Thread Number: 643
Whirlpool Commercial POD-castiron!
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Post# 50296   12/1/2004 at 19:38 (7,177 days old) by partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        

When Dennis and I first worked at Mesa Verde Nat'l Park in '92, there were several of these exact same Whirlpool Commercial Washers in the Morefield Campground Laundry.

When we returned in '02, the old BD machines had been replaced by DD at the campground, but one of the old BD was still being used in the employee wash shed at Spruce Tree House. I think the date code on it was for '74. Finally, one day, it began spinning and agitating at the same time and maintance replaced it with a BD home model that had been sitting 'round outside. What a champ that old commercial machine had been.

BTW-In '92 ther also were old "Cook" brand dryers at the campground laundry. I was working in the laundry one day and a lady came and said "But I wanna dry my clothes-not COOK them.
Ha-ha-guess you had to be there

Post# 50306 , Reply# 1   12/1/2004 at 22:50 (7,176 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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I love the story--especially the "cook" comment. Those exact same models were in a brand new apartment right down the street from my college apt. in 1973/74.

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