TN)        

$788.00 omg. alr2903

Post# 50645 , Reply# 24   12/8/2004 at 20:31 (7,169 days old) by zzzzz ()        

It would have cost almost $600 to ship that Westy to the West Coast. Ouch!

Post# 50647 , Reply# 25   12/8/2004 at 20:54 (7,169 days old) by Brent-Aucoin ()        

That is such a great looking washer!
I wonder if it runs?
Just kidding.

Post# 50649 , Reply# 26   12/8/2004 at 21:24 (7,169 days old) by JEtcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
Ken I got the same thing!

jetcone's profile picture
I tried the shipping calculator and got $454.00 to Boston so I figured you could conservatively knock $300 off the $1,000 I expected it would reach which put me at $778.00. I don't know who this "sneaker" guy is since we have not seen "him" around the club but I am wondering if he is a Coin-Op Collector not a washer collector. When I was in Chicago last month at the Coin Op show I learned first hand that the CoinOP market is a VERY MATURE market unlike our Washer Market. It would not surprise me to see it turn up there next year for $1500- $2000 bucks! Being sold as a coin op machine not a vintage washer.


Post# 50664 , Reply# 27   12/9/2004 at 00:41 (7,169 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
Wonder sometimes if we are shooting ourselves in the feet by posting "rare" auctions here in the group. Don't get me wrong, think it is swell everyone tries to look out for other group members, but since posts here end up on Google and probably other Search Engines it could cause more attention to an item than one would want.

Not saying it would have affected this particular auction, but the thought does cross my mind that people would "troll" to save some leg work.

The above is especially true of fleaBay where sellers do not always list items correctly, and many of us take the time to correct and identify appliances in our subsequent posts. Mayhaps a little stealth or "comando tactics", (got that one from a Bugs Bunny cartoon), is in order.

Must say this is one of the few if not only forums that so openly embraces members posting live auctions. Other forums will have members out for one's blood for posting such information. Glad people here are so nice about it, sort of like "Pleasantville" (which I'm watching on TBS at the moment).


Post# 50784 , Reply# 28   12/11/2004 at 08:03 (7,167 days old) by westyslantfront ()        
I bought it

I bought the Westy laundromat. I am having shipped to my new home in Tucson, Az where it will be bolted down to the garage floor and put to work. Cant wait for machine to arrive. A Christmas present to myself.

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