Thread Number: 648
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Post# 50342   12/2/2004 at 14:36 (7,230 days old) by partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        

So whirlpool thought that the pedistal drawer for the duets/hetties was so new.

I remember the Taller tumbler and its mate the Higher Dryer.
At the store they would often pair a Higher dryer with a top load washer for a "no bending washday"

I also thought it was funny in "97 when Maytag acted like they invented the front loading washer

Post# 50425 , Reply# 1   12/4/2004 at 10:44 (7,228 days old) by david (CA)        

Oh yes, Maytag acted as if they invented the front loader and this new washing technology, etc. I have had to endure these inaccurate comments even from Consumer Reports. Does anybody but us washer people remember the old FLs? Apparently many never saw them if they are too young and the oldsters have no memory or a short one. I just stroke out (under my breath, don't worry its not the real thing) when I hear that.The reading public might be interested to know that FLs pre-date TLs as automatics which we all know here(or think we know). Please correct me if I'm wrong. Americans do indeed have short memories. Maybe even the world does, I don't know

Post# 50426 , Reply# 2   12/4/2004 at 10:54 (7,228 days old) by jasonl (Cookeville, TN)        
The old FLs

Oh yes I remember them. I used to drool over the westinghouse FLs back in the 70s. And don't forget those old Milnor's in the laundromat my mom worked. Very fun machines indeed.

My Frigemore is a fine machine but can't match the splashyness of an old FL.

Post# 50427 , Reply# 3   12/4/2004 at 11:23 (7,228 days old) by westytoploader ()        

Yes David, FL's pre-date TL machines. The 1938 Bendix Automatic was front-loading.

I have a Bendix from 1947 and it is a very fun machine, pretty much uncomparable to today's FL washers as far as entertainment and splashiness is concerned. Although I will admit the bolt-down Bendix's cleaning ability isn't all that great.

If you go to a laundromat and use a double or triple-loader FL (Wascomat, Milnor, Dexter), they operate very similarly to the Bendix. I.E. Tumble during fill, short spin between rinses, 3 separate rinses, etc...


Post# 50461 , Reply# 4   12/5/2004 at 07:46 (7,227 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
Short memories

The auto industry acts the same way with accessories, making things like memory seats (Mercury 1957), automatic day/night mirrors(Chrysler 1957), sliding roofs (Studebaker), automatic power door locks (Thunderbird 1968), sound like they are totally new technology never seen before.

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