Thread Number: 641
Indexing Wash Basket
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Post# 50274   12/1/2004 at 13:11 (7,177 days old) by Bryan71 ()        

In the last month I have purchased a Frigidaire top loading washer and its matching dryer. What is the purpose of the indexing wash tub? This washer has a straight vain agitator as well. I do know the history of these machines are not good but hopefully they will last until I am ready to own a house and can get something better built. Thanks for the responses to question. I know there are experts on these boards!!

Post# 50276 , Reply# 1   12/1/2004 at 13:49 (7,177 days old) by frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
I believe the indexing tub is supposed to help with the clothes 'rollover' cleaning action. Also, many indexing tubs have vertical 'speed bumps' running from top-to-bottom, which is supposed to help scrub the clothes as the tub indexes.

Having said THAT, I found the rollover to be very poor in my (1986 Frigidaire) indexing-tub machine. Consumer Reports from the era agreed. Frigidaire has made improvements since I owned mine.

I've had Frigidaire front-loading machines since 1996 and they are excellent. If you don't want to spend mega-bucks, but would like the benefits of a front-loader (water/energy savings; fast spin speeds for reduced drying time; gentleness to clothes) I highly recommend the Frigidaire front-loader.

Post# 50281 , Reply# 2   12/1/2004 at 14:36 (7,177 days old) by Bryan71 ()        
Thanks Much

I appreciate the answer. I will have to check out the wash action next time I do laundry. I just wanted basic machines for the time being and something that could be disposed of without lost of dollars. My next machine will be a front loading machine..probably from the Frigidaire built line (GE, Kenmore). Again..THANKS!

Post# 50284 , Reply# 3   12/1/2004 at 15:48 (7,177 days old) by maytagbear (N.E. Ohio)        
And Welcome!

This is a cool place to hang on the wild wild web.


Post# 50285 , Reply# 4   12/1/2004 at 15:53 (7,177 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
The Frigidaire mechanism is a decendant of the Franklin transmission. This inexpensive transmission does not have a tub brake and did not include a spring that would have held the tub stationary during agitation.

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