Thread Number: 644
1958 GE dryer
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Post# 50298   12/1/2004 at 20:47 (7,177 days old) by gregm ()        

man oh man, the calls have been coming in lately, I picked this up today. Runs but needs new "rollers" ?? I think, fan needs oiling, and the drum/door light and light behind timer are burnt out. I am not familiar with fixing GE's or many dryers at all.

Post# 50299 , Reply# 1   12/1/2004 at 20:48 (7,177 days old) by gregm ()        
console pic

love this color, love it ....

Post# 50300 , Reply# 2   12/1/2004 at 20:50 (7,177 days old) by gregm ()        

love the all metal lint filter, now that is something you sure don't see anymore .........

Post# 50305 , Reply# 3   12/1/2004 at 22:49 (7,177 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
I think this is later than 1958. More like 1960 or 1961.

Post# 50308 , Reply# 4   12/1/2004 at 22:52 (7,177 days old) by cadman (Cedar Falls, IA)        

cadman's profile picture
Wow! I am jealous! Nice find-

Post# 50309 , Reply# 5   12/1/2004 at 22:54 (7,177 days old) by scott55405 ()        

Nice work Greg! ;-)

Post# 50312 , Reply# 6   12/1/2004 at 23:42 (7,177 days old) by fixerman ()        

That dryer may be before multi V belt drive. If I remember correctly the drum is driven off a pair of rubber wheels on a shaft driven by a pulley connected to the motor via a V belt.

Post# 50313 , Reply# 7   12/1/2004 at 23:43 (7,177 days old) by fixerman ()        

That dryer may be before multi V belt drive. If I remember correctly the drum is driven off a pair of rubber wheels on a shaft driven by a pulley connected to the motor via a V belt.

Post# 50314 , Reply# 8   12/1/2004 at 23:45 (7,177 days old) by fixerman ()        

Sorry for the double post. My mistake. Not a bug this time.

Post# 50315 , Reply# 9   12/1/2004 at 23:46 (7,177 days old) by partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        

Another immaculate porcelain dryer drum
So pretty altogether!

Post# 50320 , Reply# 10   12/2/2004 at 00:37 (7,176 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
Nice dryer Greg. I had one like this - a 57 in yellow that was a fantastic dryer, wish I had room to keep it now. The rollers might be a bit challenging to find, try Larry in Ohio for them. When the rollers, v-belt and shaft are running right, this is a very quiet dryer. Nice find!

Post# 50323 , Reply# 11   12/2/2004 at 06:59 (7,176 days old) by bethann (Indianapolis)        

Beautiful color!!! Love the round dial!

Post# 50331 , Reply# 12   12/2/2004 at 08:45 (7,176 days old) by lesto (Atlanta)        

This is a MOL 59 model. I once had the matching washer to it. The dial will look cool once the bulb is replaced.

Post# 50333 , Reply# 13   12/2/2004 at 08:58 (7,176 days old) by JEtcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
My Mom had..

jetcone's profile picture
the 1961 model it was identical except the backsplash was gold and there was only one long button on the left to start the machine. It was run on rollers as well.
I remember going to the store in 1961 to get it and wandering off so I could open all the doors on the new front loaders. I stuck my head in and smelt all the fresh rubber and detergent in them. I have no idea what they were they weren't slant front Westys I know that , they had a straight front panel and big chrome doors that opened sideways.

Ahhh the 60's.....................

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