Thread Number: 645
What should I name my new girl?
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Post# 50321   12/2/2004 at 03:18 (7,176 days old) by partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        

I got a pretty new girl tonight! She is a Maytag GA608, in the later "new naturals" solid harvest gold (which I always thought looked like the color of Kraft Mac&Chz, but thhe solid color simplifies any painting). Anyway, heres how I got her.

Once I got my shop "Appliance Garage" stocked with appliance parts and started advertising, a woman called me and asked if I had an agitator for a GA308 Maytag (so she couldn't see it right...) Well, I didn't have an agitator, because I thought I wouldn't ever sell one. So I ordered one for her for my distributor in Honolulu. They said they would have it in about 4 days for me.

I've been here long enough. I should know better. Things around here just happen when they happen, an if you no like it Brah, eh go back to da Mainland. The agitator finally appearred 3 weeks later. I'm kicken' myself because I should have gotten a deposit (I DO know better) but if I had a deposit, then the customer breahes down your neck all the more. So I get in touch with this lady and she still wants the 'tator. Clearly she is "kama'aina" (Hawaiian-it means land child or one who has knowledge of the island) because she was totally non-plussed by the long wait.

My Customer came and got the new Power-fin right away, and the lint filter too. The new ones are boring white, rather than the pretty aqua they always used to be. I suppose we were waiting for Maytag to complete construction on their new third world factory some place where they can pay the employees in rice.
Anywhoo, to make a long story short, my customer was unable to get the old Power-fin out. I, being a nice guy, told her I would take the agitator back. (Well, I was starting to make money!!!)

When she came to return the agitator, she took a look at a fairly decent Kenmore DD i had for sale. She went to look at the new junk and decided it was no better than my old junk. I was a great big patsy and didn't charge her for delivery (other guys in the industry-PLEASE don't laugh at me) because I was imagining the pretty gold girl upcountry and I wanted her.

We dashed up the mountain right after I closed my shop. At this point I am a small business, so Dennis is my delivery helper (Bethann-You think your husband puts up with a lot! I somehow found a saint) the Kenmore DD in the bed of our Ranger, with a bungee web to hold it down. As we headed up Haleakala Hwy, the wind got kinda fearsome. I was skeered the darn thing would blow away.

My girl is from a darling little mountain cabin. She even had her own little closet with french doors built on the side of the cabin, livin the single life with no dryer. (I didn't think I need a dryer here either-then the rainy winter came) Sure was glad the lady's nephew was there to help us load-My new girl is slim, but muscular. No fear of that one blowing away! Sure wish the nephew had been 'round at the unloading part!

So now she is at Appliance Garage, not as anything for me to make money with, but as a "pet" as Dennis called her. So now I have to figger out how to blast that agiator outta there. Martha is coming to town tomorrow with her dig. camera, so I will take pics. You guys will have to help me name her. I know she's not a classic washer like what in, say Roberts basement, but she's pretty old for Maui.

Its way late-my body hurts-I should be in bed-there must be caffiene in that crummy Safeway Cream soda

Post# 50361 , Reply# 1   12/2/2004 at 17:24 (7,176 days old) by partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        
Pics soon!

Martha came by just before lunch. Got pics of Me, my girl and the shop. Shes gonna go home and Adodo Photeshop those up and email them to me-see you soon!

Post# 50378 , Reply# 2   12/2/2004 at 20:03 (7,176 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
A picture will help determine the name...many fun things spring to mind - something of native origins of course!

Post# 50389 , Reply# 3   12/3/2004 at 03:48 (7,175 days old) by SactoTeddyBear ()        
What should I name my new girl?

Hey! partscounterman, why don't you name your new find, something like: "Hilo-May-Tai" of Kahului, Maui...

Peace and best always, Steve

Post# 50401 , Reply# 4   12/3/2004 at 17:23 (7,175 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        
Hawaiian name would be cool ........

I found a English - Hawaiian dictionary online. You could name her "Maui kula wahine" roughly translated Maui Gold Woman. I was going for golden (no word for golden) and girl ( that word was just to LONG). Here is the link if you want to try some yourself. Enter the English word and it will give you a Hawaiian word.


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